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Everything posted by AZwolfman

  1. This racist comment actually came from the senator's office!!?? C'mon, everybody can't be born American. I would marry my fiancee, no matter where she was born, and I'm sure you all feel the same way. But your comment, Jon, just confirms what I am saying. We need to educate the public, the media, the average American.
  2. Comradrie also serves its purpose. You are also right, Jon, but I have noticed in the past week that more of us seem to be becoming proactive. You may have also noticed some of us posting letters we have sent, and ideas, and inviting others to copy and paste for use in their own letters. Owen, Mick, and Ana have been particularly helpful in this respect. There have been others - sorry their names don't come to mind just now. We have over 200 members in this group, and I mean for each one of us to write letters to fax, email, etc., even if I have to write form letters for each and every one of us. Just do the math: if each of our 200+ members sent just one letter per day, our contacts will have received over 1,000 letters this week on the subject of visa delays. Our gov't sends us form letters; we know how to do this too.
  3. Some of you have asked how to contact the CIA. Click on the link in the first post of this thread. It's a start!
  4. The letter must be genuine; my letter from Maura Harty, though slightly different in content, also has spelling errors.
  5. Just when you think you've heard it all from them, they come up with a new wrinkle.
  6. I support Owen and Mick going to GZ. I only wish that I could be there with them. Read my thread, "Of the people, by the people....". I am for getting our story to as many people as possible.
  7. As always, feel free to copy and paste any portion of my posts or ideas if you feel you can use them in your own efforts to bring our loves home.
  8. https://comm.cia.gov/cgi/comment_form.cgi This concerns our K-1 visa application which was approved in interview at Guangzhou, China, on August 8, 2002 (xxx, xxx - case number GUZxxxxxxxxxxx). I have contacted the State Department concerning the status of our long and excruciating delay. They could not tell me when the name check might be cleared. The person at the State Department said that I could only contact the state department, and the state department must wait until it is contacted by the fbi/cia, and that the state department cannot contact the fbi/cia and ask about the status of my case. My question is, ''How do I get around this double-speak and find out my individual case status?'' I just want to know when my fiancee will be cleared so the consulate at Guangzhou can issue her visa to come home to this great country so we can be together again after almost a year and a half of waiting.CIA comment form
  9. I have departed from my usual format of voicing my views. Instead, this time I have merely posted questions that have popped into my mind, hoping to spark a discussion. Our government, being of the people, by the people, and for the people, is required by that definition to abide by and cater to the will of the majority. Doesn't it stand to reason then, that if the genreal public knew the real visa situation that our government would be obliged to comply with our wishes to be with our families? Is it not public perception and opinion that rules this country and governs our officials? Being so intimately involved in this visa process, do we forget that most American people are unaware of our plight? Do you educate people in re what our government is doing to us - in your daily conversations whenever you get the chance? Word of mouth is the best form of advertising. Do most Americans just mistakenly assume (as they have been led to believe by official reports and the media) that the INS is merely delaying some visas for a few weeks so our borders will be secure? Is the reason that the general public has the view that everything is ok at the INS due to misinformation, apathy, propaganda, politics, incompetence, indifference, or . . . ? How do we get our message to the American 'silent majority'?
  10. Owen, Mick, Ana, I just sent my support email to Mr. Adams. I am out of town, and FAX is unavailable to me at this very moment, but I will FAX a follow up before the meeting. Let's hope we get good audience. Owen and Mick, I think I speak for all of us when I say, "Thank you very much. We appreciate your initiative and dedication." I wish I could be at the meeting with you, but I must stay here and meet my financial support requirements. Ana, you have become quite proactive in our quest recently. You have been very helpful. It is a good feeling to see that we are beginning to work together on this board to coordinate our efforts. Eventually we WILL get the action we want. Give 'em hell, Owen!
  11. I was disconnected only once, then after about 20 minutes on hold got to speak to Clara. Add her to the list of nice, polite people at DOS info line. She looked up our case, returned, double-checked the case number and name with me, and told me that it had been resubmitted Jan. 4. She could not give me a prediction of when to expect clearance, but she said that she had seen that some August interviewees had received their clearances. Keep sending those letters. Let them know it's personal. We need visas!
  12. I sent email to Adams at 20:31 PST, January 29. I am out of town, and having only my laptop pc with me, I may not have access to a printer until Friday. So may not be able to send FAX.
  13. Larry, if you don't mind, maybe you would like to share this letter? It might give some others of us more ideas and incite us into action. The more of us who send letters, the better impact we will make.
  14. Thanks Ana, I have added these numbers to my contact list. I have lots of letter writing to do now.
  15. Way to go, Larry! This is the spirit I am trying to spread about this group. I want each of our 200+ members to write letters, fax, email, and phone . . . even if I have to compose all the letters myself Since some of us have begun to post our letters on this forum and encourage everyone to write and use our words if they see fit, this should entice and make it easy for the rest of the members to write and send off their letters. B)
  16. Yes, by all means. The more concerned letters, the better. I think our biggest problem in dealing with our government on this issue is that the general public is not aware of our dilema.
  17. Hmmmmmmmmmm.......... interesting angle. I'll work up a letter tomorrow. I think I can use this in my 'Getting personal' crusade.
  18. Contact DOS, GZ, the Pres, everybody. Let's blitz!
  19. Right, I tend to ramble a bit. But that just provides more material for ideas for other letter writers. I really think that brief is better, and I have more problem trying to edit out content than in trying to think of things to say. Main thing is: There are over 200 of us in this forum, so everybody, lets blitz!!! Write those letters. Fax. Email. Let them know we are taking this personally.
  20. Here is my next letter to Maura Harty. Now that we have all been passively "giving them time to work" for the past couple weeks, all to no avail, it is time to get proactive again. I believe we need many letters, not just a group letter with 20 or 30 signatures (out of the 200+ members of this forum). So take a little of mine, add a little of yours, make it personal, cut and paste to your heart's content. I will post more letters as I finish them. Dear Maura Harty, Thank you for your prompt email reply of 01/03/03 in which you stated that you have taken steps to clear these Guangzhou fiancé visa delays. You also stated that you would be sure to look directly into our case. Now more than 3 weeks later, we still have received no word, thus the small hope you gave us has faded. We have already read all the form letters, so I'm asking you, "Will you see that someone PLEASE give us some real information?" If you really have looked directly into our case, I would appreciate any information on our status and when my fiancé and I might be allowed to be together in this great country. I have heard of several couples that interviewed after us who got their visas, and it has been so long since xxx's interview in Guangzhou (almost 6 months), that I often wonder if our case has been misplaced and it did not get resubmitted for review when the other August cases did. There is almost no information coming to us. What little information we have found is in the form of website forum posts from other unfortunate couples. How about giving us some real, definite, first-hand information? Surely you can at least find our case and tell us exactly where we stand, let us know what is being done to clear us for our visa, and give us a timeline. I think xxx is one very special woman to have waited so long for me and to still (so far) have at least a small amount of faith remaining in the U.S. government's willingness to allow us to live together as husband and wife in this great country. I try to keep her spirit up and her faith alive with daily communication, but I often wonder how long our government will keep us apart. The vagueness, the not knowing, the indefinite timeline, the difficulty of getting information from our government, are the hardest parts of this wait. If only we had a timeline to look forward to, the waiting might be more bearable.
  21. Politeness has gotten us nowhere so far. Now it's time to get agressive. This time it's personal
  22. I received mine on January 13, but I think I saw it posted even before that.
  23. OK, folks it's Monday and time to get back to work. Let's start writing those letters! We have been nice and waited 3 weeks like good little boys as they asked. . . but no results. . . no new information. . . and no visas! As promised, you may C&P any parts of my letters or posts to use in your letters. I will be posting them as I complete them, probably one per day. We have strength in numbers. Let's start writing those letters, and don't stop until we get visas.
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