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Everything posted by AZwolfman

  1. You mean our coordinated efforts have accomplished something? Go bite some elephant ass, Owen! In addition to the email I sent yesterday to Adams, I have also faxed Adams and Donahue on Jan 30.
  2. Hi Ian. Welcome to the group. Ana has been working tirelessly to try and bring you and all our fiancees home.
  3. I saw the two of you on the visadelays.com website. You make a very handsome couple.
  4. LOL>> SPAMMER !! Watch that "black Ford sedan" in front of your house now... Anytime ! I just received my 2nd identical auto response. So I guess I can confirm that you can use either email address and get the same reply from the same place. Please don't send to both like I did. We don't want to have to buy 200 more "black Ford sedans."
  5. I told Mr. Bush that I had 2 email addresses for him and wasn't sure which one was correct. I apoligized to him if he received my email more than once, then sent to both addresses.
  6. Thanks Ana, I got that from one of your earlier posts, but I did not know if I could post that address on the forum. But I did find a contact email web page which can be found by the general public. I received my auto reply within a half hour.
  7. Nobody who is knocking on the 1300 blue thingy door could ever be considered passive. But you are right on with the frustrated part. You can now also add, 'determined'.
  8. I found this on the internet, so it is a matter of public record and should be ok to post here. http://congress.org/congressorg/mail/compo...4&mailid=custom
  9. Hopefully, we will soon find out. unless we crash the auto-response thing :-) Do ya think if we crashed it, we could make the national news?
  10. There was no need for the "other 238 of us" comment really. I said I liked the letter framework. Sorry Eric, I did not mean to offend you or any other members. I realize that there are many of us taking a proactive stand. My comment was really directed at those of us who, for whatever reason are still passive. Perhaps I should not have put in that number, but I wanted those who are idle to realize that they are not alone, that there are more than 200 of us all in the same situation. I withdraw the comment. If there is a way, tell me and I will edit it out.
  11. Over 200 of us here. Each one of us sends one letter per day. In a week they have received 1000 letters from us on this subject. (If you write one letter per day, I will let you take the weekend off, ok?) Several of us have posted form letters for the rest of the 200+ members to copy, paste, and edit, so it is very easy and will only take a few minutes of your busy day to send these letters. Isn't your love worth 15 minutes a day to send a letter to help bring her home? We have strength in numbers. Make it personal.
  12. Jon, I have been gathering contact info, reading and posting in the forum, writing and sending letters, reading replies since I awoke today. My fingers are getting tired. I like this letter. I will edit it with my info and send to my congressmen tomorrow.
  13. just curious.. How many of the 239 you think are still waiting? I would have no clue really. I have wondered this myself. I would guess that there are still at least 200 - no real scientific basis, just a guess based on the members that have said they received their visas. I know that we have 7 more members today that we had yesterday morning when the count stood at 232. I know also that there are many unregistered guests reading this forum. Possibly some of these are interviewees still waiting, but for whatever reason have not joined the forum yet. After all, you don't have to register to read our forum.
  14. Hopefully, his staff will understand what I meant. Meanwhile, the other 238 of us can edit this to make the idea more clearly presented. My one email will likely not be noticed by the president, but if all of us send him mail he may take some notice or at least send an order to the appropriate officers.
  15. Unfortunately, because of the large volume of email received, the President cannot personally respond to each message. However, the White House staffconsiders and reports citizen ideas and concerns. You know what this means. It means that my one email will probably not have much if any effect. Therefore, each of us (all 239 of us) need to send the President an email. If you don't have the time or whatever to compose your own, just copy, paste, and edit mine with your information. In numbers we may have strength.
  16. Laura may not be a foreign national, but she is his wife. I just like him to realize how lucky he was that he was allowed to be with her after he proposed to her and how he might have felt if this country had not allowed them to be together. Who knows who might read this for him anyway? I do like this line: "China, correct me if I wrong , Mr President, is not a known terrorist sponsor, and no Chinese nationals ever committed terrorirst acts on our soil or against our interests or citizens."
  17. I encourage each of our 239 members to either copy and paste parts to make your own letter or compose your own letter, but I would like to see 239 posts saying that you sent your letter. Mr. President, This concerns our K-1 visa application which was approved in interview at the U.S. Consulate in Guangzhou, China, on August 8, 2002 (Xxx, xxx - case number GUZxxxxxxxxxx). I have contacted the State Department concerning the status of our long and excruciating delay. They could not tell me when the name check might be cleared. The person at the State Department said that I could only contact the state department, and the state department must wait until it is contacted by the FBI/CIA, and that the state department cannot contact the FBI/CIA and ask about the status of my case. My question is, ''How do I get around this double-speak and find out my individual case status? Is my government ever going to allow my fiancee to come home to me?'' I just want to know when my fiancee will be cleared so the consulate at Guangzhou can issue her visa to come home to this great country so we can be together again after almost a year and a half of waiting. My fiancée and I have been waiting since late 2001 to be together again. Since you are a family man, just maybe you can imagine our frustration of not knowing when we may ever be together. I think xxx is one very special woman to have wait so long for me and to still (so far) have at least a small amount of faith remaining in the U.S. government's willingness to allow us to live together as husband and wife. I try to keep her spirit up and her faith alive with daily communication, but we often wonder how long our government will continue to keep us apart. I met my future wife's family in October, 2001. They are very nice people, and I can assure you that none are potential threats to our country. I agree with you that we should protect our borders, but please let our families in. Wives should be with husbands. Try to imagine when you proposed to Laura; how would you feel if your country did not allow you to be with her for a year and a half and counting? Would your love have been strong enough to have stood such a test? Our love is, and that is why you must allow us to be reunited. I know you have your hands full with Iraq, but I have even more concern that xxx and I can be reunited before the war starts. War is a time when family needs to be together if at all possible. I am also concerned that war may further complicate her being issued a visa. Mr. President, we are not at war with my fiancee's country. Quite to the contrary, China is one of our friends. So why don't you clear her name and issue her already-approved visa which she has been patiently awaiting since last August? Officials of the Guangzhou Consulate have informed me that this already-approved visa, which has now been awaiting issuance for almost 6 months, cannot be issued until Ms. xxx's security background namecheck is cleared by the FBI/CIA. I have also been told the same by officials of the Department of State - Bureau of Consular Affairs. In summary, officials at both of those institutions have informed me that they cannot do anything else to assist my fiancee and I with issuance of this visa until the namecheck is completed, and they have been notified that Ms. Han's name has been cleared. I would appreciate it if you would have a member of your staff look into this matter, let me know the current status of Ms. xxx's namecheck, and bring my wife home. I sincerely appreciate your time, and your consideration of this request. xxxx xxxxxx xxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.com xxx-xxx-xxxx
  18. If you look at the posts of the past few days, you will see that this is already beginning to happen. More of us are becoming proactive. We are becoming organized and even at times coordinated. Several of us have begun the protocol of posting our letters and ideas and giving express permission and encouragment to copy and paste. We are about to become a force here at Candle.
  19. But now they are responding to a response. She actually referred to my earlier letter. The way I took the response is, "We already answered your emai once. We already responded to you once. You must not have read it, so here it is again." Maybe I am annoying someone at CA. Is this bad?
  20. Here is email received today. Nothing new except for the first 3 paragraphs. Maybe we should invite the Consulate officers to become members and they could post their form letters directly on this board? Dear xxxxx: Assistant Secretary Maura Harty has asked us to respond to your e-mail of January 27 requesting information about the fiancée visa application of xxx xxxx. We have corresponded with you previously about this case, but it appears from your latest e-mail that you may not have received our e-mail of January 13. Let me assure you that all of us at the Department of State fully understand that delays in visa issuance are seriously complicating the lives of applicants and of those who are waiting for their arrival. In our January 13 e-mail, we explained that your fiancée's case is currently pending completion of required security-related vetting through an interagency clearance process. Changes to this process made in July 2002, together with communications problems, computer issues, and vastly increased work volumes, had the effect of delaying many clearances, especially those dating from the period July to October 2002. We are working with the relevant agencies to complete all clearance requests, including that of your fiancée. We are also working with technical experts here in Washington in an attempt to find new ways to expedite the clearance process. The Department of State, in its visa processes, will continue to carry out scrupulously all legal and procedural requirements for the protection of the security of the United States. When Ms. Han's clearance process is concluded, the Consulate will notify her. I hope and trust that the outcome will be favorable, and will not be delayed much longer. We hope this information is helpful. Sincerely, Lisa Piascik Director Office of Public and Diplomatic Liaison Visa Services
  21. Ooooh, I like this. You are agressive yet polite, get right to stating the facts, and most of all, you have MADE IT PERSONAL. I just love the part where you try to get her to address her own personal consciousness.
  22. Not to fear, Tex, he will definitely get a fax from me when I return home on Saturday.
  23. Good job, Tex. It is polite, yet stern, aggressive, factual, and seeks a specific action.
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