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Everything posted by AZwolfman

  1. D-u-hhh....., what? Just kidding But seriously, I would be surprised if our government hasn't actually confused themselves by all this. We know for sure they have confused many of the employees at the 1225 info line.
  2. As I suspected. GZ has our cleared cases. Now we need to get them to send out our notices and print our visas.
  3. You would think that now that their system is apparently working properly again, that they would want to issue the backlogged visas and get us out to stop bothering them. But there I go, getting logical again.
  4. According to Angry Texan's post , Angry Texan is gong to be in GZ either the 1st or 2nd week in March. He has offered to go to bat for us if he can get a meeting. Also there are others of us, living in GZ who have offered to help. Read my suggestions after Texan's post. What do you think of this idea? I am open to suggestions on this plan, but I think we do need to do something to let GZ know that we still merit top priority. If we do this, we will need to get everyone to help by sending emails and faxes to the officers at the consulate to get a meeting scheduled. Then we need everyone to send their story to Texan so he can take with him to GZ. In fact, knowing the Texan, he might get in the door even without a scheduled meeting. So start writing your letters now. There is not much time. Texan, do you know yet if you are going the 1st or the 2nd week of March? I'm serious. Tex, I wish I could go with you. I think we need representatives in GZ - where our cases are. Are there enough of us who want to do this? If there is positve response on this idea from this group, I will post a form letter that we can modify and use to demand. . . er... request. . . a meeting with the consulate officers.
  5. My thoughts exactly, Jon. I couldn't have said it better.
  6. This kind of thing used to happen frequently in the U.S. --- back in the 60's.
  7. That is why we are here; to make you smile
  8. Correct me if I'm wrong, P.J., but are you not attempting to bury this topic? I notice two topics are closed. If I am right, you should close this one before it goes any further.
  9. Congrats on the visa. Interview and visa on the same day??? Now things are functioning the way they did before August 1? Hmmm.......maybe we should all start over; might be quicker. Happy for you of course, but GZ, what about the backlog?
  10. I read that article this morning. Finally Powell is doing something that I have advocated since the beginning of this N. Korea thing. But please, Mr. Powell, don't get the Chinese mad at us.
  11. I have a cute young Thai friend here who is already in this country, available and looking B) I knew you wouldn't stay down for long, welcome back!
  12. I also assume this. I give them two weeks starting from Feb. 11 when I last spoke with CA. This Wednesday. . . time is up!
  13. I am so fortunate. My fiancee speaks perfect English. Communication is important for good relationship. Now if we could just win the "visa lottery", I would consider myself really lucky.
  14. There are over 30 members in this committee. I am compiling a list with their phone and fax numbers. Instead of each of us sending his same letter to each of them, what do you think of each of us choosing about half a dozen of them to write to? Then each following week we trade members and write to another half dozen.
  15. file size is ok, but I need to get it down to 64x64. It is currently 104x140. I can reduce it in Paint Shop Pro, but I will lose the animationhttp://www.freepsychicreadingspastlives.com/candle/itchy2.gif
  16. http://www.freepsychicreadingspastlives.com/candle/spotting.gif http://www.freepsychicreadingspastlives.com/candle/kerokero.gif http://www.freepsychicreadingspastlives.com/candle/itchy.gif http://www.freepsychicreadingspastlives.com/candle/move47.gif http://www.freepsychicreadingspastlives.com/candle/totem.gif http://www.freepsychicreadingspastlives.com/candle/cool_dragon.gif http://www.freepsychicreadingspastlives.com/candle/aniheart.gif
  17. Powell in China? Good! Then he will perhaps see that they are not terrorists! Maybe when he returns home and reads his pile of faxes, he will pay us some attention. One other thing that I forgot to put into this letter is links to any relevant websites. . . such as this forum. Someone once suggested (Ana, I think?) including a link to your personal story or home page if you have one. I am still polishing the letter. I have put "Assistant Secretary of State" before Harty's name. Whatever I letters I have will go out beginning Wednesday, 26.
  18. PJ, You did not cause anyone to be anything ("suspicious or nervous"). Maybe you made some of us more aware of life's possibilities. I mean, I bet our love story with our Chinese fiancée has been a fairy tale for many of us. If anyone had any doubts or questions about their relationships, your experience if anything merely made them confront themselves (and possibly their mates) now instead of later. And I think that is a good thing. Real love will always survive these inner confrontations and grow stronger. You have to accept the fact that we all look up to you as the founding father of this forum. This forum has become in itself, a media event. If you want proof, just look at the number of non-members viewing this forum at any given moment. We know that the DOS, CA, and others monitor this forum. Now, as the founding father of this forum, a profound event that affects you is likely to have an affect on the rest of us. The reason I made this a new topic (instead of just replying on your original thread) is that I thought that maybe soon you would like to bury this incident. I've been cheated before, and it hurts. But once you have vented and received the support of your friends, you might want to begin to forget what happened so you can move forward. We are here if you want to PM, but you might not want to have to read and be reminded about her every time you open the forum to read posts. You're the boss, man, but I would consider closing the topics about her very soon. Hang in there buddy. There is much better in store for you in the near future. You can consider that a psychic prediction.
  19. Welcome back, Owen! I have missed your voluminous insightful soliloquies
  20. Of course not! They are just partners in crime like Boris and Natasha in the old "Bullwinkle" cartoons. . . . then again, maybe Boris and Natasha had something going we don't know about
  21. Good point, Ski. I never log out, and my pc is on for days at a time.
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