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Everything posted by AZwolfman

  1. Eric you are just TOO MUCH! Your comments had me ROTFL
  2. 10. Put her pic on your computer desktop wallpaper 9. Clean out your computer internet cache 8. Forget about sharing computer time. . . get her a computer of her own 7. While you're at it, make sure she has her own closet 6. Hang big pic of the two of you over fireplace 5. Clean and vacuum house, garage, and car... do the windows too 4. Make sure and put real Kleenexes in bathroom. . . toilet paper is just not enough 3. Write a post to Candle, explaining to your buddies that they might not hear from you as often 2. And just before you leave for the airport to pick her up, put toilet seat(s) down 1. Those fake nude celeb pics. . . go to DOS and delete them from your hard drive
  3. Thanks Lurker, We do not rest for a moment. Even when we are not posting here, we are either trying to contact , or thinking up a new plan of attack.
  4. As long as our government is not issuing visas in a timely and orderly manner, yes, this is still necessary. Focus issues: Make real information available to applicants. Real-time info on website would be ideal. Process people who have waited the longest. It is grossly unfair to ignore someone who has waited 7 months since approval interview, while at same time issuing visas to those interviewing very recently or in some cases even on same day. Your mentioned targets are valid, but also the U.S. Consulate officers in GZ. I suspect they are the current holdup.
  5. Thanks, Eric. BTW, you are way over your 2k mark before Yuhui even gets here.
  6. An idea so obvious I overlooked it, but original. I like it. I am still trying to get A.S. to talk to me again. It seems nobody at CA wants to talk to me. I need to confirm our exact status and find out our cable number.
  7. I am still here and getting er and by the minute. interview August 8, last known resubmit: Jan 4, last known lie to me by immigration officer: Feb 27
  8. Wow, finally! This is good news. I just finished talking with my fiancee, trying to answer her questions of "Why." It is especially good to see August interviewees getting visas. congratulations!
  9. My daughter sent me this email today: How To Install Love A call comes through on the customer service line. Customer Service Rep: Yes, Sir, how can I help you today? Customer: Well, after much consideration, I've decided to install love. Can you guide me through the process? CS Rep: Yes, I can help you. Are you ready to proceed? Customer: Well, I'm not very technical, but I think I'm ready to install now. What do I do first? CS Rep: The first step is to open your HEART. Have you located your HEART Sir? Customer: Yes I have, but there are several other programs running right now. Is it okay to install while they are running? CS Rep: What programs are running Sir? Customer: Let's see, I have PAST-HURT.EXE, LOW-ESTEEM.EXE, GRUDGE.EXE, and RESENTMENT.COM running right now. CS Rep: No problem. LOVE will gradually erase PAST-HURT.EXE from your current operating system. It may remain in your permanent memory, but it will no longer disrupt other programs. LOVE will eventually overwrite LOW-ESTEEM.EXE with a module of its own called HIGH- ESTEEM.EXE. However, you have to completely turn off GRUDGE.EXE and RESENTMENT.COM. Those programs prevent LOVE from being properly installed. Can you turn those off Sir? Customer: I don't know how to turn them off. Can you tell me how? CS Rep: My pleasure. Go to your Start menu and invoke FORGIVENESS.EXE. Do this as many times as necessary until GRUDGE.EXE and RESENTMENT.COM have been completely erased. Customer: Okay, done. LOVE has started installing itself automatically. Is that normal? CS Rep: Yes. You should receive a message that says it will reinstall for the life of your HEART. Do you see that message? Customer: Yes I do. Is it completely installed? CS Rep: Yes, but remember that you have only the base program. You need to begin connecting to other Heart's in order to get the upgrades. Customer: Oops. I have an error message already. What should I do? CS Rep: What does the message say? Customer: It says "ERROR 412 - PROGRAM NOT RUN ON INTERNAL COMPONENTS." What does that mean? CS Rep: Don't worry Sir, that's a common problem. It means that the LOVE program is set up to run on external HEARTS but has not yet been run on your HEART. It is one of those complicated programming things, but in non-technical terms it means you have to "LOVE" your own machine before it can "LOVE" others. Customer: So what should I do? CS Rep: Can you pull down the directory called "SELF-ACCEPTANCE"? Customer: Yes, I have it. CS Rep: Excellent. You're getting good at this. Customer: Thank you. CS Rep: You're welcome. Click on the following files and then copy them to the "MYHEART" directory: FORGIVE-SELF.DOC, REALIZE-WORTH.TXT, and ACKNOWLEDGE-LIMITATIONS.DOC. The system will overwrite any conflicting files and begin patching any programming. Also, you need to delete SELF-CRITIC.EXE from all directories, and to make sure it is completely gone and never comes back, you will need to empty your recycle bin. Customer: Got it. Hey! My HEART is filling up with new files. SMILE.MPG is playing on my monitor right now and it shows that PEACE.EXE, and CONTENTMENT.COM are copying themselves all over my HEART. Is this normal? C Rep: Sometimes. For others it takes a while, but eventually everything gets downloaded at the proper time. So, LOVE is installed and running. You should be able to handle it from here. One more thing before I go. Customer: Yes? CS Rep: LOVE is freeware. Be sure to give it and its various modules to everybody you meet. They will in turn share it with other people and they will return some similarly cool modules back to you. Customer: I will. Thanks for your help. By the way, what's your name? CS Rep: You can call me the Divine Cardiologist, also known as The Great Physician. Most people feel all they need is an annual checkup to stay heart- healthy, but the manufacturer suggests a schedule of daily maintenance for maximum efficiency. Give a little love away ... keep in touch
  10. Yes, I have been in that situation myself several times.
  11. Let's hope that he is so busy getting his people to process visas that he can't answer the phone right now. Leave a message on his voice mail if it gives you that option. You never know, might get lucky. Try his email address too, and fax if that doesn't work. B)
  12. AMD processors are just as good if not better and faster, and are usually cheaper. I use them whenever possible when I build my pcs
  13. Congratulations, Tine and Ella. Hmmmm......I guess I got to make more noise. I want road runner EMS too.
  14. Just a thought: If you are getting a new computer to replace the old one, just bring the old hard drive to the states with you. You can install it in your new computer after you arrive, and have all your old data, and some extra storage.
  15. I look forward to the day when the person who carries that baton is the one waiting longest for p4 B)
  16. If they will give me visa, I will build them a computer.
  17. Oops, thats right! Then I suggest many, many, many talks, phone calls and/or emails/chats. I am not clear whether or not you are living together at present. You need to discuss your concerns with him. Make him understand your feelings and fears, and that this is important to you. His love will help him to understand you. I suspect, however, that he may just have the common American quality of being a procrastinator.
  18. Ling, It sounds like Jim may be just a typical American "procrastinator" like many of us. "Procrastinator" - one who always seems to delay doing things until later; it is normal for him to wait until the last minute. You have been a couple for over 3 years. After you come to America, you have another 3 months to get to know each other before you must decide to get married. If you are at all concerned, then set the wedding date for 2 months after your arrival in the U.S. Use that time to really get to know each other. I hope everything works out for you.
  19. Try extension 5639 Ask to speak with a Consular Officer Email me if you would like my contact list.gz@soulmate-finder.com
  20. Right on Bob! Things may finally be moving for us early August folks
  21. Finally!! Congratulations to you Jon and Eric. Does this mean that I get the "longest still-waiting for fiancee visa" baton passed to me? Or maybe it means that since we were interviewed 7 days later that we will have EMS in another week. . . . . . oops! there I go getting logical again.
  22. I, for one, will definitely write a rebuttal to Liza Porteus' article. She seems to have not researched sufficiently to get all the facts, having lumped all non-immigrants together, vaguely included family visas with those who overstay their welcome and branding them as the "greatest potential risk to the security of the United States." Ms. Porteus should have not included families in lumping together the non-immigrant group as, "terrorists and other prospective illegal immigrants." And furthermore, if she were a fair and responsible reporter, she would have rather singled out the family visas among the exception groups who are being unduly persecuted by the new security checks. And don't you think that the stiffling of business visas and student visas has contributed to our international trade deficit? Come on, Ms. Porteus, if you are going to attack the system, at least present the entire story. Let the readers know that families are not likely to be terrorists. You might even mention how this "terrorist paranoia" has made a mockery of justice by preventing families from being together. B)
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