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Everything posted by AZwolfman

  1. ChrisD, APOLOGY ACCEPTED. Forgiveness is in the asking. Now to paraphrase Rodney King, 'Guys can't we all now just get back to task?' I started this thread to hopefully incite those who are still waiting to contact the Consular Affairs office - and to let those waiting know that they are not alone.
  2. I would go for that as long as the Chinese government allowed it, I got credit for 'maintaining I-134 support requirements, and somebody paid my monthly bills while I was away.
  3. I especially like the Language study application idea. You could even include a section for our new arrivals on American idioms and slangs.
  4. I'm on my way. . . I'll have something for you tomorrow.
  5. ChrisD, Does this letter really sound angry to you? Don't you realize than I have talked by phone and fax? I have also found the people I talked to quite polite and seemingly concerned - A.S. in particular. Do you think these people would have been so if I had not been just as polite? I just have no definite results yet. You are one of the lucky ones, that's all. Are you really trying to help by finally sharing after all this time- or are you just gloating over your own success, now that your ordeal is over? And your advice to P.J. seems to demonstrate an equal lack of experience, information, and understanding on your part. For God's sake! It has only been a few weeks since his dreams were shattered, and you want him to dive in again without taking the proper time to reflect, learn from the experience, and heal? He is not just sitting around moping. Rather, he is occupying his time by constructively getting on with his life. He has already realized that eventually he will find his soulmate. Why do you want him to hurry? He is still quite young and has no need to rush. P.J. enjoys creating computer code. Why do you want him to stop something he enjoys, makes him happy, and has purpose? It is common to meet someone with similar interests when you are engaged in an activity you enjoy. ChrisD, your advice to P.J. seems to indicate that you have either not had such an experience or else you learned nothing from it. What makes you think he is worrying about "it might happen again "...? A word about online dating: What does it matter HOW a couple meets? I have met women through many different methods. If I knew then what I know now, I would have looked earnestly online years ago for a mate. Because of the internet personaly, it is possible to meet someone that you would probably never had met locally. If you have the time, read Number 3 and 4 in MY POST IN THE C&L section. Finally, ChrisD, I am not angry with you for speaking . I just feel that you have made your statements based more on assumptions, rather than on knowledge and understanding. You seem like the person who knows nothing about a conversation and then jumps into the middle to put in his 2 cents worth - just my impression. Moderators: I think I have backed up all my statements here, but. . . If you think that in this post I have 'blown my cool' and am flaming another member, then by all means delete it.
  6. Another happy family as the visa stream continues to flow!
  7. USVisa@state.gov you can find more email address of CA officers in the Links and Resources, and in the Contact List section of this website. Just use the pull-down menu at bottom right of this page. To get through to a real being, ask the operator to speak to a specific person. Some of us get lucky this way.
  8. Check in the 'Links and Resources' section and the 'Contact List' section of this website. Use the pull-down menu at the bottom right of this page.
  9. No problem, I'll bring her to AZ and invite you both over to Mom's house for some Chinese dinner.
  10. We waited over 3 months between p3 and p4. I realize that the BCIS seems to moving things a little more quickly for the recent petitioners, but I think it is probably too soon for you to to anything other thanStart your timeline chartand paitiently wait. The only thing to do right now is send an email to GuangzhouIV@state.gov
  11. Quite right, I meant beseech (to implore), but then I guess I also to besiege (what U.S. is doing to Saddam) would get the job done. I better change this, thanks.
  12. The question I put to you is this: Is the greater challenge that of finding, meeting, and forming a relationship with your soulmate? Or is maintaining the relationship after marriage the greater challenge? Why?
  13. From the DOS line, this seems to be normal. My suggestion is: if you don't like the response today, call back tomorrow and you will get a different one. Also, I've heard from a few (including myself) who have recently called the DOS 1225 line, and the personnel has taken their info and called them back. Maybe this is their new modus operandi?
  14. Congrats, Joe, you seem like one happy camper! Your emotion comes through in your post very well. I thought you and I would be the last to climb out of the Black Hole. You're right; if you made it, we can't be far behind. I am very happy for you.
  15. I sincerely hope you will never need it, but for all you who have just recently begun this process (NOA 2 or sooner), I strongly suggest you make a chart of your timeline. It will prove an invaluable resource later if you need to write your congressmen or any of the BCIS officers. My timeline chart consists of 3 columns 1 or 2 lines each. COLUMN 1: date of any action by me or BCIS COLUMN 2: description of the action (such as, "returned from Beijing") COLUMN 3: result of the action in column 2 (began filing out I-129F) This will make it easy for you to quickly write letters if needed. You will be able to discuss factually your case by telephone, without leaving out any important details or forgetting to ask something. Be sure and note all actions and responses (including no response), including email and phone conversations.
  16. For those who have yet to get satisfactory results, maybe you could try faxing or emailing the members of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration, your state congressmen, and pres. Bush. Form letter below: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Letterhead with small pic of the happy couple) House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration Jxxx Hxxxxxxxx -- Chair FAX: 1-202-xxx-xxxx Dear Representative Xxxxxxxxx I would like to discuss directly with you the situation regarding my fianceé's visa. Having started this process back in (insert date), we were excited to finally have our visa interview on (insert date). Over x months of waiting was over, or so we thought. But after being approved at Guangzhou Consulate on (insert date), instead of being given a visa, my fiancee was given the "white slip" stating that because of increased security measures......it would take 6-8 weeks more before her visa was issued. That 6-8 weeks has now taken more than X MONTHS! We have been told by Assistant Secretary of State Maura Harty's office that namechecks normally clear in 2 days to 2 weeks. Although more than x months have passed since our last namecheck resubmit (insert date), we have had no indication of movement on our case. Please understand how WE see things. WE played by the rules. WE did not sneak our brides into the country illegally. WE paid every fee, WE filled out every form, and We jumped through every hoop. WE are good Americans. WE have repeatedly been fed misinformation, form letters, and promises by our government. On behalf of myself, my waiting bride, and the THOUSANDS of Americans and their family members who are effected by this, I implore you to do whatever you can to help us get the visas for which we have been approved, and get on with our lives. We are only asking for our chance at Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. See our timeline chart next page. In my last contact with Consulate Affairs on (insert date), Mr. Xxxxx told me that my fiancée should hear from GZ in 2 or 3 days. More than a month later, we have still heard nothing from GZ. I have left several more messages, but my calls have not been returned. On (insert date), Ms. Xxxx from DOS told me . . . (insert your story here). Respectful Regards, Below, put your timeline chart (next page if no room), detailing what has happened so far with your case. Include what you have done (phone calls, faxes, emails, dates, etc.) and what action has transpired as a result, putting NO RESPONSE where applicable.
  17. True, but it WOULD explain a lot Every time I read this it makes me laugh. Thanks, P.J.
  18. THANKS EVERYBODY! You have all given me so much help with this letter (with both your posts and PMs) in such a short time. Here is the likely version that will go out tomorrow. ___________________________________________________ LETTERHEAD (with small pic of us) Dear Kxxx Cxxxxx, My fiancée from China and I are among those waiting longest for a visa: seven months since her interview (Aug. 8, 2002), more than two months since our last namecheck resubmit (Jan. 4, 2003). I’m appealing to your sense of humanity and fairness to help us out—not with another form letter, please, but with a direct response to OUR case. I am asking you, Ms. Cxxxx, to locate our specific case and find out if our name check is cleared. If it has, I besiege you to have the consulate print our visa and EMS a pickup notice to my fiancée immediately. If there is a problem with our case, or if there is a hold on it, please tell me what we need to do to fix it. We deserve your immediate attention. My fiancée has waited longer -- in some cases much longer -- than most of the applicants who have recently received visas. In your email to me of Jan. 13, you stated, "We are working to clear up the older clearance cases so that the visas can be processed to conclusion." You also stated, "The majority of new clearance requests are now processed within approximately two weeks." We ARE among the oldest cases still pending. Please put yourself in our place. Xxxx and I have waited since late 2001 to be married and begin our life together. I try to keep her spirit up and her faith alive with daily communication, but we often wonder how long our government will keep us apart. The pain is only compounded as we read of other couples issued visas so quickly. In the past month, I have read on internet boards and forums of more recent visa applicants getting timely name check clearances, visa pickup notices, and visas. I do not understand why this is happening when we, who have waited longer, still have not received a visa. I know your department has moved mountains to clear up this backlog. I ask you personally, please don’t leave us behind. Most Sincerely,
  19. Thanks guys. I guess I didn't get all the anger edited out. I think you are right about deleting the personal attack in the 4th paragraph. Maybe i should even edit it out of the post in case CA is reading.
  20. Sorry, couldn't resist. At least you made me laugh today
  21. I haven't seen my love since October 2001, but I'm planning a trip in a couple months if no visa yet. I'm sorry you have been separated so long, but it does make me feel a little better to have company. I begin to feel guilty when I read so many posts of those who have visited their loves frequently or recently. I just hope she understands that I would have visited more often if only I had known our government was going to subject us to such unreasonable delays.
  22. For the few still trapped in the Black Hole and others, feel free to take any thing that you feel useful from this letter if you wish to use in your own letter. I am not faxing until tomorrow, so I am open to suggestions as everything I have done so far has yet to produce a visa. Should I delete the 2nd paragraph? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LETTERHEAD (with small pic of us) Dear Kxxx Cxxxxx, Along with thousands of others, my fiancée in China is still awaiting her visa even though several visas have been issued to people who interviewed much, much later than my fiancée. In your email to me of Jan. 13, you stated, "We are working to clear up the older clearance cases so that the visas can be processed to conclusion." We ARE one of the older cases. You also stated, "The majority of new clearance requests are now processed within approximately two weeks." Although over 2 months have passed since our last namecheck resubmit (Jan. 4, 2003), we have had no indication of movement on our case. We have been waiting over 7 months since her interview (Aug. 8, 2002) for the consulate to notify Xxxx to pickup a visa. I have read several of your form letter responses from you and other Consular Affairs officers to myself and others that have contacted you with appeals for help with this problem. Your responses have suggested that the problem has been resolved, or at least significantly improved. Your letters say name check clearances are now averaging 2 weeks, and most if not all names have been re-submitted between January 4th and 13th. The truth is that the problem has NOT been resolved. We continue to suffer this unreasonable wait. In the past month, I have read on internet boards and forums of many more recent visa applicants getting timely name check clearances, visa pickup notices, and visas. I do not understand why this is happening when we and so many others, going as far back as August 2002 interview dates still have not received a visa. My fiancée and I have been waiting since late 2001 to be together again. Maybe you can imagine our frustration of not knowing when we may ever be together. I think Xxxx is one very special woman to wait so long for me and to still (so far) have at least a small amount of faith remaining in the U.S. government's willingness to allow us to live together as husband and wife. I try to keep her spirit up and her faith alive with daily communication, but we often wonder how long our government will keep us apart or if the U.S. will ever allow us to be together. Perhaps you don’t fully understand the impact of your course of action (or lack thereof). Please, I want no more misdirection and delays. This problem is YOUR responsibility. I am asking you locate our specific case, find out if our name check is cleared, if it is have the consulate print our visa and EMS a pickup notice to my fiancee immediately. If there is a problem with our case, find out what it is and tell me what we need to do to fix it. We deserve immediate attention since my fiancée has been waiting since last August - much longer than most of the applicants who have recently been issued visas. Please, no more form letters. Answer us directly. We have waited long enough to deserve at least this much. I look forward to your timely response regarding this matter… Most Sincerely, Xxxxxxx Xxxxx
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