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Everything posted by AZwolfman

  1. Hmmmmmm I think you will get your desired result (obtaining visa) much faster if you direct these energies to getting the gov't to issue your visa (proactive), instead of wasting time (negative) and effort into trying to punish the gov't, get compensation, or provide for the security of another lawyer.
  2. Congratulations, Jim! The feeling is just indescribable, isn't it? May you have many happy years together. Our own experience at the LAX POE was so quick and smooth, it was unbelievable. Total time plane touch down to her exit to the street was 30 minutes.
  3. I use Intel cam. Once you use Yahoo IM, you will find no need to use MSN. Yahoo is much easier.
  4. Most of the people I have spoken with at DOS have been polite, and some have been very polite. Whenever I call DOS (or any business) I make a habit of introducing myself in the beginning, and asking for the name of the person to whom I am talking. Once we have the name of this rude person, and bandy it about a bit in this forum, it is possible she could get an attitude adjustment.
  5. After waiting for 7 months since August interview and finally receiving visa, my fiancee is now home where she should have been many months ago. We had not seen each other for a year and a half. The feeling is just indescribable, as those of you who have completed similar journeys well know. All the effort and support that everyone at Candle have given has finally achieved results. Our thanks to everyone, and rest assured that although I don't post as frequently or agressively as in the past, I am still here to help where I can. For those who still wait, and especially the BH'ers and 'OH'ers', don't ever give up, keep after the BCIS, the reward is worth the effort.
  6. This is the true reason for less flights: because less people want to fly. Not to worry.
  7. Congratulations! May you live happily ever after.
  8. Student visa, work visa, public entertainer (a la Yao Ming), tourist visa. . . but Nicole is right - once you started the fiancee visa, the previously mentioned are not available.
  9. Not exactly what we wanted to hear. . . , but at least Ms. Cabral did respond personally and specifically. . . as opposed to a cut and paste form letter of which we all have many. This is one of the rare instances in which some specific information was given out. Even, "I don't know" or "It's beyond our control" is better than being ignored or lied to. Ms. Cabral seems credible when she says that this is out of the hands of the control of Harty's office. But whether she can not or will not doesn't matter - still no help. Therefore, we need to move on up the food chain to whomever is in control of the hold release. Since Ms. Cabral has admitted this problem is beyond her control, I suggest that any more letters to Harty's office should be for the purpose of asking their help in pointing you in the direction of those imposing and having control over the holds. Surely these holds will eventually be released (and hopefully before our loved ones have either given up or died of old age), but what we need to demand is some reasonable expedition of their release. The BCIS still just doesn't seem to get it, do they? What we are objecting to most is not the increased scrutiny which results in delays, but to the lack of information, lack of a timeline, and to the inability of the involved departments to efficiently institute these new security scrutinies.
  10. I still look at the G7 site from time to time, and keep seeing folks there who need the info and support that they could find on CFL. But I rarely post on G7, because they seem to have me on "'auto-censor". I have to be really creative there to get a post to stay on for more than a few minutes. I felt that creativity would be better spent on CFL. It is so frustrating to see so many on G7 who have waited just as long as we on CFL, but are still asking the same questions that CFL members have answered months ago. It is currently easy to find G7 with a search on visa delays, but I believe that many of those who have found that site are feeling more in despair than if they had found no site at all. You can't ask for much help on G7, because most answers will be censored. All that remains are posts of question, despair, and hope. Whether or not to make CFL more easily accessible??? That is something in which much thought was given. I have tried to explain above why the decision was made to make it more accessible. Although P.J. has made it difficult for "looky-loos", spambots, unscrupupous lawyers, etc. to enter this forum with evil intentions, if a person is determined enough he can find a way around about any security. . . such as the lawyer recently who became a member just so he could try and drum up business. We can all help make CFL even more secure by following the CFL policies such as avoiding posting personal info. Thanks everyone, you have been a great help. It helps especially to know what are the search terms that are used to find us. You are seeing less posts from me now and in the future than during the "visa gap" (from Dec to Feb when virtually no visas or info was issuing), and since my own fiancee received her visa. I feel that I can be of better service now working behind the scenes to try and make CFL available to everyone who needs it. If we can help even one couple, is it not worth it?
  11. Two more that I came across on the forum today: USC - United States Citizen FUBAR - F@!'d Up Beyond Any Repair
  12. Congratulations, Jim. Such an exhilarating feeling, isn't it?
  13. Occaisionally But I think she mostly reads topics that I start, to make sure I am not complaining to the gov't too much. I told her that is the way we get things done in this country. But, China Rose, your kind words just made me feel warm and fuzzy all over
  14. haven't for sure experienced it, but have always suspected it.
  15. Yes, you do not have to do anything. They will automatically grant extension. Still, it will give you an excuse to write them and ask any other questions that are on your mind.
  16. In the U.S., only AZ, IN, HI leave their clocks alone. The rest of America screws with time 2 times per year. Yesterday +16 hours, today only +15 hours dif for me and China.
  17. Very nice, Tom. Happy birthday, Jen. I have met Tom, and you are one lucky girl! He just can't wait for you to come home.
  18. The burps were very short-lived. What a dedicated man is P.J.!
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