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Everything posted by AZwolfman

  1. Hmmmmm.....I may have gotten it, but either it did not make it past my mail filters or I deleted without knowing it. 200-300 messages get past my filters each day. Consequently, I have only time to quickly read the "from" and the "subject" line before deciding to read or delete. That eliminates more than 90% of of my email that gets past the filters.
  2. Congratulations! Welcome out from the Black Hole.
  3. Yeah!!! The August waiting list grows smaller. Congratulations.
  4. edithandshun are definitely still waiting. I heard from them on 3/12.
  5. Hmmmmm......this could explain a lot, buy why am I not surprised B)
  6. Thanks Joe. First the visa delays, and now this. My fiancée will be flying from Beijing in about 3 weeks. I'm sweating this out until then. B)
  7. Congratulations, Calvin!! Another of my 'early August' friends climbs out of the BHOD (Black Hole of Despair). I am quite pleased if any thing I did was of help to you or others trapped in this delay or helped effect the issuance of these visas - especially to us BH people. In other words, your unsolicited thanks is my much appreciated reward.
  8. Yes, for sure you don't want to mention the dart board poster boys
  9. Since I am the one who posed the question, I will give my won personal answer. I am of the opinion that it is much more difficult to find your true soulmate and endure the visa delay fiasco, than it is to maintain the relationship. That is not to say that some effort will not be required to maintain any relationship. READ MY FULL POST ON THIS TOPIC here in the C&L forum. I hope to hear more opinions on this.
  10. Perhaps the answer is to post such as Eric did..........AOS...follow this link to the other forum. Or maybe a pinned post at top of forum explaining this new forum and a link to it. The general forum will always be the most frequented. There will always be newbies, and they will likely ignore the other forums unless specifically made aware and directed.
  11. He needs a copy of his last year's Federal Income Tax return. If he has any specific questions, have him PM me. I filled out my I-134 and sent it in with the I-129 (which is not necessary, but ok to do). I had been employed, then by the time I filled out the I-134 I was self-employed. Then by the time that she had her interview, I was employed by another company again, and had to send in an amendment. I also filed out a co-sponsor I-134. So I have reluctantly had quite a bit of dealings with the I-134 form.
  12. I have seen a few reports of this happening lately. It leads me to think that possibly GZ is back to pre-BH 'normalcy.' I suspect that the remaining BH cases are still in a big pile in GZ, and that you will soon get your EMS visa pickup notice. Doesn't hurt to keep bugging them, though, to maybe bring your case to the top of the pile.
  13. Tell him to get moving! Just in case something takes longer than anticipated. If he has all the required docs, it will only take about 15 minutes to fill out the I-134, and the same amount of time to find a notary. But unforseen delays do occur. For example, I had to wait 1 week for my Credit Union to get me copies of my last 12 months' statements. So give him a swift kick in the butt and get him moving on this.
  14. This is not my imagination, because I have run into this problem on other sites, most notably some of those that have SSL's. But I will mention it, because ther is a chance maybe it will help you to isolate and fix the problem. I find that if I click a link, that I often get the "internal server error." However, if I click the link more deliberately, even holding the mouse button down just a second that the page will load normally. I am not tech savy enough to know why, I just know that this is happening.
  15. FOR WHAT IT'S WORTH, P.J. This is not my imagination, because I have run into this problem on other sites, most notably some of those that have SSL's. But I will mention it, because ther is a chance maybe it will help you to isolate and fix the problem. I find that if I click a link, that I often get the "internal server error." However, if I click the link more deliberately, even holding the mouse button down just a second that the page will load normally. I am not tech savy enough to know why, I just know that this is happening. Good luck with this.
  16. Whewww! Thank God you finally got the visas. GZ doesn't seem to want to make any of this simple and easy, do they?
  17. I received exactly the same response from DOS on 3/4; was told would receive mail from GZ in a few days. She received EMS 10 days later.
  18. Glad to hear all is going well and you are having a good time. Isn't it great to finally have your ski bunny with you? Didn't know you lived in Dillon. I spent a couple days in a friend's cabin there a couple years ago. My friend and I had a good time skiing at Keystone. My own ski bunny is still about 3 weeks away, so I'll ski without her tomorrow. Her first ski lesson will have to wait until November. . . but she said she is ready to learn.
  19. Another one climbs out of the Black Hole of August. Congratulations, Jasonzzzz
  20. Exact same thing happend with us, Tony. I suspect that if I were to call DOS now, they would probably still say, "pending."
  21. Wahoooo!! Congratulations, Tony. Finally. This has been a long time coming. Doesn't it feel good?
  22. It is great you can visit often. Do so. It will make all the difference in the waiting. Our total waiting time was 17 months.
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