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About JoeLiyan

  • Birthday 02/02/1956
  1. Still haven't got this thing down yet. All I know is that I have been waiting 4 a looong time and there is no end in sight. My sis + LiWens' aunt started this and now I am hopelessly hooked. Should have payed big money but foolishly thought play by the rules,and all will work out. 205249[/snapback] Hmm, concerned about this comment; with all due respect, your sis(?) started this process with you SO? And you're now hopelessly hooked? Revelation: there is hope...bank on it - IF(!!) this is truly the relationship you think it is and, as you have also stated, since she's now more outgoing maybe this is to your disadvantage...I've gotta wonder. You need to convince ME (I'm not a VO) this is what you want, again, with all due respect to the marvelous and brave decision you've made to marry a chinese.
  2. Hey, likewise, welcome to Candle! The aide (I'm reluctant to say congressman/senator) for my guy, communicating with Bejing in a recent v visa for dad-in-law was VERY respectful and also updated her when the visa was, in fact, issued. Seems somone's just going through the motions, kind of disrespectfully. Perhaps also you're aide person's not emailing the proper channels? Seems the lawyer route is really, considering the circumstances behind this eight ball, is the decision you'll make. There's too much gray here for my tastes, AND too long a time.
  3. I dropped you a PM...she's not; family of 5!
  4. Hey Don, thanks...I got the lowdown on this round trip ticket stuff: My travel agent was telling me your baba won't be allowed on the plane in China if they don't see the round trip. This is apparently (in our case) Continental's policy and also somewhat China's immigration policy. I called to verify from Continental and it's true. What was strange was another agent in Philly area was telling my wife NO, I just issued a visitor visa, one way ticket and they can purchase the other here in the states - huh? Who's telling the truth here was my response! Well, my agent was partially right; what you CAN do is purchase two tickets, over and back (rather than round trip - sometimes cheaper, others not) and still be OK. All Continental needs is that return. Doesn't have to be with them either...any airline will do. Then there was the issue of price. Airlines traditionally "kill" you on a one way OR round trip BACK to China from the states. (part of this crying the blues for federal assistance to get out of bankrupcy...but anyway). My father-in-law needed to return via Hong Kong to stay with my brother-in-law in South China. He'll pick him up there as he HAS visa to cross over for business. I had one quote of $2100 (!!) to Hong Kong, from Beijing to states, another, one way for 650., another for round trip 1800 (only Beijing round trip) another for 640 one way, the same back. My agent's getting some bad info or she's not pricing this right - but another agency gave us the best we've found: 1149.00 round trip to Hong Kong from Beijing. He's got to be on the Continental to leave Beijing as my wife's going over for her brothers' wedding. He's coming back with her. Wow! What a story. I know someone's got a better rate out there. I'm not squabbling anymore. I'm satisfied there won't be any kinks in Beijing for the return to here and he'll (hopefully) get the full 6 months. I was also surprised to learn our guys (BCIS) HERE determine how long you'll stay in the states - not over there - and if you have to change ticket departure prior to six months that's no problem. After six it's $150. Hope this helps others in bringing over relatives. Will keep an eye on the boards and help when I can. Take care Don...
  5. Hey, great news! My father-in-law is now also coming, just finishing his interview Thursday last. His first request was denied, for the usual culprits - he didn't SHOW the deed and other ties - however they didn't ask either - but anyway... We've booked the tickets for my wife who's going over for her brothers' wedding then returning with Dad. Our agent says we have to book (they need to see) round-trip, NOT two tickets, one over, one back...that doesn't cut the mustard and could get him denial of boarding. We CAN however book either OPEN or give a six month date closed end ticket to satisfy BCIS. Why can't we book two seperate tickets for "baba" and save some green? Tickets coming from Beijiing are already outrageously priced. So sorry I've not posted in so long folks...gosh, I was one of the black hole crowd and have been so focused on many things we (liyan and I) needed to accomplish - school, TOEFEL, GMAT - and crazy work schedules, I've been remiss. Those that know me I'm really glad the site prospers and helps all of our chinese brides and families
  6. Nice link Frank...Liyan wanted it in Mandarin (little homesick this New Year) and just did the drop down...cool. later
  7. Mikem, one of the "seldom here, black-hole crowd" veterans. Nice to read your posts. Find your story very interesting as I've seen somewhat of that side to Liyan, however not to your fiance's degree...not by a long shot. Here the work IS shared, truly. There are some things she'll do and I'll do, then we'll switch off a couple days. Liyan is from the business world of Shenzhen, a "liberated(?)" chinese woman of which China is being besieged now...that generation coming up. She's very acclimated here and recently accepted a position with HR Block. So we're both tired the end of the day. She's no American woman, but she's also got the traditional chinese woman's mannerisms (without the b*** attitude) and just a naturally gentle person. I'd say you've got quite a catch in your fiance. Treasure the goodness but don't abuse it. Kick in where you think it's appropriate.
  8. That's why I never tried ! She learned with a pro instructor ( all 8 hrs in all ! ) Well known fact that hubbies are the worst instructors.... Hey Eric, Long-lost posting buddy...I was just out doing what every husband shouldn't do. How true!! I side with you - it's the CAR I worry about, not Liyan! I continue the teaching (Yuhui did it in 8 hours?!!! ) without learners permit (yeah, parking lots) due to some quirky change in Pennsy's permit law - you must have the approved permanent resident paper, whatever THAT looks like, not just the application for "said" being processed. Though she's got everything else, the guys got to see this approved thing...anyway; tonights' scare was she mistakingly hit the gas instead of brake on a turn...all I saw was the insurance premium increase flash across my windshield! Hope all is well in sunny Florida.
  9. Sac, I truly empathise with your situation. Another post ABOVE yours seems to lend, what would appear to be, a hint of what MAY be going on...it's apples and oranges as to where it's going (consulate vs. personal delivery) but I'm trying to figure the modus here.... "The Consulate General in Guangzhou has not yet received the file on your fiancée's case. There is a good chance it is still in Chinese customs awaiting customs clearance. The Chinese government recently stopped treating courier shipments containing visa cases as diplomatic correspondence and now requires that they be cleared by customs. Unfortunately, this has added several weeks to the transit time for these materials." This is a clip from "whoever" and his predicament. I wonder if there isn't some cooperation on Fedex's part with chinese customs changes. I too would suggest the consulate fax route, then the fax to her route. You can't be too "anal" with these people - it's reassurance your intentions/efforts are acknowledged. This thing will come together...don't get too worried; My prayers for speedy processing.
  10. Sac, I truly empathise with your situation. Another post ABOVE yours seems to lend, what would appear to be, a hint of what MAY be going on...it's apples and oranges as to where it's going (consulate vs. personal delivery) but I'm trying to figure the modus here.... "The Consulate General in Guangzhou has not yet received the file on your fiancée's case. There is a good chance it is still in Chinese customs awaiting customs clearance. The Chinese government recently stopped treating courier shipments containing visa cases as diplomatic correspondence and now requires that they be cleared by customs. Unfortunately, this has added several weeks to the transit time for these materials." This is a clip from "whoever" and his predicament. I wonder if there isn't some cooperation on Fedex's part with chinese customs changes. I too would suggest the consulate fax route, then the fax to her route. You can't be too "anal" with these people - it's reassurance your intentions/efforts are acknowledged. This thing will come together...don't get too worried; My prayers for speedy processing.
  11. Thanks for reminding me...I DID update that darn thing, but they never changed the first entry, therefore, it still remains active as longest. Joe
  12. Hey all, After frantic wedding plans, (anyone know how to cut a wedding cake?) we're a couple - what a wild ride it's been! http://www.visadelays.com/ViewAlbum.asp?album=31 Now that the deed is done, it's back to reading, supporting, and helping as I can here...thank you notes excluded, we're getting into SOME normalcy, though AOS is anything but normal. Liyan loves American food - has tried just about all the "major food groups" - FDA(?) would be proud - though the sweets we love here don't fit her taste - thank goodness, as her chinese figure is just fine, thank you. I'll be lurking as I start this permanent resident status paperwork guys, but please know I'm deeply sorry for the SARS backlogs now, and we continue to pray (as I did at my Christian wedding) for all "flight-cancelled" delays - and any causes that keep us from our loved ones. Please keep in touch those who know me - the August waiting crowd. Don't have the time to review all the news of April, but hope many are on American soil. JoeB/LiyanB
  13. Keep your spirits up and support each other. Yes, those of us who have reached the light at the end of this visa delay tunnel are praying for all of you who are still waiting. Hopefully you will join soon. Abolutely AZ...our prayers, (as I prayed at my wedding ) that this awful delay, and the further delays of the disease are brought to a swift end. T, it won't be much longer...I really feel for you; - Sarah, sweetheart, please know your GG loves you and wants so much to be there with you. Please continue this wait with the knowledge your love binds you and the absence makes that reunion all the more sweater. God bless, Joe/Liyan
  14. Hey folks, Haven't been lurking here too much lately as work has been gruelling on my "second-time around" constitution (only FEELS that way guys...I'm 47 ) but wanted to say everythings' in high gear for the "I do's", candle lighting, and party time Chinese/American, Philadelphia style Sat. April 26th 11 AM. Crazy times this last week or so, with more fun/prep/details to finalize. Easter gathering and Mom's birthday same day...something else to purchase - aaaahhhhhhhhh! I can't wait to "sail" on down the shore for brief but unadulterated respite on Delaware's finest beaches- not Florida, but should be seasonal. I'll post pics after the blessed event. Everything else in the adjusting to America/culture shock thingy is going great! I'm so proud of Liyans' command of English in the few short weeks - learns (as most Asians do) spectacularly...the fears of adjustment fading, but we're both learning the ins and outs of life together. Trust me, I haven't abandoned ya'll (hey Robert, congrats; Dan, others who've got the papers, Visas' clearances...have seen those lately, but briefly - way to go). I'm just on hiatus till the "I now pronoune you - eek, that's scary the second time! ) is behind us. My hellos' to all - talk/post soon. Joe and Liyan
  15. Thank goodness (and God) your long ordeal is over - Congratulations. Can't respond to your questions right now, as I'm preparing for our blessed event - Marriage on the 26th! Mick's post sums up our experiences also.
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