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  1. No problem arriving at any international U.S. airport. The only exception is when a visa states SPECIFICALLY that the visa holder must enter a designated POE. I've never seen a visa like that coming out of China, so it's pretty much a moot point.
  2. I know it seems like this mess will never end, but believe me, it will. You're doing all the right things, and it will help in the long run. I submitted my wife's application back in June '02, and she just now picked up the visa, thank God! Aside from writing, faxing, emailing and calling every public official and office I could think of, I did a WHOLE lot of praying. Keep on making noise, and perhaps say a prayer every now and then. She'll get that visa. Good luck to you!
  3. Hopefully, in your case, the process will be quicker than in the past. I'm thinking that recently, everything in the system has been supposedly streamlined and a lot of bugs worked out. So when you read all our horror stories, don't make the assumption it's going to happen to you. I think in the end, you'll be pleasantly suprised how fast your loved gets her visa! Good luck, Mark
  4. Thanks for the encouraging words, guys. I really needed them. I'm on a ten minute break between my lessons now (I'm a teacher), so please forgive the brevity of this reply. Thanks again, Mark
  5. I just got off the phone with dos. She told me there was "some mistake." My wife's namecheck was never resubmitted after November 18, as it should have been. Here we go again. You know, back in December and January I asked them specifically if her namecheck should be resubmitted, and they told me "no, it's not necessary." I'm beyond the point of being furious. My hands are shaking now as I type.
  6. Yes, they (DoS info line) absolutely should be more friendly and forthcoming with information. After all we've been through, that's the least they should do!
  7. Rpl, I agree with you wholeheartedly. I've been the same route; not receiving responses from those people, etc. We do have every right to know about our loved ones' petitions. Really makes you feel like pulling your hair out and screaming, doesn't it? All I can say is, keep the faith and don't give up pushing those people. A lot of them certainly need pushing just to get their attention! Take care!
  8. Congratulations, and have a safe trip! Good luck in the future! Mark
  9. Congratulations, and good luck! Mark
  10. Keep the faith, John. Think about it, how much worse can it get? I'm thinking that it can only get BETTER from this day forward. Don't you agree? My wife even had a dream that she and I were walking hand-in-hand again, and usually her dreams are pretty good sign. When I read what she wrote, my heart started beating faster. Maybe that's a good sign, too? We've been separated since July, and I even though her application is in the proverbial "black hole" and no one is telling us anything, I still haven't given up hope. I really think something good's about to happen for all of us. Take care John, and don't let them take your hope away! My wife and I will say a prayer for you and your loved one, too. Mark
  11. Darn, I didn't know there was a 'tar and feather' issue. And yes, I do know the definition of 'fact.' Please forgive me, I forgot that no one should ever show any negativity whatsoever on this board. Again, good luck to all!
  12. We've got a new week ahead of us. I'm still praying that something good will break loose for all of us. Anything POSITIVE from any of those offices would suffice - I'm not picky at this point. As long as the positive news is based in fact, and not based on "let's get this sponsor off our backs, and tell him anything." Interesting note: "Let's-get-this-sponsor-off-our-backs-itis" is a recently discovered malady, usually infecting certain government office workers. Good luck to all, and keep the faith (whatever faith you may adhere to)!
  13. Charlotte, Congratulations! Good luck in the future, Mark
  14. Wouldn't it be soooo nice if DoS and GZ would simply have an info site dedicated to keeping us "mushrooms" up date, rather than keeping us in perpetual darkness? And it would probably cut down on the amount of calls they receive on a daily basis. And I think that would be a little sign of goodwill on their part. For months, we've been sweating and tediously gathering and disseminating information (and sometimes innocent and hopeful rumors) almost completely by ourselves. It's a sorry state of affairs, and it makes me sick that WE must do this all ourselves. Can you imagine where we'd be if we HADN'T been bothering these people continuously? I shudder to think about it. But I'm still praying, because God is the only One who'll get us out of this mess once and for all. By the same token, I'm sure God wants us to continue our hard work to bring this problem to resolution. Keep the faith - something good should happen for us soon!
  15. My wife and I also pray everyday, though we are separated by thousands of miles. As I've said, God is the only One who will help us now!
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