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Everything posted by wolf

  1. Nice going Jason, About the letter writting, if anyone is from N.C. there was an article in this Siundays paper. I am waiting for my sister to send it to me, but it seems that there has been lots of complaint about how the DOS and government are handling K petitions. I will need to wait till I read it, than I can tell me, but if any of you are from there, maybe you give look through the Sunday paper again.
  2. I though I read a post by tparrent yesterday that the Mr. X he talked to said that they consulate was processing faster and better than before. If this is a sample of their improved system. Look Out what's next.
  3. Maura Harty's e-mail address is >hartyma at state.gov < She is the Assistant secretary, and Kathryn Cabral's overseeer, I guess, because when I write MH I get the reply from KC.
  4. The auto cut off's are a problem with all the government numbers. I think it is best to call about 7 minutes before the line is to open and hang on till someone anwers it. I will be trying tonight to find out if it workd with GZ. PS welcome to candles.
  5. Those times are posible, it all depends were you applied. If you went through V. than yes these times are right, if you went through, Ca. than the times are not that good. Good luck and a slow wait, just keep after them.
  6. tparrent, Tom Thanks for this. maybe it can help with my case, will see, but this is very good information for the true beleivers. Sorry to hear about the fakers on this site, it really creates a problem for all of us trying to get our loved ones here.
  7. JC, sorry about this problem, they are just looking for ways to keep us from getting these visa's. Try to have the tape notorized and also put some proof in from of you, so they know it is you. I have heard they pull this before. They are fully aware that even if the two parties can't speak the same language, they use interpeters. This is just looking for hair on the egg. Pure BS.
  8. tparrent, Congradulations and good luck with the interview. Now you have time to make reservations to be there for it. Don't let them give your lady a hard time.
  9. Dave, is this something new about the plastic bags, because when I was there last May, I went in with my backpack, but I am a citizen, so maybe it's different for our Fiancee's.
  10. tparrent, before you fly to GZ, unless you can spend two months there, call the consulate first and see if you can speak to someone in change of this visa unit. Than you can tell them, that unless you get a satisfactory answer you are flying there to speak in person. Sometimes they just pass over angry e-mails and delete them, so no one esle can see them. I have had the same problem with MH. If your e-mail is angry, no answer. sucks!!
  11. Hope, your list said a medical exam also. He sould call the consulate to be sure, but since it has been so long and sars in the middle, they may want him to have another medical. It also could be that whoever sent the EMS didn't know he had his interview, because of the March 03 change in the system.
  12. Great news owen, good luck on getting your daughter the work and everything going well from here out for you and your family.
  13. Mick, Someone just said on another thread that they got their NVC approval on June 6 and got their P-3 already. So this most have been the shippment that when out on June 12?? Now I can't find the thread to ask if their's was sent June12, which mens mine could be in GZ, but we haven't gotten our P-3 yet. Many questions???
  14. It was some time ago that I sent in my I-129f, but the INS (BCIS) needed a notorized copy of the complete divorse papers. Mine had the seal on it so the notory can a point to bring this out in the copy. That seemed to satisfy them, but that was about 8 months ago and rules always change. Congradulations on your wedding and good luck on your visa.
  15. Mine was to expire at the end of july this year, I wrote MH and GZ and they both answered saying that it was a regular part of the consulate to extend these. I saved mine, if you have time write MH tonight and GZ tonight, this they answer very fast, than you have it in print.
  16. Tparrent, Looks like you have all bases covered, but if you can still have time get the income tax return notorized. A frien of mine who had there interview in Dec. was delayed because they wouldn't except the copies of the last years income tax because it wasn't notorized. Even my tax guy and the notory said that was the stupiest thing they had ever seen. but I got mine notorized, just to be safe.
  17. Congradulations Mick, Now you have a paper with proof that you are following the rules. Enjoy your lives together and don't worry about the time. You don't want to waist time thinking about the government workings, take a walk in the park.
  18. With all the different departments we have to go through to get a K-1 or K-3 Visa can anyone in their right mind think that the government isn't trying to keep these visa's from going through. The president doesn't have to go through this many security checks when he runs for office. They are trying to make us give up.
  19. Francine, Owen is very right. They even say in their list of things you need to bring is the X-ray. The people that are interviewing can ask anything they want. It is there choice, so if you have something bring it just in case they ask. Some interviewers are very easy, and some are just looking for an excuss to fail you. For every one case that passes these interviews, there most be 10 or 20 that don't pass them. The consulate pages say they interview over 1,000 each month, and I know there aren't that many people coming here.
  20. Fast isn't better, I would rather wait a week and have them answer the question I asked.
  21. Illegials may be a problem for any country, but it is usually the people of that country that want them to come for cheap labor. Look at the farm business. Without illegials were would it be?
  22. I don't think NVC can help you, but their number is 1-603-334-0700. They are eastern time so call them and wait for the recording than go to 5 which is to speak to an operator. They sometimes run through their spel twice before the give you to an operator. Good luck.
  23. Argyle, That answer didn't give you anything. I wonder if they have loss your records? There answer was worse than bad. Maybe I didn't read it correctly?
  24. Wait about a week, than contact NVC for your GUZ number. You will have to keep after NVC to find out when you are cleared.
  25. I guess that story brings alot home for all of us. I have heard about so many families from China that have been separated for that long or longer with the American dream in mind. I hope for there sake that when they are united and come here that they will be able to get on with their lives, not so changed that it ends up not working out for them. IT's a bad world out there folkes.
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