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Everything posted by wolf

  1. Thanks for the support Mick, right now this waiting is bad because of what happened to the papers sent from NVC to GZ in May and being held by customs. It is unlikely that my papers from June will get to GZ before the May papers get there. How are you doing with BCIS? Any better news yet?
  2. Congradulations Dave and Sarah, good luck with your future and may love always be in your home. Sounds like you waiting outside was a big help for the interviwer to make up his mind.
  3. Congradulations Tom and Jen, Good luck with the interview, Donahso is right bring everything you can and also the kitchen sink. Take any money tranfers or bank statemnets also and if this is for a K-1 bring 2 copies of this past years income tax return and have them notorized. Hope your interviewer is a nice person. B)
  4. Nice letter Carl, but if you want to send it to Graves, I would also enclose a letter to your own congressmen with a CC so that Graves knows that others are hearing from you. Just a thought?? MH told me in a e-mail return some time back that since 9/11 the Life Act has been out on hold. Missouri has been getting lots of illegals from south of the border from what I saw on CNN about 2 months ago, so maybe the people of that state are raising a job problem and Graves is trying to pass this bill.
  5. Thanks King, I will wait and give your suggestion a try.
  6. Hi DanSally, I can only tell you to keep after the Senators and Congressman. Most of them don't want to get involved with Visa business, but I had one congressperson who was very helpful and when out of her way and pounded on the INS (BCIS), but she died and since than the new people in office wouldn't help. It has lots to do with the aids in their office that screen all things that come in. Don't give up and never get nasty with them, there may come a time where you will need them. If one offers any help, send a small token, that way they feel they need to help.
  7. Thanks Donahso, for clearing that up. Now that you mention it, yes I remember reading that somewhere. I am getting real confused with so many different time lines for everything.
  8. Hi everyone, maybe someone can help me at the shippment from NVC to GZ on 6/12/03. I have contacted NVC twice since than and they confirm that the papers were sent, but twice GZ has said that they have not received them yet. I know about the shippment of 5/12/03 from NVC to GZ is being held at customs, but does anyone have information about the 6/12 shippment or how I can find out?? NVC will not give me this information, they just say it was shipped. Thanks, wolf
  9. Hi Peach, Hope you will enjoy yourself here at cfl and that your petition goes fast with no hold-ups along the way.
  10. Argyle, Thanks for the great letter. It says it all, maybe not all, but a very good. Try sending it to the Justice Dept. Bush, Channey, and anyone else of power. I just got a thing in my e-mail today about how the US government is condemming China about article 23 and how the US whats the Chinese to start giving more freedoms to HK and their own people. How about our government giving us citizens some freedom an let us marry who we want.
  11. For a one year Visa, you need a job or some reason like this and you need letters from people in China backing this up. The new system, has changed some things, but that is stressed, I tried. I got a 6 month 2 entry Visa. throuh the LA Consulate, but I needed a person to do it for me since I don't live near LA. He charged me $ 95 including the Visa, check made out to the Consulate. I think he worked at the consulate because I got his name from the consulate.
  12. Congradulations Francine, That part didn't take too long, so hopefully all will go smooth for you the rest of the way. You may want your petitioner to call NVC in about 2 weeks just to make sure your papers got there. If your papers are there, than they should be able to give you the GUZ number. Lately the people I have been talking with at NVC seem really friendly, but that could be just the days I have called. Good luck.
  13. Apple, Can you get the GZ web site with your computer? If you can than send them an e-mail asking the status of your Visa. If you can't get an e-mail to them than fax one to their fax number >8620-8121-8341 < or call them at their phone number > 86-20-8399-2000 < Monday - Friday between 2 and 4 PM GZ time. Your papers are probably somewhere in the DOS system goint through the security checks, but you should find out and so should your petitioner. That's a long time to wait and not know if your papers were lost along the line. Sorry I can't help more.
  14. According to the FAQ from the GuangZhou Consulate page it says that a K-1 Visa is good for a period of 6 months, but the marriage most be in 89 days of entry. But everyone is right about this being a gray area, because this is the same sheet they had before 9/11. Even many of the questions that they ask our Fiancee's to fill out on the DS-156 and DS-156K are very gray.
  15. Sorry Bob, But the Chinese Embassies are no longer excepting mail applications direct to them. You most either go in person or have someone go in your place. They started this new system about two months ago when they raised their fee.
  16. PJ, Call the Chinese Consulate for your area. They should be able to give you the name of someone handling this. If you needed to go thru the California Consulate, I could give you the name of the person I used. For a double entry Visa for 6 months I paid $ 95. and this included the Visa which was $ 75 dollars. If you want his number or e-mail address, than e-mail me. I got my back in 10 days. Don't worry about sending your passport in the mail. send it by priority mail with deleivery conformation to be on the safe side. But yes, you can get a visa at the border if you go thru Hong Kong into ShenZhen. The bus from the airport also will take you to GuangZhou after you pass customs in ShenZhen. GuangZhou is about a three hour bus trip from Hong Kong and ShenZhen is about 45 minutes from Hong Kong.
  17. Mick, I am sure these people are working for the phone company. They keep you on hold and build up your phone bill, than take their cut. Lucky you and Li are together, as long as you are together, let the rest take it's time and keep your phone records and mail receipts to show you tried. Hell, if my love was here, I wouldn't care what the government did because at least we would be together. I'd live everyday to it's fullest and let the government find us. It's easy here, people have been lost for years and the state can't even find them. Mainland is alot different, I guess. Sorry you are still having a hassel, I guess it never ends????
  18. Congradulations Tom and Jen, hope all goes smooth for you both here on.
  19. Victory Hotel is very close to the Consulate and I have styed there and like it. The price is very good, but ther are more in that area that may be better. check with Mick, he mentioned one a block from the Victory by the 7/11 store, that he liked, but can't remember the name. It's good to be as close to the consulate as you can, so if you need to run back to the hotel for any papers, your close. THe 7/11 has Coors beer, if you like Coors, they also have Bud, after a few weeks in China, it's a great change.
  20. These papers going to GZ should be under diplomatic security and should not be going through Chinese Customs. BUt I would not put anything past any problems that this visa process goes through. Anything to delay us from being with our loved ones would help our government out of answering to us. My papers were sent from NVC on 6/12/03, to GZ, anyone hear anything bad about that shipment??? At this point I wouldn't be surprised if the plane carring mine, crashed and all papers were distroyed, but the government will need to investagate to make sure mine were on that plane. Another two years, wait???? Just joking about the plane crash, but I've had so many set backs at this point I'm lossing my mind. OOPS, that's another reason to delay my visa.
  21. francine, Your p-2 will come with the same number as the P-1. WAC- at least mine had WAC from Ca. It will tell you that your papers are being sent to the NVC in N. H. for the security check. You will be under the new system, were your security check will be done before your papers are sent to GZ. Than GZ will send out the P-3. I hope this is what you wanted to know? What BCIS did your papers go to? This can make a great deal of difference in the time they take to process the P-1 part.
  22. Thank you Owen, Now I am very clear about this and will make sure she gets it. Thank you again.
  23. Please everyone remember, these interviews take between 5 and 15 minutes. Each person that does the interview asks for different things, so bring everything you can. Some will look at one photo and pass the visa, others can ask for every financial record of the petitioner. I have heard from many people that have gone through the interview process and I have taken notes. none are the same. Also sometimes it depends if the interview is a Monday or Friday. Please don't anyone panic, just go with the intention you will pass it and smile at anything they ask. There are some real Bas==== working at the consulate and this black woman has a rep. of being bad. Also a tall white male. Just passing on what I have heard.
  24. PJ, Good luck on your trip. Your price is cheaper than the fair from Hawaii, go figure? If you can try to spend a few days in ShenZhen and visit some of the visitor spots, like windows of the world, or the Chinese cultural center. ShenZhen has so much to see, that you should not pass it up. Most places charge 12 Dollars to get in, but each is a day that is worth seeing. There are about 10 great places to go to. Hope your trip is exciting and enjoyable for you. Best of luck.
  25. Great letter, I have just sent you my information. You really hit the nail on the head with this letter. But will it get a reply? Not important, at least they will know we are a unit and not just individuals that don't deserve a reply.
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