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Everything posted by wolf

  1. Hi JJ Good luck and a speedy trip to the US. Pay special attention to any phone numbers of government offices that different people write about on this site. They are very helpful. wolf
  2. I have had this trouble also before, and what I try is to ask them again for their name and tell them to spell it. That usually gets me a better response, but sometimes they will just hang up.
  3. Hi Christina, Many of the airlines have cancelled flights. Jal has cancelled quite a few. They are all cutting down because of the war and Sars because less people are flying. I think by June most of this will be over and flights will go back to normal, but you may wish to book your flight now. This way you will get a cheaper fare and also it will be up to the airline to re-route you if they cancel your flight at the same fair.
  4. I sent in two questions yesterday about why this system can't be tracked easier. No answer, but the more questions we ask, there is someone reading them, so our point can be made.
  5. Sorry, I forgot, the site is> www.whitehouse.gov/ask/ <
  6. Hi Everyone, I have just read that starting today that the Whitehouse will open a new chat line to ask questions of the Whitehouse. It will open at 6 PM EST today. Thiis maybe a good chance to question why our Fiancee Visa are taking so long and why in this time of high speed computers, why all documents must go manually from office to office. The piece didn't say that the questions had to be about any one subject, so this could be a good time for us to view our complaints with the present holdups. Just a thought?
  7. Hey PJ, Tony handed you a great deal of good advice. It is good for anywhere you live, but I think especially in China. I really love it there, of course, mostly ShenZhen, but I think most of the people in China are very friendly and open to meeting you halfway, if you only try. Forget you are an American, and just think you are a person. Good luck whatever you decide, wolf
  8. Dave, Maybe you are right about Asa Hutenson, but when he was giving his speach before the Senate he made a big point to say that part of hiis work would be to make sure that all legal immigration would not be effected by the new Office of Homeland Security. That all legal immigration would be welcomed here. To wait a year or more for a loved one is not what I consider being welcome. But I think that if many people want to write a letter, than we should pick one person and one date to send all the letters, so it would have greater effect and impact.
  9. Hi Dave, I have been reading this site for over one month and everyone has some great ideas. Thanks for all the help. Your idea of the letter writting is a good one, but I would, and this is just a thought. Write to Asa Hutenson, he is the new Undersecretary of transportation and borders. I saw his appointment before the Senate on CNN and he seems to be the person who can do the most good. Just a thought? Wolf
  10. My original petition was shredded by the California INS in Jan. 2002 and I tried many of the newspapers around the country. None of them wanted to deal with anything to do with Government problems. But you can try your luck.
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