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Everything posted by wolf

  1. So if I have this right, the EMS goes through the post office?? If that is the case my Faincee doesn't need to change anything because the post office already calls her when I send packages to her old address, she had quite a fight with them about a missing package that she was sure the post guy stole. Please confirm???
  2. My Friends Fiancee had her interview in Dec. 2002 and she needed his last years tax return and it had to be notorized, 2 copies of the full tax return. Again it goes back to does the interview.
  3. I sent one last Sunday our time and got a response in 4 hours. But it was a really general question and extention of P-2.
  4. R2D2 is right about being there for the interview. That is the most important thing, because many of the workers at the Consulate are afraid of dealing with Americans, because they don't know what people you know that could cost them their jobs. Another good idea to bring is any and all communications that you have had with government officals, like Harty's emails, congressmen's letters or emails. I have one folder of nothing but all communications with government officials over this visa business.
  5. Happy Birthday, Maybe DOS will put SBS in your mail box today for a gift.
  6. Can someone tell me how the EMS is deleivered? Does my Fiancee need a post box at her building or is it deleivered to her door. She has moved since we filed and has no box at her present building and is still picking up packages I send at her old address box that I put on the outside wall of the building. Thanks.
  7. Everything I have heard is that ithe security checks are done by a contract company. Just like all offices of INS (BCIS) are run by a contract company that answers to the government, but there are no checks on the people that work for these contract companies unless complains are registered with the Justice Dept. The contract companies are suppose to run their own security checks on their own people. Talk about a dog guarding a bone????
  8. Dave, Most of Europe can fly to the US with just a passport, don't need a visa for a stay less than 6 months. Just as we can travel to there country with just our passport. China is on the bad list because so many Asians have moved here over the years. Not through K-1 or K-3 but other visa's and stayed here. Many people in the government are trying to stop Asian Immigration to the US. It's total prejudice but the government calls the shots. With China joining the WTO, you would think this would lossen things up, but 9/11 changed that.
  9. Christy, GZ is suppose to re-submit casses every 90 days, I think it is 90 days, but if you are on hold from any of the interagencies, than it's not something they will re-submit. If I have some of this wrong, please someone clear this up, but this was what I was told. You have to get to the on-hold problem and have them clear this up. Again, congressman, senators, governors are the only help to really find out where your case is and speed it up. That is if they are willing to help. It's really a bummer.
  10. Congradulations and good luck on your future together. Don't forget candles from time to time.
  11. Congradulations and good luck in your future. Sorry for the woman that got turned down. She most have been feeling really bad after that. Do you know if they are giving her a chance to submit new evidence?
  12. You can try this, but I tried this when our Govornor was up for election and had many contacts in Washington and helped Bush get elected. She made all sorts of promises, but after the election and she won, it was a forgotten matter. Most of these people up for election will tell you anything to get your vote.
  13. Christy, It seems to be a game with them. If you are hold more than 10 minutes, hang up and call again. If you really want to try something that sometimes works. Call an hour before they open. there should be a recorded message saying to wait for the first agent available, than they will send you through the whole message things again and again, but you should finally be answered by the first in hte office.
  14. Christy, I am the person from Hawaii who contacted Roshini, just this past week. I was suppose to call her this weekend, but just returned from a festival so missed her. She is the one to contact. She's from Fox news and is really trying to find someone for a face to face on TV. This would definatly turn the tables. I told her I would travel from here to do it, but I may have to go to China, I have already cancelled to trips to China this month because of flight problems> JAL most hate me by now<
  15. I had this problem last month with the L.A Chinese Consulate. I called them and asked for some names. They gave me some names and phone numbers. I called and in 2 weeks had my passport and visa back. He changed me 20 dollars plus the visa price all made out to the consulate, so I think he actually worked for them and is doing this as a side line. Call the Consulate first.
  16. PJ, Now the tickets are cheap because there is still a sars problem with the airlines booking flights. 700 to 800 from Fl. is a good price, JAL is charging 625 from Honolulu. If you want to get the best price, get it now, in Sept. the price will probably go up again. You can get flight insurance which is a small price to change your tickets at no cost to yourself.
  17. I just received a set of papers for> US-China subscribers< It is >State Dept puts China on tier 2 list for Human Trafficking< I think this explains why it is so hard to get a Chinese bride or Fiancee out. I think the article would be interesting to many people on this site. I don't know how to paste and add it to the site here, so if someone would just e-mail me. Subject> candle< that's all, and I will forward it to you and maybe you can post it. Sorry, I am not good with computers. I'll check my e-mail in an hour. Wolf
  18. Dave, Not a bad thought, but where would you start? Some are still stuck at NVC like me. some from GZ.
  19. SBS, Everyones case is different and time lines don't hold true for any two people. The reason my case is almost 2 years is I lost 6 months when California Service Center shredded 90,000 petitions in Jan. 2001. It took my congresswoman to find out that California had no file on my after 6 months. Than when it was re-submitted they lost have the papers. No matter what the reason, now I've lost almost 2 years and the government could care less.
  20. Hope, I have stayed at the older Victory hotel. It's not plush, but I found it nice and it was clean and near the Consulate and many places to eat. It's about two blocks from the river, where there is always much activity for night life and dinning. It's only about $ 35 dollars a night and airconditioned.
  21. I have had this problem sending things to ShenZhen. Finally after some lost letters, my fiancee went to the post office and showed the manager what the package would look like and to call her cell number anytime something came for her and to not give it to the carrier, because some of them will steal it, if they think money or something of value is in it. If you can use Global Express, the large box that won't fit in a mail box, this is the safest way.
  22. My approval from Bics or the old INS was sent to NVC on March 5, It still has not cleared, but I am under the new system. I got a letter by mail yesterday saying they can't tell how long this will take, but will be sent to GZ as soon as all interagencies have cleared. I e-mail MH last week, so maybe now they are reponding with mail letters. Another> something new????
  23. I've been on different holds for almost 2 years. Things with my Fiancee and I are really tough. I have tried writting letters to Congressman, Senators, Governor, the first lady and many letters to MH. Nothing helps. One thing that all of us can do is write a letter to the editor section of local newspapers and also papers in New York and Washington. These letters to the editors gets a lot of response from the reading public. Some papers like the New York times will only print letters that have to do with anything in the paper for the last 3 days. If you get this paper, look for something about freedoms or civil rights, than write that letter.
  24. Also still on hold and the worse part is no one will give any answers for why. They just keep saying the same things, still pending, pending what? I would really like to know. Thinks seemed to have slowed down more in the last 3 weeks and I can't get any response from KC or MH. I know there is a Congressional Hearing department that over sees government wrong doing and this type of thing, but I can't find an address. Maybe someone out there knows it and can let us all know. If we can find this and send letters at the same time, maybe things will speed up. I worry that, like with INS(BCIS) everything is sitting on someones desk for months and not being processed.
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