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Everything posted by wolf

  1. PJ, I will be in ShenZhen from Sept.7 for a month or two. If you plan to go through Hong Kong and inot ShenZhen, I would be happy to meet you at one of the entrance ports at ShenZhen. I have always used American Express travel cheques and never had a problem at the bank. I get 8.17 the same as I would get from the bank ATM. If you will be going through ShenZhen, e-mail me in the next day, because I leave Friday AM early. Have a great trip and many happy times along the way. wolf
  2. Congradulations and the best of wishes for a happy life together.
  3. PJ, if you are looking for gifts that are not too expensive, but the Chinese seem to like very much, try dried fruit. Mango, Figs, peaches, and things of this type, also I have always giving Macadamen nuts when I go and most like they very much. I probably spelled Mac nuts wrong, but I am sure your supper market has them.
  4. whoever, you are very lucky that the Inspector General even replied to you, but for him to contact GZ, this is a really positive step for you and maybe for all visas. Maybe this new relationship that China and the US is having about Korea is a good sign for everyone. I wish you luck with your visa.
  5. Bob, don't try it, first hand experience. You would need to give her a I 134 form to show, and they would she that she has a husband here. This would give a red light that she would stay, so no visa. Do what donahso and ttlee say, just wait for your visa to go through the proper way. You have already put in the paper work, I know being patient is hard, but better safe than sorry.
  6. twyw_99, I have to agree with ttlee 99 about sending it. I sent mine and she never got it. I had to do everything all over again and this time I will bring it with me. The problem of having it sealed and handing it to a VO is that that person doesn't know you or your fiancee. If he sees it sealed he or she could draw a thought that you don't trust her. Bad idea, from my thinking. I can understand you thinking, but put yourself in the VO's mind. They are really looking for anything to not issue a visa. Good luck which ever way you go.
  7. Al & Yi, You may have trouble getting into Hong Kong if Yi is 7 months. Hong Kong is trying to keep mainland people out. If Yi has the baby in Hong Kong it would be a citizen there and could stay I think??? To go from ShenZhen you can go by the HuangGuang port which is by bus to the airport, or you can go my train from the LuWo Port, both in ShenZhen. Yi will need a notice from the local police that she can leave China for a short period, but I think this is only a 7 or 10 day deal. Don't go to ShenZhen port without this permision slip, the Chinese custom people will not let Yi through. If you take the HuangGuang port, you need to go through Chinese customs and than Hong Hong customs about 10 minutes apart.
  8. Congradulations Terry and Summer, and thank you for all the information.
  9. Thank you Don, Mick, and francine. My fiancee will have to go to GuangDong for these. The P-3 when back already, so no time will be waisted. Mick, do you remember what you paid at GD? Francine, 200 yuan is much better than 500 yuan as we need this for 3. She has 2 daughters.
  10. Bob, NVC told me that they send no notice that your security clearance has been completed. You have to call, like Donahso said, each week to find out if it has cleared and when it is sent to GZ. Good luck
  11. francine, I got my GUZ # from NVC. It helps to get this asap, but I think you can still e-mail the consulate and give the names and birth dates and maybe get a response from them. They will not give any information till they have your file in their system, they just say >we have not received it yet.<
  12. Thanks everyone, the beneficary part I understood fine, it was just the cost to have this done.
  13. Thank you Don, we waited because we had all these before but the expired
  14. My fiancee received her P-3 and the form OF-169 states> one certified copy of the birth certificate of each person named in the application is required. A birth certificate issued by a local notary public office is required for applicants born in P/R of China< My fiancee thinks this means she has to get a new notorized book from her Province at the cost of 500 yuan for each. I think she can just get a certified notorized copy of the original at a small cost of about 6 dollars. Can someone please tell me what is needed and the adverage cost and where one can go to get this? She lives in ShenZhen. Thank you
  15. francine, I have a GUZ # and used it when I sent them a e-mail with their new e-mail system. You can fax them, giving the birth dates, names, and when it was approved by NVC, that may help you. You may want to call NVC to get your GUZ #. You can call the cosulate at their number and hit 2-3-2 for a recording about change of address. Good luck.
  16. francine, mine was approved in June by NVC and send to GZ, but the embassy didn't get it till July 24, they send out the P-3 last week. There was a problem because my fiancee moved and GZ didn't have her new address in Chinese character, so make sure this is in your file or contact GZ and fax them the address in Chinese character, saves time.
  17. If your fiancee is young or actractive please have her dress down, with very simple but neat clothes and no make-up. Make sure she smiles when she walks to the intervier and if she can, say hello in English. If you are outside it will help and if she has your passport that can help to show you are there. Good luck.
  18. Patrick, this will not warm your heart any, but my fiancee has seen the same things. When I am there her neighborhood was fine, but once I would leave the stores would try to charge her more for goods and neighbors would give her dirty looks. She lost 3 jobs because the bosses found out she was going to marry an American. It's not the American, anyone foreign gets this. One cop in ShenZhen offered her his help, so I could stay longer than my visa and we took he and his wife to diiner to thank him, than after I left, he called her and made advances to her, so she called his wife and that ended that. Untill you get them out, there is always this problem, but it's not only China, all the countries feel this way for foreigners marring locals. It is really part of the problem that the state deptment will never unerstand for us and help us to do this fast.
  19. The only possible problem may be if you are supporting persons from marriages before and the effect on your I-134 form.
  20. rfsun, as far as I know the medical is good for one year. If yours is over one year you will need a new medical exam.
  21. whoever, It seems from tywy_99 that you have cleared NVC. I have been writing GZ each week. They always answer, but last week, they told me that they needed my Fiancee's address in Chinese character. They sent out the P-3 today. If you write GZ ask if they need your Fiancee's Chinese address? seems like things are moving better now.
  22. whoever, do you have your clearance from NVC yet? Your time table doesn't show it. The consulate won't get your paper work till NVC send the cleared security papers to GZ.
  23. Congradulations and good luck in the future.
  24. Jade_Yan, the way I understand Chinese system, it's not the individual cities, but the province you need to get the police report from. Like GuangDong Province, if you are living in the south. I think the cities only have your records if you were born and stayed in that city you life time. My Financee lived in HuBei, but when she moved to GuangDong Province all her papers when with here, so HuBei didn't have any record of here and wouldn't give her a police ceritficate from there. Best to write the consulate and ask. That way you have a written record of what they say.
  25. try dial 001-1-808 for Hawaii. I think in China you will need a calling card even from a home phone.
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