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Everything posted by cosmiclobster

  1. GUZ has greatly improved their timelines over the last few months. They are catching up on the backlog so your approval could come quickly! Good luck!
  2. Way to Go!!! They just made you sweat a little to see if you were really serious!!!! Good luck with the rest of the process, but the hardest part is over!
  3. We got our receipt notice about 3 weeks after we mailed it in. If your receipt says to make an appointment for biometrics, do it right away. P.S. Our case didn't show up on the USCIS website until after the biometrics were done - almost 2 months after the receipt notice!
  4. Cerberus: There is no "software on the little machine that records signatures and doesn't recognize Chinese characters" in CA. The DMV software takes a picture of her "real, original and true" signature, stores it in their database as a graphic file and prints it on her ID card. The pea brain DMV clerk who made that up is full of it and would be creating many problems for them down the line like if they ever decided to go back to China for a visit. I agree with Phil. What would happen if the immigration officer sees one signature on her passport and a totally different one on her ID card??? I think it's a mistake to use anything other than the signature she has on her passport and has used all her life. I am also a CA licensed real estate agent and I sold a hotel to 3 guys from India and there was no way you can read any part of their signature as English letters. Their signatures and initials were consistent and I'm sure that the only requirement for your signature on a legal contract is that your signature, however it may look, is in fact your true signature, and of course is the same signature as witnessed by the notary who affirmed it as such. True, our SO's have to adapt to living in America, but your signature is yours and shouldn't change just because you move to another country. just my 2 yuan . . . .
  5. If you haven't done the biometrics, you can change your address then. We had to fill out 3 or 4 forms with our address on them so hopefully they will send the post biometrics packages to the correct address and update their records. I changed my address between P1 and P2 and called them twice, once to change it and the 2nd time to confirm it. Yes, we have your new address they told me the second time I called and she read it back to me. Our P2 was sent to the old address!!!!!!
  6. Some pea brain at the DMV decided to make up the rules as they went along. Amy has her CA ID with her signature in Chinese, her SSN card and our checking account also has her signature in Chinese. How stupid can the person be? When I sign my name in English, you would be lucky to recognize 2 letters and I've seen signatures more obtuse than mine!!! Go back to the DMV and ask to see a supervisor or call the DMV in Sacto and tell them what happened. I would demand an ID card with her proper signature!!!
  7. Call a dozen CS and drive a few hours or take a train to find an honest one. 10 different ones will give you 10 different answers as to what she MUST have, most of them dead wrong. She will not need a physical. She will not need the TB skin test as this was done at the med exam. Bring her x rays for the CS to look at. This will verify the absence of TB. You'll need to pay for them to sign off on the form - should be $20 to $50. She'll probably need a tetanus shot - should be $20 to $40 If she has any vaccination records in any language, bring them and have her swear they are the what they say in Chinese. If she has a chicken pox scar on her arm she will not need the varicella. 3 or 4 of the shots are only for children and 1 is for old 65+ people. Hep B is not required. It really pisses me off that a doc has the nerve to ask $750 to sign off on a paper of someone who just passed a full medical exam to get into the country in the first place! I would report the SOB to the AMA!!!!
  8. It took us 4 visits with an hour wait each time and several phone calls to get ours (after the second visit a supervisor felt bad for us and gave us a phone number that we weren't supposed to have so we could inquire about our case. After several phone messages with no response, we went back to the office in person). After the 4th visit, we did get the number that was assigned to her so she could get her CA ID. We were also told for the third time that her card was in the mail. It arrived about 10 days later. After the first visit resulted in nothing, we went back and waited an hour to be told that only the worker that first processed our app could take any action on it and she was on vacation that week. We went back a week later to find out the she was out sick that day. I talked to the supervisor and asked them why only one person there could help us. I was told that if someone other than the person who initiated the case inquires about the file, it will cause an inquiry and that could take months to resolve. American beaurocracy at its finest!!!
  9. We came through LAX about 7 months ago. Fill out the I-94 on the airplane before it lands. Going through immigration only took us about 15 minutes in line and 5 at the window. Brown envelope and passport/visa was all they needed/wanted.
  10. Sounds like there's one happy buckeye out there!!!! Congrats!!!
  11. Glad to hear your good news! Also glad we were here to give you the much more realistic estimate of your expected wait. It's close to inconceivable to me that our govt would tell you 9 months when it was closer to 2, but nothing they do suprizes me anymore. It is also kinda sad that the general public is often more well informed about a topic then the people hired to perform that function. Or maybe our govt just hires minimum wage people to answer the phones and give you generic replies! Wait, I'm on a roll - They just farm out the phone help lines to people in India and pay them $2 a day in an effort to control the budget deficit!! That would be my guess . . . . . .
  12. Another massive pile of papers gone to waste!! Gongrats on the visa!!!
  13. Gongrats on your visa and the blazing speed you got it in!
  14. Judges are always: Your Honor Unless you are writing to a specific one in which case you specify them by name: The Honorable Beevis N Butthead
  15. You can also look on line on the USCIS website to see if there is any action on your petition. It will give you your news at least a few days before the mail gets here. If you're really impatient, you can set up an e-mail notification of any action on your case # on the USCIS website also. CheckHERE I check mine every day. Maybe some computer geek there will see my 875 inquiries and tell MSC to process my case already!!!
  16. NO She will only need the I-693 Vaccination supplement. See other threads on this subject as it has been discussed many times before!!
  17. Great News!!!! Pretty funny about having foreigners with broken English working at DOS and giving you the wrong info!! What do they think the DOS is, a 7-11???
  18. try airlineconsolidator.com They have CAN to Logan for $512 on NW leaving in 2 weeks. Next cheapest is Continental for $708. Good luck!
  19. Leave it to our inept govt to assume that the entire rest of the world has their address in the same format as in the US !!
  20. I think finding out what the yellow slip actually says would be the first step. Are there a bunch on entries with check boxes next to them? If that is the case, which ones are checked? My guess is that you need overcome evidence but without seeing the slip, we can only guess . . . .
  21. The law has been changed recently in California. If your K-1 visa expires in less than 60 days, the DMV will not allow you to take the road test to get a California drivers license. We were not aware of this and spent some money on driving lessons for my wife and then were told she could not take the test. There may be a way around this, but we haven't found it yet. I don't know if the situation is any different for K-3 visa holders. 167665[/snapback] wow, this is something I did not know. I assumed that with a learners permit, you would be able to schedule a test. Hopefully we'll get the green card before too many months . . . .
  22. This is just another example of how unbelievably inept our govt is. If there really was a problem with a potential petitioner or beneficiary and it takes them a year to determine if the threat is real, what does that say about the security of our country???? I can't even think about it - I'll get too pissed off!!!!
  23. Double congrats!!! (or triple congrats if, like another CFL member, there are 2 little ones in there!!)
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