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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. And save copies of EVERYTHING-the Department of Redundancy Department will want it all again on down the road!
  2. All of the above-except work less. She is getting to be a real pain hounding me about health and weight and and and. "Husband!!!!! You no eat all day all night, I want you have good body!" Yap, yap yap yap-sounds one of those little bitty mexican chiwuaha dogs. Yap yap yap yap Trigg, I hope you don't take this in a bad way...but LISTEN UP BONEHEAD... Remember when you went to Vietnam and thought you were invincible and instead got your butt shot off. Well this time is for keeps. The grim reaper is not fooling around and he takes no prisoners. Take care of yourself and do what wifey tells you to. Don't you want to be around to enjoy your family for many years yet? What's it take to get through to you? I'm going to send wifey down one of my old Louisville Sluggers and a pair of batting gloves to make a real impression because the mop slapping is not enough for you. Get with the program !!! WAKE UP... Butt shot off??? I just looked-It's still there and growing nicely. Soooooo, maybe I am invincible after all? I know my butt is-got it shot off and it grew back. Mei won ti Har har har...always the comedian...you'll have your pall bearers in stitches... Nope, not stitches but maybe I'll have 'em in trusses-I'm a big guy.
  3. All of the above-except work less. She is getting to be a real pain hounding me about health and weight and and and. "Husband!!!!! You no eat all day all night, I want you have good body!" Yap, yap yap yap-sounds one of those little bitty mexican chiwuaha dogs. Yap yap yap yap Trigg, I hope you don't take this in a bad way...but LISTEN UP BONEHEAD... Remember when you went to Vietnam and thought you were invincible and instead got your butt shot off. Well this time is for keeps. The grim reaper is not fooling around and he takes no prisoners. Take care of yourself and do what wifey tells you to. Don't you want to be around to enjoy your family for many years yet? What's it take to get through to you? I'm going to send wifey down one of my old Louisville Sluggers and a pair of batting gloves to make a real impression because the mop slapping is not enough for you. Get with the program !!! WAKE UP... Butt shot off??? I just looked-It's still there and growing nicely. Soooooo, maybe I am invincible after all? I know my butt is-got it shot off and it grew back. Mei won ti
  4. Yup, first time I called they said they would need to talk to her-even if they didn't understand her. I called later that day when she was home. the lady asked if she was here. I said "yes, would you like to talk to her" The lady said "no" and schedualed the biometrics.
  5. If you just recieved P3 you don't need all that stuff now. fill out the I-230 and I-169 and send it to GZ-that will put you in line for P4-then you will need all the otheer stuff. The checklist (I-169) reads like you should ahve this stuff before you send the P3 back--Wrong-send it ASAP and it could save you a month. The fee is 830rmb-you pay this before the inteerview and give the recipt to the med exam-i think!!. The 2885 is for immigrant visa's.
  6. The I-693 (I think that's the right number) vac supplement is something you get from the civil surgeon. You don't need this for the I-485 but you must bring it to the AOS interview.
  7. Wahooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Somehow I get a morbid sense of Irony. After all, why shouldn't a long hard journey end with a long hard journey. Rest up, now life gets REAL interesting for you. Welcome to our world!!!!!!
  9. Two ways. Send it to me. Go beer drinking with me. If I have to choose between the two---You and I are gonna have a helluva hangover!!!!!!!
  10. "Resident alien" is more broadly defined for tax purposes than for immigrations purposes. In addition to including an LPR, it also includes someone who's been in the US for a certain length of time. If memory serves, you count the number of days in the US in the current year (2004, I presume), 1/3 of the number of days in the US for the previous year (2003), and 1/6 the number of days in the US for the next previous year (2002). If the total is at least 183, then I think the individual would meet the definition of a "resident alien". In your case, it sounds like Wang Fang might meet this test even though she doesn't have a green card yet. Hopefully, an expert in this area can confirm this for you. Yeah Frank, I just re-read the criteria . It says she is qualified if she has a green card OR meets the 183 days thing and I think it said she must have a SSN with work authorization--Have that and she was here for nine months so Yahooooooo!!!. I just saved a thousand bucks. Actually, last year I asked my tax dude about it and he told me she would have to be a US citizen. So I had already figure my taxes without the $1,000. Just to check my math etc I went to turbo tax and put the stuff in-they had me owing $1,000. less than I had already written the check for. I liked it so much that I even paid them the 39 bucks and printed it out. Wahoooooooooo, an extra Grande --now how can I keep it secret from Fang Ling????
  11. Cancel the permanent legal alien-it actually states 'resident alien' as the qualifier.
  12. There is a child tax credit of 1,000.00 for qualified children under 17. my stepdaughter is 15. One of the eligibility requirements is that she is a permanent resident alien. Although she has not yet received her green card, my readings of what qualifies her to be a permanent legal alien show that she qualifies. Anyone know for sure?? April 15 is soon-very soon
  13. I'm pretty sure that is based on your state law.
  14. All of the above-except work less. She is getting to be a real pain hounding me about health and weight and and and. "Husband!!!!! You no eat all day all night, I want you have good body!" Yap, yap yap yap-sounds one of those little bitty mexican chiwuaha dogs. Yap yap yap yap
  15. They will likley never look at it. I just scanned the first page and any pages that had to do with travel to China. They never looked but more is better.
  16. Dr. Phil, much like Dr. Joyce brothers, is a disgrace to his profession. The APA needs to pull his license-like they did to Joyce Brothers!!!
  17. GREAT NEWS Sam!! You just remember to tell them they are only her grandparents and that I'm her favorite uncle--sooo jelous.
  18. I double checked and she got what Frank said. I was the one who got the stamp and my pic paper clipped to it. Sorry man--good thing we have second opinions, Drain bamage-no doubt about it!!
  19. The stamp went on the visa page of her passport. Her pic was just paperclipped to it. I think!?!?!?!
  20. I LOVE YOU! One less worry!! Thanks! WOW! We have everything here on the candle-just ask and ye shall recieve!!
  21. Do you save that for us? Shoot - can't make comments on this board. That's right. I could tell ya-but then I'd have to take you to the culture and language forum and kill ya. Rules is rules and if I sucked it up and got the flock out of here-so can you.
  22. I doubt they care if there are handwritten letters. I never had any. I had an immigration attorney tell me that the evidence of relationship they may look for at the interview is proof of a continuing thing AFTER you have filed the I-129f. After all, you had to provide proof when you filed and it was accepted. I never provided transcripts of all our emails and yahoo chat etc. I simply deleted all but the first few lines and the date and time. I really couldn't see giving them all oooo baby stuff. Worked for me!
  23. OH, and she will get a huge brown envelope with a corner cut out of it. She give this to the folks at POE.
  24. Our AOS interview is next month. The letter said that if she was not 'fluent' in English I need to provide a translator who has no ties to her or I. My stepdaughter is very fluent-no problem. My wife's English has greatly improved but certainly not 'fluent'. Sooooo, anyone have any ideas how I can find a translator 200 miles from home in beautiful Memphis TN????
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