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Everything posted by IluvmyLi

  1. Congrats! Your family looks very happy in the photo. Good luck to you all!
  2. It works? Slow boat to China ring a bell? Freaken unbelievable. Sure it may work. Might take a few yrs, but it works.
  3. Contacting my Senator was a complete waste of time. They emailed GUZ checking on the status of our name check delay and received a canned response. They didn't even email the correct people! GUZ has nothing to do with name check delays. Piss me OFF!
  4. 4 months at DHL? I would be freaking out! What to do about it? No idea. Problem about this process is we only get canned responses. So we continue to wait and hope for the best.
  5. Emailed GUZ inform of error: 04-08-06 Received email from GUZ w/instructions to fax/mail doc: 04-10-06 Faxed proof of DOB: 04-12-06 Emailed GUZ to confirm on the fax and correcting the error: 04-17-06 (2nd Fax) plus mailed proof of DOB: 05-08-06 Both emails were replied, stating: I switched from Yah00 to Gma!l, using two different email address when sending to GUZ not knowing which address I used in the Petition. To add to the confusion, I might have used my wife's email address, because I was unsure if I would still be working/living in China. I can email again using my wife's address, but I don't want to put up any red flags due to three different email accounts inquiring about one case. In both faxes and the mailed(EMS) letter I sent, has our contact info phone and email. Now I'm just trying to verify the above information. Your advise is much welcomed and thank you for your response. *Note: Yah00/Gma!l names were changed due to spam/search. 213814[/snapback] when we faxed some information to GUZ that they requested........we only had to call the pay line to verify if they received it. They said yes. We also emailed them and they also emailed us in return with the answer "yes".
  6. Congrats to all May interviews! And pink slips to all!
  7. Can I have a May interview? Please? Well?
  8. My SO doesn't sweat......how do ya like those apples.
  9. From start to P3 was only 3 months for us. But then suddenly everything has come to a complete halt. Impossible to predict an accurate time-frame. Good luck!
  10. Congratulations! When's the interview?
  11. "I wish these kinds of sad stories would not happen to any U.S. family again". Not to mention the poor chinese woman that was duped into getting married to someone that is menally ill. Sorry but that was just WRONG!
  12. Same here.......I didn't like the spaghetti that I had in Nanning. Completely dead.
  13. I would not and will not buy my SO's ticket to the USA until she has visa in hand. Too risky.
  14. Congratulations! thanks for the great update.
  15. That is an excellent question, and everyone, including the people at the POE's, treat it officially as a non-immigrant visa which it really is, because you do not have status when you arrive in the US. However, for the purpose of approving and issuing the visa, the folks at GUZ treat it as an immigrant visa, since the person really intends to immigrate. It is confusing. 211491[/snapback] So are the K1's going in the immigrant line or non immigrant?
  16. I don't understand. I thought the I-134 wasn't needed until the interview. How does a I-134 expire and why would you fill out one so soon?
  17. Thanks much for such a detailed account of what happened in with your interview. Is a K1 an immigrant or non-immigrant? Sorry for the dumb question.
  18. Good luck trying to make sence of anything that happens in GUZ. And by the way........Welcome to CFL!
  19. My SO has informed me that she would like to have a dog when she arrives here. I assume it was a pet thing and not about hunger.
  20. You are wasting your time and your emails, since you are emailing the wrong people. Good luck..... 210899[/snapback] Do you have a better suggestion? You can tell me what i am doing wrong, but you do not give advise about what you think is correct. NOt sure how long you have been a member here dude but help is what we do here. 210900[/snapback] Rick I'm very sorry your both going through this. I feel your anger and you have very good reason to be upset. Did the blue slip not even tell you what the next step is? They didn't even let you know what overcome evidence they wanted? All this trouble began when they got the child of Yanlan's birth date screwed up. Now the entire case is under investigation. Everytime I see all the illegals on TV protesting the fact that they want to stay in the U.S. even though they are here illegal chaps my azz. While we sit here trying to complete the entire immigration process legally so we can bring our loved ones back home with us. Dammmm this angers me. Keep at it and don't give up. Eventually you both will be together. Good luck.
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