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Everything posted by IluvmyLi

  1. According to a Mingpao News report, the most common surnames in China have changed from Zhao, Qian, Sun and Li, as noted in the Chinese classic, "The Hundred Chinese Surnames." The most common Chinese surnames now are: Li, Wang, Zhang, Liu and Chen. 210692[/snapback] surnames are 1st names? 210699[/snapback] Um, sorry for my lack of clarity. What I meant was that almost all Chinese names have 2 or 3 characters. The left-most name (the 1st one you read/say) is the surname, the family name. When I said "the first character is something like 'mei'", I meant the first character of the given name. Which would be the middle character, i.e.: Wang Meili (Wang being the family name, Mei being the first part of the given name). Given names like "Meili", "Danian", "Jianguo", "Jianmin", "Zhiqiang" are the Chinese equivalent of Tom, John, Mary, Chris. When combined with one of the 5 common last names (I was wrong, forgot "Chen", and added Zhao...but part of that may be including or excluding Taiwan, who has more "Chen"s than any other family name), you get lots of people with the same name. Sort of. The character itself matters. There are probably 100 different combinations of characters that would be spelled "Meili" in pinyin. I would assume they do a search on the actual characters, rather than just pinyin. So that's why it sucks so much for the people with only a single given name, because there are probably only a half-dozen (more or less!) characters someone would use in a name for "Mei". It's the various combinations of two characters that make the 100 different possibilities of "Meili". I hope that makes things more clear... 210869[/snapback] Where else except in China. One more reason why I love the people and it's culture. Amazing. Thanks much A Mafan!
  2. My fiance's name isn't on the watch list. Someone else with the same name as my fiance is on the watch list.
  3. According to a Mingpao News report, the most common surnames in China have changed from Zhao, Qian, Sun and Li, as noted in the Chinese classic, "The Hundred Chinese Surnames." The most common Chinese surnames now are: Li, Wang, Zhang, Liu and Chen. 210692[/snapback] surnames are 1st names? 210699[/snapback] In China, the "first" name is the Surname. The second name, whether one or two sylllables is the given name. So, if the name is "Li Wen" "Li" is the surname or family name. In the USA Bill Smith's surname or family name is Smith. 210700[/snapback] Thx Pushbrk....
  4. According to a Mingpao News report, the most common surnames in China have changed from Zhao, Qian, Sun and Li, as noted in the Chinese classic, "The Hundred Chinese Surnames." The most common Chinese surnames now are: Li, Wang, Zhang, Liu and Chen. 210692[/snapback] surnames are 1st names?
  5. That's interesting........... I still would like to know who does these name checks. Is it done by someone in the USA or is this investigation department over in GUZ?
  6. When trying to learn about Chinese names, I read that Li is the most common surname in China today (or at least when the article was written). My fiancee is Li Meiqiong; I hope her given name is not a common one. Greg 210676[/snapback] Yes Li is very common. Her last name is just as common. That's what has me concerned. Oh well.......someone pass the cheetos.
  7. Ok I just got done sending my fiance money through western union. I usually do this online. I know is cost more, but I do this for the convenience. The last 3 times that I have sent money, I have had to call in to western union to verify personal information. I asked them why lately I must always call in? She said that My fiance name is on a government watch list! I asked her to repeat what she just told me. I couldn't believe my ears. B) She said my fiance's name is very common in China. So I am wondering if this is also why we are stuck in name check hell. I pray that whoever does these name checks has enough experience and common sence to eventually come to the conclusion that my beautiful Li is not a terrorist or any other common crook. God help us! B)
  8. That's great news!......Congrats!
  9. Go get em Rick.........You will succeed this time!
  10. He said what?!!!!!! Dude, I'd be pissed. This is the point I'd be making some phone calls about that response. Even if that were the problem,,I'm sure that person broke protocol. I'm flabbergasted, I just don't know what to think of that response 209702[/snapback] Pissed is an understatment! I was trying all day to get someone from our Senators office to return my calls in my request for an update as to whether or not they have had any luck with checking on our name check delay. Then I was going to mention the response I got from DOS. But like usual, I'm not important enough to be called back.
  11. That is great news! And your right, depending on who answers the phone whether or not you get someone that actually gives a crap. I called DOS this morning and spoke to a Mr. I asked him what the hold up on our name check could be. His response was, "maybe she's a criminal". Needless to say, I had to hold back what I really wanted to say to him. Grrrrrrrrrrrr!
  12. Jesse and David...thank you both. You guys are key players on CFL in my book. And, you have both PM'd me out of the blue to offer comments and support. Reinstituting the timeline is nothing short of fantastic. I have tried with very limited success to manually check other signatures, but I just don't have the time or patience. What you guys are doing is a great service to the rest of the members. And now, I can readily see that Jesse and I have already been passed by regarding the receipt of the P3. I called DOS 3 times last week. On Monday at 11:00 a.m. EDT I got the message that they were closed that day. On Tuesday at 1:30, same thing. On Thursday at 3:30 I got through, but was told that my wait time would be at least 20 minutes. My boss walked into my office, and that was the end of my wait. I will try again this coming Monday. Again, a heartfelt thanks for giving up some of your free time to help the rest of us out. Michael 209177[/snapback] Call DOS at 8:30 est and you won't ever wait for more then 5 min. Also dont forget they are closed for lunch. 209263[/snapback] From 11:00 until 1:30? I don't think so. 209315[/snapback] Maybe they have caller ID........
  13. Well it's a step forward anyway. At east your seeing some movement with your case. Good Luck!
  14. Jesse and David...thank you both. You guys are key players on CFL in my book. And, you have both PM'd me out of the blue to offer comments and support. Reinstituting the timeline is nothing short of fantastic. I have tried with very limited success to manually check other signatures, but I just don't have the time or patience. What you guys are doing is a great service to the rest of the members. And now, I can readily see that Jesse and I have already been passed by regarding the receipt of the P3. I called DOS 3 times last week. On Monday at 11:00 a.m. EDT I got the message that they were closed that day. On Tuesday at 1:30, same thing. On Thursday at 3:30 I got through, but was told that my wait time would be at least 20 minutes. My boss walked into my office, and that was the end of my wait. I will try again this coming Monday. Again, a heartfelt thanks for giving up some of your free time to help the rest of us out. Michael 209177[/snapback] Call DOS at 8:30 est and you won't ever wait for more then 5 min. Also dont forget they are closed for lunch.
  15. Good point merc. The VO even asked my friends SO if her fiance would make a trip back to China to see her if visa is denied. But I think that's a cruel test and an expensive one at that.
  16. IluvmyLi

    GUZ holiday

    Thx Mike! I sure could use a holiday schedule like that.
  17. IluvmyLi

    GUZ holiday

    Is the GUZ closed during the 1st week of May? Also does that mean that all progress come to a screaching halt during this time or do name checks continue because they are done by the US gov? Also does anyone know who updates DOS computers? If the rumor that the GUZ computers are only updated every monday is true, then how is DOS updated?
  18. Well I talked to my co-worker today about his denial. 2 issues were the cause of denial. Age difference and the fact he brought over another woman 2 yrs ago and hadn't made sure the case was withdrawn. The VO asked his SO why she wants to be with such an old man. I don't think that was very nice to say and a bit rude if you ask me. My friend contacted King and they had a long dicussion about his case. King said he would take his case for $7,000 and to only expect about a 70% chance of success. Another interesting thing King told my friend was that once you have been denied by the VO and told the case will be sent back to DHS, you have 2 months to bring forth the evidence and fight the decision or your case will be sent back to the states. He is flying back to China next week for the month of May and will keep me informed of what happens.
  19. I would swear you've been reading my mind. Amazing how all of us that are waiting for our SO's think about the exact same things. The not knowing is what is the killer. Then I read about what rick is going through and I become scared chitless. To finally get to the point of having an interview and then have everything fall apart because of some hard nosed VO.
  20. Rick I sure hope you will succeed at the overcome interview. I don't understand why the VO's make us jump through hoops over and over. Not to mention the huge added expense involved. How were you able to get your overcome interview so quickly? When you called the pay line did they give you the interveiw date? Good Luck Rick!
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