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Everything posted by IluvmyLi

  1. If my fiance happens to get pregnant and give birth before her visa is issued, will I have to also file for the new born child?
  2. If I need to re-new my passport, do I lose my proof of the trips I took to China? Do they move the stamped pages over to the new passport? Thanks
  3. Ok so in the GUZ speaks forum, GUZ says that the name check done at the NVC level expires after 12 months. So if for some reason we are having to go through a 2nd name check once the case arrives at GUZ, then the 1st name check done at NVC could very well expire while waiting on the 2nd name check. Then if the 2nd name check is ever completed does the 1st name check have to be done all over again because it expired? Could the 2nd name check expire while the 1st is done again? Is the dog chasing it's tail or am I confused again?
  4. Obviously the process if flawed. Worst part is that no one can help or give an answer as to why the delay. Same response from everyone. "Pending".
  5. The reason... DOB is incorrect. The result... wait. The timeline says it all really. Emailed 4 different times, faxed and mailed twice over a period of two months. All involving THEIR error. My SO said that GUZ has a copy of her passport and will send back the info to the states. My guess is that they will run another name check again. That's it really... wait. Now you have it..... Now you don't. Luckily for them, they don't have to tell my SO or myself in person. Because they would see a smiling face, followed with a big middle finger and then my big fist. Final summation...... WTF? 222514[/snapback] sorry to hear about the screw up. By the way is your timeline a typo? Married 2/05 Petition sent 1/06 ????
  6. dont ask, don't tell. Better off just answering what the VO wants to know and not to offer anything extra. Just be sure to always be honest and not lie. Sorry about what has happened.
  7. 16 months isn't a standard..........it's just plain insane.
  8. Thx for the update Hunter. Great info!
  9. Your first question has been answered. To address your second question, we'll need to know for certain which petition you filed for which type of visa. Since you don't actually mention getting married, I'm going to assume you've applied for a fiance K1 visa. In that case, your name check has already been completed. Her common name will not be a factor unless some issue comes up at interview that prompts administrative review. This is unlikely. If my assumptions above, are correct then you are probably looking at an interview in August or September. Your timeline is in your signature. To add a signature click on your name. You will be taken to a screen where if you scroll down, you'll see an option to "edit signature". Type in your timeline once and press the "update" button below. Your timeline and any other signature information you decide to use, will then appear below the text you post. 221710[/snapback] Never assume the name check is complete until DOS tells you otherwise. Even then mistakes happen such as in our case. We were told she was eligible for interview and then we were told she wasn't. We received and returned P3 in January and are still pending name check. My fiance has one of those very common names.
  10. Yes. We are very special. Thank you GUZ or DOS or NVC or whoever.
  11. My K3 case left NVC 6 days after it was logged in, April 12. It would have been faster but they were waiting for the name check to be completed. I think AAF in Seattle was a little faster than that. 220490[/snapback] If I am not mistaken the K-1 is not entered into the computer until it is physically received by GZ and the K3 is done by NVC. 220492[/snapback] It's the CR1 that doesn't begin the namecheck until the paper file is at post but the electronic file gets there within a day or two of the NVC OUT date. All K visa namechecks are begun and most completed, while the file is at NVC. This may represent a relatively recent change in procedure. 220495[/snapback] Well I remember GUZ Speaks posted that K visa name check begins once the file is in the computer and before the P3 is sent out. I would assume that's the 2nd name check. 220496[/snapback] A second name check is not a given. DOS told me that 2nd name checks are not normally requested unless they are prompted AT interview time. More recently USCONGUZ has confirmed that most K visa name checks are completed before the case leaves NVC. Mine certainly was and my P3 was sent the day my paper file was logged in at GUZ. 220499[/snapback] Are you saying that the name check for our SO's are done at the NVC level?
  12. My K3 case left NVC 6 days after it was logged in, April 12. It would have been faster but they were waiting for the name check to be completed. I think AAF in Seattle was a little faster than that. 220490[/snapback] If I am not mistaken the K-1 is not entered into the computer until it is physically received by GZ and the K3 is done by NVC. 220492[/snapback] It's the CR1 that doesn't begin the namecheck until the paper file is at post but the electronic file gets there within a day or two of the NVC OUT date. All K visa namechecks are begun and most completed, while the file is at NVC. This may represent a relatively recent change in procedure. 220495[/snapback] Well I remember GUZ Speaks posted that K visa name check begins once the file is in the computer and before the P3 is sent out. I would assume that's the 2nd name check.
  13. Short of cases? Hmmmmmm. I have a suggestion for them.
  14. You kidding me? 12 mill illegals isn't a balance. Compassion? hahaha. You break the law you get no compassion. Balance and compassion would happen by bringing our loved ones over in a timely matter.
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