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Everything posted by IluvmyLi

  1. We re did her police and single cert in Jan of this yr. 800yuan per. Same day service. This time we will wait for the P4 before updating them. Dang waste of money. Thx GUZ
  2. How about I pay a $10,000 fine and let my SO come over NOW! Don't get me started!
  3. Perhaps "GUZ Speaks" should read this and possibly update the VO's on the proper procedure before kicking back someone's petition. Speculation isn't good enough to throw out a case. "Perhaps as a result of this inherent conflict, we see advisory cables periodically issued by DOS, cautioning consular officers that DHS/CIS approval of a petition is prima facie evidence of eligibility and that a CO must meet a high evidentiary standard before he or she can recommend revocation of that approval."
  4. I just talked to my Ivy on the phone. I got totally depressed. After we talked, I came to CFL to find a post that reflected what I feel. Yours was the first post I read. Although we are in different boats, damn , can I relate to what you said. This is soooo unfair. I love my SO so much. She is just a little innocent Chinese lady who has never done anything wrong in her life. She is as far from being a threat or terrorist as you can get. And so am I , damn it. I can trace my ancestry back to the 1600's. All my family, including me, served in the military. I have a clean record. I don't even have a speeding ticket. Yet, here I am, waiting for a NOA2 and that is being delayed because of a Marriage Broker Law. I agree with the law, but, certainly there must be a way to speed this up. Come on, get real! We are living in 2006 for God sake. We have computers that give out information in a flash. Check me out. Do whatever you have to do, but, please, do something. Don't play with my life. I have served this country. I have given up years of my life for this country. I deserve better treatment. There, now I got that off my chest. I know how you feel. Sometimes, we just have to throw it out there, tell it like it is, and then, go to bed and, hopefully, sleep, and get up tomorrow and start all over again. Yes! I know how you feel. I also know that many of us here at CFL feel the same way. I know that those who already have their wives here have been through it. Many of them stay tuned to CFL and offer support. I appreciate that. I read many responses and most are cliches', but they all mean well. That, I appreciate. I am rambling here because I miss my Yonghua so much. And I get pissed too. 218961[/snapback] I feel you guy’s pain. I posted a similar thread yesterday about mine. Ex-Marine and Vietnam vet and this country won’t let me be with my wife?A fine thank you. Let’s remember why we went this route? and keep focused on the “prize? 218977[/snapback] Stephen yes I do try and remember why I went this route. The love for my Li is what keeps me sane. Nothing will stop us from being together.
  5. I can undersand your frustration. really I do. But you might want to ease up and take it easy. You might know I was where you are this time last year. your timeline is maybe one month ahead where i was last year. You seem to be close. You have done what you could, so now it is time to try and relax a little. Getting angry at everybody won't help and then your finacee will still have to go to the interview and face goverment worker. Getting angry won't make anything happen any earlier. As I rememeber, my then fiancee got her P4 in July, they all vary in your postion now and you REALLY want your love next to you, but sit back and understand you can't worry about things you have no control over. You have done and and said what you could, now is the time to sit back and wait. 218976[/snapback] NewDay2006 your correct and I understand getting angry does no good. But they are messing with our lives. Seeing our SO's sad and crying is very painful. Again, not knowing is the hard part. Thanks for the reply.
  6. Rick i'm sorry to hear Yanlan is having such a difficult time with this. I'm sure she thinks the american gov is out to get her. Such a good 1st impression for her isn't it. And the bs response the Adminis-traitors give about not being able to give out specific informatoin is ridiculous. It's our case and our names. If there is a problem, let us know for cripes sake. Rick for them to have you go all the way to china for an interview and then say "by the way, wer were just kidding. Go home and wait some more." Talk about torture.
  7. I just talked to my Ivy on the phone. I got totally depressed. After we talked, I came to CFL to find a post that reflected what I feel. Yours was the first post I read. Although we are in different boats, damn , can I relate to what you said. This is soooo unfair. I love my SO so much. She is just a little innocent Chinese lady who has never done anything wrong in her life. She is as far from being a threat or terrorist as you can get. And so am I , damn it. I can trace my ancestry back to the 1600's. All my family, including me, served in the military. I have a clean record. I don't even have a speeding ticket. Yet, here I am, waiting for a NOA2 and that is being delayed because of a Marriage Broker Law. I agree with the law, but, certainly there must be a way to speed this up. Come on, get real! We are living in 2006 for God sake. We have computers that give out information in a flash. Check me out. Do whatever you have to do, but, please, do something. Don't play with my life. I have served this country. I have given up years of my life for this country. I deserve better treatment. There, now I got that off my chest. I know how you feel. Sometimes, we just have to throw it out there, tell it like it is, and then, go to bed and, hopefully, sleep, and get up tomorrow and start all over again. Yes! I know how you feel. I also know that many of us here at CFL feel the same way. I know that those who already have their wives here have been through it. Many of them stay tuned to CFL and offer support. I appreciate that. I read many responses and most are cliches', but they all mean well. That, I appreciate. I am rambling here because I miss my Yonghua so much. And I get pissed too. 218961[/snapback] RLS, Yes it helps to vent a bit here and then just continue with life and hope to receive news soon. We have a great bunch of members here that understand how emotional this trip is and offer tremendous support. Hang in there and good luck.
  8. Maura Harty must be extremely busy. I have called her office and was only put into the DOS 1225 line. I emailed her office early last week and never received a response. I will try again next week.
  9. (Admins please move this if in wrong place.) I have been trying not to blow up and tell everyone how I really feel. Everyone as in the Senators office, DOS and GUZ. I did lose it just a bit when no one at my Senators office would return my calls. So I called the Senators D.C office and told them how I really feel. Amazing enough the very next day my local office called me. Of course she said there's nothing she can really do. She emailed GUZ a few weeks ago and that's about it for her. I told her she contacted the incorrect people. Our case is stuck in name check and GUZ is not who you want to contact. I suggested DOS or the FBI. She said DOS really isn't a very good source and they usually know less then GUZ. And that she won't try the FBI. Goes to show what she knows. Zip! I had one Senators office tell me that she has some people she's been trying to help that have been in name check delay since the year 2000. She said that normal time frame for name check is 2 weeks to 3 or 4 months. I told her that 30 days is more like average. She then told me it could very well take 3 or 4 yrs. I told her a response like that is unacceptable and I am asking for someone to give me an explanation as to why the delay. Needless to say she agreed to contact the FBI and try to get some answers. I don't expect any response. I'm just hoping that the more people I contact, will result in some attention and maybe someone will finally get serious and do their job. It just chaps my ass when I think about the illegals parading around on the television and nothing is done. Did they go through security clearance? F**k NO! Does the gov give a crap? NO! But my oh my, we need to make sure my sweet little chinese fiance isn't some undercover terrorist. This is BS and I'm sick of it. I'm a tax paying citizen and I deserve to be treated better then the 12mill illegals. President Bush's press Secretary was on the news last night saying that "what most people don't understand is that it will take these illegals longer then anyone else to become citizens. And they will also have to pay fines and learn English." BIG F'n DEAL! They are already in the Country. They don't care how long it takes. They didin't come here for citizenship. They came here for work. I have nothing against the illegals. They want to work, go for it. But they are in the Country and my Li isn't. How long does it take to check someone's background? I could have swam to China and investigated her by now. WTF? Sorry I feel like a broken record. I'm depressed, pizzed, angry and I want to ..............Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! And now I hear on the news that the World Health Department is ordering Tamiflu to get ready for distribution and prepare for the worse. One more thing I need to be stressed about. It's the not knowing that's killing me. I could very well be sitting here one year from now still waiting. (notice how i'm jumping all over the place, i'm losing it) I need my Li with me and I need her NOW! Ok now i'm ready for everyone to tell me to chill out, shutup and just wait. No need for me to be freaking out. Won't do any good. And for all of you that have been waiting for one or two years, please don't get upset with me expressing how I feel. I've seen your timelines and you have my sympathy. I commend you for having the strenght to survive this ordeal without going crazy. Some on here would say that my timeline isn't out of the ordinary. I agree totally. But our namecheck isn't ordinary and I am concerned. That's it for me. I'm out!
  10. This is the Department of Homeland Security at work again, that same poorly conceived and organized department with the inept and incompetent management that demonstrated their efficiency and effectiveness with the Katrina debacle. And if anyone wants another example of their management skills, take a look the efficient and timely operation of their California Service Center. Many innocent people in New Orleans met their deaths because of DHS's incompetence. The worst "punishment" we are facing is only a delay. We should consider ourselves lucky! 218002[/snapback] Apples and Oranges!
  11. Her SSN should be found on your tax returns from when you were married. Did you toss them all?
  12. Thx Carl. Pm on the way. Don no problem. Will do.
  13. ok thx.........I will try again tomorrow. I wasn't able to find her name on the main DOS site.
  14. I called DOS at 8:30 this morning with no trouble. I will try again after lunch hour.
  15. thx skibum...........I will try a search or her phone number. 217193[/snapback] Unable to find her number.
  16. thx skibum...........I will try a search or her phone number.
  17. thx Carl 217061[/snapback] No need. Your timeline is moving pretty fast already. I emailed and faxed to her many years ago and she never responded. If your case is stucked, then you should contact her. Otherwise, you shouldn't. 217121[/snapback] It was moving fast. Being in Name check since Jan 7th isn't moving fast! Anyway I called her office this morning and all I got was the completer run around. No one would help. I got transfered to some Q for visa information. I also called the FBI name check number and was told they no longer have status information. BS! 217148[/snapback] Have you contacted your Senators and Congressman? If not, it's time to do so. Use the web to find their local telephone numbers and call their offices. Ask to speak with the persons delegated to handle immigration issues. You will need to sign a release, which you can do by fax. Both your Senators and congressman have special telephone numbers and email addresses they can use to get information. While it can be very frustrating, this will give you something to do while you compose hard-copy letters for snail mail to Maura Harty, and any and all Senators and Congressman you care to make envelopes for. 217152[/snapback] ShaQuaNew thanks much, I had contacted one of our Senators previously and they didn't even contact the correct department to see why the name check isn't moving forward. Today I will contact the other Senator and make sure they go in the right direction.
  18. thx Carl 217061[/snapback] No need. Your timeline is moving pretty fast already. I emailed and faxed to her many years ago and she never responded. If your case is stucked, then you should contact her. Otherwise, you shouldn't. 217121[/snapback] It was moving fast. Being in Name check since Jan 7th isn't moving fast! Anyway I called her office this morning and all I got was the completer run around. No one would help. I got transfered to some Q for visa information. I also called the FBI name check number and was told they no longer have status information. BS!
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