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Everything posted by IluvmyLi

  1. http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8...1139759,00.html "Of course, nobody expects China to forget the past. The war launched by Japan's militarist leaders killed an estimated 20 million Chinese. During the Rape of Nanjing in 1937-38, soldiers butchered 300,000 civilians, according to Chinese figures. Most Japanese are aware of what happened but their society has never engaged in the type of introspection common in Germany after the Holocaust. Carefully worded official apologies have landed far short of the five-star kowtow demanded by Beijing, senior Tokyo officials occasionally deny atrocities and just last April a new government-approved textbook written by right-wing groups downplayed the wartime brutality visited on civilians."
  2. If the 1st name check went smoothly, then I expect the 2nd one to also be no trouble at all. I would not worry about it. Just give them what they want quickly so they can proceed with the name check.
  3. Just go and if you have to pay the 250rmb, then pay it. I would gladly pay $30-$35 to have someone be our guide through the medical and interview process.
  4. Well I can tell you from contacting my senators, If you are in 221g Admin review,----there is nothing anyone will do for you. My Senator just said that there is no time frame for an Admin review to be completed within. He can not do anything to help, but If I do not hear anything by the end of august, I should contact him again. The Congressman said the same thing. The other Senator has never responed to my emails or letters. Good luck. It is very very sad. Rick and Yanlan 229022[/snapback] We are just little people and these a-hole government officials won't get off thier high paid fat azzes to help anyone unless they can get something out it for themselves.
  5. Wow congrats! Sure are alot of P4's lately.
  6. What is it they are doing to cause problems with (or about) your fiancee's child? 228617[/snapback] They keep listing him as a beneficiary for a visa but he can't come. They even called my fiancee and she told them the same thing that he could not come. But they still list him as a beneficiary. I suppose this poses no problem as they will see when he doesn't come to the interview. Thanks for your reply. 228623[/snapback] I have had the same problem with my fiance's son. We faxed GUZ in Feb to correct this matter. We also had to re-fax last week to correct this matter again. I had to send a notorized statement that her son would not be part of K1.
  7. Your mean today DOS doesnt work?? But today is not July 4th. I will try tonight... I know GZ got my P3 on 26/05. So I hope I can get my P4 this week too! 228543[/snapback] DOS is open today (monday)
  8. I don't understand why I would want to tell my fiance anything about my past marriage except the date we were divorced. And why would the VO expect my fiance to know anything except the date of divorce.
  9. Thanks DavidZixuan. I called yesterday and the nice lady told me that our case is entered in the system and is in the name check process. I asked her about my SO finger print situation and she said most likely someone with a criminal record has the same name and US need the finger print to make sure it is different people. With my luck I think my case will take longer than the norm. The finger print most likely will cause a delay. I will give it a month and call back to DOS. Hopefully I will get some better news. 227814[/snapback] I wish they would ask my fiance for a fingerprint. But I guess that would make too much sence!
  10. I wish calling DOS constantly would help. But in my case, apparently it doesn't. Anything else I can do? 227486[/snapback] I'm very sorry your going through such a long delay. But I don't think there is anything anyone can do to help speed up the process. That's what sucks about getting stuck in a delay. No one knows anything and no one will tell you anything. The not knowing is what hurts the most. Try to stay positive and visit your fiance whenever possible.
  11. Sometimes our communications about names here get confused. For instance, in the name Li Hua, although Li appears first, it is the family name or equates to what we think of as the last name. Li is a very common family name in China. 227050[/snapback] my Li's name is her given name not her family name. I did a search on google and found many men with the exact same 1st and last name.
  12. Thx stacato for the kind words. We will both survive this process one way or another.
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