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Everything posted by LiandLarry

  1. This is brutal and I have been complaining about 14 months in the process. This Name Check situation is not for the faint of heart. I sincerly hope something breaks loose for all of stuck in Name Check Hell. I have contacted my congressman but who knows if it will help. I think you must try everything despite low chance of success. 167736[/snapback] Fred (?), each time you call NVC ask to speak to a supervisor after they say it isn't done yet. Tell the operator how long it has been and maybe they will get a supervisor "active" in your case. Larry
  2. It might be in a holding area somewhere. I believe when you see "Signed for by STAMP (rubber stamp signature)" then it is actually in the Consulate. Good Luck
  3. Please post your timeline. It provides readers a quick peek as to what's been going on in your case and from there will be better able to respond.... ....welcome to Candle.... 169344[/snapback] hehe done... thanks... 169346[/snapback] Can you get the DHL tracking number so you can track where the package is? I know others had their number. Larry
  4. The DOS Visa Office (202) 663-1225 might have the latest information for you. Larry
  5. I am having a name check problem at NVC. I would like to compare timelines. Could you please post yours? Thanks, Larry
  6. Thank you Mark, wonderful information.
  7. No, I think it is 830 to 5 Eastern. I just posted the # and the options on this thread. Good luck ! 169206[/snapback] I was told the State Department Visa Office (202) 663-1225 had hours of 9am to 5pm EST. I wonder why they would have updated info about GUZ that the new call center at GUZ isn't even able to give........... Very Strange. Larry
  8. I am happy you got your package back. You can't recall something from a bottomless pit so it was "not" NVC. trust me! haha, Larry
  9. Here is a recent thread about the New Call Center vs. State Department Visa Office in D.C. (202) 663-1225 I would try the D.C. number......... http://candleforlove.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=13949 Larry
  10. Good news Ken, congratulations! You must be dancin' all over the house. Larry
  11. congratulations! I hope I and Larry can get some luck from your success!!
  12. Thanks for this information, I guess I am a little on edge these days. Larry
  13. My fiance' is wondering what vaccinations for K-1. I hope no more on avian flu because it isn't required. What vaccinations "ARE" required??? Are they given at the physical that she is to take? Larry
  14. I will look into this.........................thanks for the suggestion. Larry
  15. Yes, we have many emails and years of MSN documented talking twice a day. I was just afraid of the not much when I was in China type stuff.
  16. I think I have a problem. When I visited Li in China I wasn't sure yet if we were going to get engaged or not. When I got back to the U.S. I decided to apply for a fiance' visa (K-1). I had not saved much evidence to show that I had been to china or we were that close when I was there. When filing my lawyer wanted more evidence than a couple pics and a ticket stub from my flights. I had nothing! Now I am afraid this will harm me at the interview in GUZ even though this is a very close and loving relationship. I am planning on visiting in February or March but the interview might be around that time (or I hope it is). Any suggestions?? Larry
  17. Congratulations lars........I hope your trip through NVC is swift. Larry
  18. Thanks David, you are always very helpful. Larry
  19. Welcome Peter, which part of the process are you on now?? Do you have a timeline? Larry
  20. I am trying to get some timeline on how long I would need to stay at the hotel in GZ. My SO says that the physical takes 3 days to get finished and then another 3 days to get the Visa. Is this true? Thanks, Larry
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