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Everything posted by nygatl15

  1. Maybe.... I guess self defense is better "to know it than not know it." but self defense doesn't work very well sometimes with someone who looks for women who are weaker and vunerable. I told my SO that she should not go places by herself at night, even though many crimes are committed in broad daylight.... I don't want to make her paranoid. last year in Shanghai, she went to a ATM, I guess someone watched her getting money and the basically set her up to be robbed. I'm glad she didn't get hurt. 135849[/snapback] After thinking more about this after my previous post, I think this would be a good idea, mostly they know a lot of the "set up" situations or "hot spots" and things to look out for. But who is safe now a days? Lot's of people here in the south have guns in thier cars.... I don't! I own a gun, but I keep it locked and unloaded and never take it from the house. I grew up in NYC and I didn't own a gun until the Y2K, 5 years ago. I was afraid to own a gun in NYC... I was always afraid some fool would cause me to shoot them, so I never got one then. Everyone had them, but me. here in the south, I have one now. I want to think that I would call the police if I had a problem instead of being on the morning news the next morning like many fools in this country.
  2. Maybe.... I guess self defense is better "to know it than not know it." but self defense doesn't work very well sometimes with someone who looks for women who are weaker and vunerable. I told my SO that she should not go places by herself at night, even though many crimes are committed in broad daylight.... I don't want to make her paranoid. last year in Shanghai, she went to a ATM, I guess someone watched her getting money and the basically set her up to be robbed. I'm glad she didn't get hurt.
  3. Chinashawn, I think you can just look at the times that are posted and just use the dates that close to your time.... our times are very close, you maybe a few days ahead of me. Goodluck
  4. Welcome to CFL. I'm sorry to hear of your fiancee's sickenss. I don't think the sickness will stop her from getting her VISA. God Bless.
  5. Thanks Goat, I will make sure she reads your quote. 134720[/snapback] My Fiancee went to place in Beijing today and they told her the are able to give her a report stating that she does not have any criminal record in China. She will go back next week to pick it up. She said she had to pay extra because she had to pay back money to maintain her personal file, not sure what that was about. But it seems she will get the needed police report
  6. according to the timeline, a few should get thier interveiw appointments this week like BuffaloPaul....Good luck... hopefully we will get the appointment in a few weeks,.....
  7. Filing EAD depends on if she wants to work. We did this. Filing AP if you want to travel before green card is issued. My bet is that she will have it before we need to travel, so we opted not to do this. Each additional thing you file for cost a filing fee. If we absolutely need to travel outside of US, we can file for AP before we go. Looks like AOS should be soon, we have already scheduled her finger prints and biometrics. I am guessing AOS before end of year. 135174[/snapback] I'm sure I will do all of these things,.... it's just that, now I'm really in the place where I just going nuts waiting for her to get here. Once she gets the visa, I will make moves for the Advance parole and the work issues. I understand when she is at customs in the US, she can ask for the stamp?? to allow her to work.
  8. I can only speak of where I've been. Shanghai was cool, I liked it, but it was really just like NYC, Bejing was really cool, many places to see. ZhinZhou( I think that is the right name), it was just very crowded. The coolest place I went to was Shaolin. Very beautiful mountain ranges and this is the place where there are many Kung Fu schools. It was really cool to see all these young men there training, I understand since they are young boys until they are adults. I understand Jet Li made his 1st movie here... also it helped me understand the Bruce Lee movies from when I was a kid.
  9. I have no idea what my Fiancee and I will do. I'm sure I will take her around to see her new surroundings/new home. Spend time together and basically begin life together, go to Walmart, get married and livve happlily ever after.... I'm sure you will figure it out naturally
  10. Try Barnes and Noble, I it bought online for $4 . the Rape of Nanking is much more though. I want to read about it also. 132757[/snapback] That's a terribly depressing book. It was because of what Iris learned while writing this book that she later committed suicide. My friend had it in her home, and I browsed thru it, the pictures and stories are horrifying. Trust me, you don't "need" this book to better understand Chinese cullture. You'll get a sick stomach. Some sources said that the Nanjing incident in WWII was worse than the holocaust. 133094[/snapback] I know that making the Rape of Nanking must have been difficult, but I believe Iris Chang had emotional problems and stopped taking her medicine. I understand it is very dangerous to just stop take your prescribed medicine with people who had her condition(depression). Still, she was a very talented lady, it is indeed a shame. she had a great flair for expressing herself and telling the story. I'm sure she will be missed.
  11. Thanks Goat, I will make sure she reads your quote.
  12. yes, I have a plan, but they make you pay so much now a days, I could buy a car... Still, I know it beats the alternative
  13. Should be no problem to add my SO once we are married. I just have to add her to the plan within 30 days of being married or I will have to wait for the enrollment period. It should be no extra money, since I have still Kids on my plan.
  14. Good Luck! Welcome to the Big Wait ! But it is cool here. makes it easier to deal with.
  15. Has anyone here ever had ox tails? It's not a chinese dish, but I'm sure the chinese can make them good... but it is a jamaican dish. People usually make a face here when I mention them, but there are not many things better to eat. everyone should try ox-tails at least once. the most tender beef you can eat. honestly!
  16. Hopefully this will help... I don't think she beleives me... Maybe your suggestions encourage her
  17. I know that the visa info states this about a police report from every city...but my understanding is that there is really only one police report available and anything on one's record would have been reported back to their hometown. 134082[/snapback] She is from LouYang, but has not lived there for many years(when she was a child, maybe 16), she currently lives in Beijing. Are you saying she may need to go through Louyang to get the police report?
  18. The hukou is the city where she is registered and that is where the police report should be from. 134075[/snapback] I'm not sure if she is registered anywhere, she lived in US for six prior to 2004 give or take a few years. So this is a little confusing.
  19. This is to say that she must begin at the police station, right? My SO seems to be not sure of where she should get this information. It is my thought that she will need to get documentation from more than one place, because.... She must have a "Police report from every place she lived since 16 years old"... she's 40 now, so I would think she has a few places to contact for this information
  20. This really made me laugh when I pictured the 2 of you near the river.
  21. My Fiancee still does not have her police report. Today she found out that there is a notary that can give her a report that saying she does not have a police record in china,... hmmm?, that does not sound like what she may need in the interview. I'm hoping there can be an answer for here when she wakes up. I do think it is late in the game for us not to have the police report yet. Please help. How long should it take for her to get the report? I have heard mention of her "houko"??? ...
  22. I know what you mean about the chopsticks. I can mostly get the food to my mouth, but some foods are different and require more "technique?". I can now make some really good fried rice now and I then practice with the chopsticks... In atlanta there are many vietmanese resturants, so I go there for Pho... I knew a Vn lady that said it was cheaper to eat Pho in the resturant than to make it at home. Goto www.foodtv.com and search for chinese and you will come up with many recipes for free.
  23. I'll definitely pick that one up. I liked her "The Rape of Nanking", as well as "Wild Swans" by Jung Chang. Without getting into any "right or wrong" argument about either, both offer very interesting points of view. Try Barnes and Noble, I it bought online for $4 . the Rape of Nanking is much more though. I want to read about it also.
  24. If you already have your WAC number, 1. you can call the NVC and tell them of the change. 2. If you have already gotten a GUZ number, you must email the Ghuangzhou embassy periodically to change the address(this is what I had to do). They will tell you, your number is not in the system, if so, send another email weekly and when they receive it they will notify you. give them your SO's telephone number in the email. They called my fiancee on a Saturday to ask her address in Chinese. She then receive the P3 at the new address within a week. Good Luck.
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