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Everything posted by nygatl15

  1. Thanks for the reality check.. I'll crawl back into a hole now... 141403[/snapback] I know, I just blew the whole mood dude. just the same Congrats to you. Your reply made me bust up
  2. From the other thread......... What a difference 19 little minutes make!......... Congratulations!......... 141292[/snapback] Yeah, I was really surprised when they told me the interview had been set.... I does feel good. She is so excited and so am I... but in reality, we still to get have to past the interview. Thanks for the good words... Congrats to everyone who got thier interview today...
  3. Looks like we share the same date. Dave, did you wake your woman up? I couldn't wait. I have football practice later... I couldn't hold that info to myself, I would have bursted
  4. I called yesterday and they said no interview date has been scheduled yet....I just called DOS again a few minutes ago for a status.,... They said her interview date is sept 7..... This is great. I've been trying to be cool about it... but I feel great now. I called my babe just now.... she was afraid something happened. She is very happy also, actually a little stunned maybe... moving one step closer
  5. Welcome! I think it is important to see her in person as soon as possible if you have not already met her. If this is not possible yet, write snail mail to each other to provide documentation of your relationship. You can also get phone cards that will allow you to track your calls to her and print reports.
  6. I just called the DOS and asked if we were scheduled yet, of course we are not yet.. I also asked the question about the police reports. I got conflicting answers. I called 3 different times and got 3 different agents. 1 agent said I did not need the police report from the US. the other 2 said I did need the police reports. I guess we will just try and get them from the San Fran police department. I guess better act now, to avoid the rush later.
  7. If we took the last two sets of data, which were two weeks of P4s, two weeks of nothing, two weeks of P4's and now this is the second week of nothing, then I would think next week for new wave of P4's with September Interview dates. But I would be only speculating based on a very vague impression, that is really an alternate theory that still fits the data for the old theory, which is nothing has changed, just there is no one whose time has come up who is posting, and this fills the time for everyone to write posts to speculate why their turn has not happened before now, or why there seems to be no P4's, when really there are P4's, just no one is telling. 138954[/snapback] Noon,the statement that we maybe in the "2nd week of nothing" is a little comforting to me as I wait my turn... I understand there are quite a few before me that must receive before... Thanks for your anlyasis of the information as much as you have. I guess we all know that EMS usually takes a week... it's not "what Brown can do for you".... This alone will add to the wait. Maybe next week the calls to Guz or DOS will be positive results. Actually knowing will be very good i'm sure.
  8. Very true words "Good things comes....", but the waiting is not easy at this point. Still it is hard to beleive the time has passed, it seems like an eternity. I must say I'm very anxious. My fiancee still thinks she needs the police report. because she went to school in usa... I think I will call or email Guz today for clairifcation and to please her. Dave, I'll be looking for your post when you contact the DOS today.
  9. Very true. Family wasn't perfect, still kind same kind of problems as we have,... but I feel there is more respect amongst family and friends and more closeness than here in US.... at least among my family
  10. Yes, I agree. I was not what I thoought it might be like.... still I won't say certain things in type or on the phone for that matter. I felt the same about shanghai, it was just like NYC... didn't feel like China,... now Beijing was different. more culture and I felt the people were friendlier
  11. Cool Dude! I'll probably still rinse my food off, but a lot of good useful information nervertherless.
  12. Come on guys, we all have experienced many things in that big beautiful country. what was your most memorable? One that comes to my mind was when we went to the Great Wall back in June. We took a cab for a 2 hour drive to go away from Beijing so it wasn't as crowded... we went(6am) very early, to avoid the heat also. So I guess it was about 8am we are going up the hill to get to the 20 stories of steps to climb the Wall.. and a older chinese man saw me and yelled "hey brother" and held his fist up as the Black Olympic runners did in Mexico City at the 1968 Games. I responded laughing and raised my fist the same and yelled "Black Power". It really surprised me and made me laugh. I was thinking that maybe that gentlemen saw the runner do just that on a tape of the Olympics. But for that to happen to me in China, really amused me. I didn't see many black people in China, mostly just Chinese people
  13. I think Chicken is the one you should wash more. it has the highest incident of salmanila(wrong spelling)
  14. Good point. I was always looked at funny when I gave money to the people who were disabled or sick. It's hard for me to ignore these people. mosgt be there just walked by
  15. I must say I like China a lot. I think the women are beautiful(I'm glad I found one) and most people were friendly to me. Some stared really hard, which I didn't mind for a while and then I would return the stare and they would look away. The thing I hate worst in China is the lack of rules on the road. I must say, just observing traffic is probably better than a "pacemaker". Bikes cut off buses buses cut off people, it;s like arnarchy on the roads. You could see people are poor there, but don't don't seem unhappy. I also hated every public bathroom. even in the better resturants they smelled bad.
  16. I wash all my meat, fish and anything else that comes from the outside. It won't hurt the meat and it gets the slimy feel off some meats. At first I thought you were going to say she put soap on it
  17. Good Luck! I hope everything keeps going in the right direction.
  18. I guess I wonder why people decide to do the K3 instead of the K1... it seems K3 takes longer. Just the same Good Luck
  19. yes, I didn't listen to the message... I just entered the number when the talking started each time
  20. Thanks, worked like a charm... got right there in 10 minutes... but I did not get any news. I was told there was no record of a 2nd name check performed or requested for that matter. ( I wonder if this is because she lived here for 4 years while in School) They also told me there was no interview date scheduled yet. They told me also that Guz received the P3 back on April 13. I was sent to them on April 4 and received I beleive April 8... but I guess it took another 5 days to be entered into the computer. I didn't like the answers I was given, I was actually a little annoyed, but I was careful not to relay thos feelings to the person on the other end. I hope no name check is a good thing in this case.
  21. You're right David... I'm trying to make sure I just didn't get an answer to make e go away... I know the name check takes about 100 days, not less than a month like I was told. I'm on hold now with them... I post what happens. thanks
  22. Can someone tell me the best way to call the DOS to get date the 2nd name check was completed. I've tried calling 202 663 1225, but I have no idea how to get the information, I never do get a live person. there is a message that the information is available on the Web Site... I could not find it there.... any suggestions? I also may try and ask when is the interview date if I ever talk to a live person
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