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Everything posted by nygatl15

  1. My lady has her SS# already from previous time in the US. I understand she will keep the number but she will not be able to work without approval. We will try for her to arrive in US via JFK for the 90 day EAD stamp. does anyone know how long to get her approval for EAD to work until her green card?
  2. Actually, she had to write a letter requesting it and send her driver's liscense. She sent it to me and I sent along my DL and a letter explaining what was needed.. and of course checks for this information they sent it to my house, now I will forward onto her with final documents I need to send to her, ... ie final phone records and a few other things.
  3. I called DOS 3 different times with 3 different agents, I didn't ask shawn when I had the chance... but 2 of the 3 said I needed them, one said no. I asked wouldn't the prior check by the NVC and other checks suffice. I was told no. Well, it didn't take too much effort and I got them... I will express them to her. She will feel better.... we all know that when the lady love is happy we can be happy... She doesn't know I got them yet, but I know she will be happy... they only cost $15 total for 2, not including the express charges, but I get a discount because of my company. Maybe many here don't have the concerns I have about her being in the country before... either way, one less thing to worry about.
  4. I didn't see this post so I started one like this... but I was the same as you. I couldn't wait a year either. now I'm tapped out as far as going around the world. I wish I could be there, but I can't. I hope everything works out for your SO and you. I'm sure it will be sweeet.
  5. Will you travel to Guz for the interview? I cannot, I wish I could. I kind of spent too much already this year. I need to save some for when she gets here. I hate to think of her there without me being the deterrent of purse snatchers or petty crime people. She is not worried, but I have my concerns. She thinks she is tough because she lived in the US before... but I understand Guanzhou is a "different animal"
  6. I asked this question in the past and got mixed responses from everyone here and from the DOS... It was my thougth my lovely one wouldn't need a police report from the cities she lived in the US when she attended school. I still beleive this, but since the interview is next month, I thought maybe we should try.... actually my lady felt that way and I supported her. A lawyer told me I could not get them from the US. Well, I did get one today.from 2 cites, Berkely and SF. So hopefully this can help someone in the future if tis question comes up again. I don't think they will ask for them, but it is better to be safe than sorry on that subject. I think we have our ducks in a row now... we will just have to wait and see.
  7. You pay more when yyou use the 800 number. with a cell phone, you can call any state. they finally got the local number here in georgia. click on the tab that says local access and look for your state. I used it this morning just the same.
  8. My SO has the interview on Sept 7... She will come around Oct 10.
  9. When do you expect your SO after a successful interview? My
  10. the 20 hour train ride doesn't sound like fun. I took a 10 hour train ride with my SO... for me it wasn't fun and we went first class. I decided then I would fly back... and it ended up being cheaper than the train
  11. Congratulations!! remember, he must be able to hit curve ball Grandpa.
  12. Congrats... welcome to the interview waiting area. It is getting crowded in here, but I'm glad we are here.
  13. congrates~~~ Well, you never know... 143110[/snapback] Cool. Good luck.
  14. Hang in there Hank. I'm very nervous now waiting... but look at the Franks and Triggs of the CFL... they are cool, calm and..... well, the Franks and triggs of the CFL. They have been there. Done that!! Every stage is just as difficult as the last, the waiting I mean.... I hope it gets easier when it over.... all I have to worry about is the Mop!! right Trigg?
  15. Great news!! now the countdown. Congrats.
  16. Noon, your "smoothing' was very accurate in my case and others so far as i can see. Great job dude!! it really gave me a calming effect seeing something instead of just wondering when it would happen. One more hurdle! B)
  17. I don't know if it was Guz, but my lady received a call on Saturday before she received the P3 asking her address in chinese... she got the p3.. days later.
  18. Great news. the finish line is in your sights now. Good luck.
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