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Everything posted by nygatl15

  1. do i have a choice? She won;t be able to get a green card now will she? unless she does something not honest? An attorney says it is too early to get a divorce, I would have to wait for 5-6 more months before the divorce will be approved.
  2. If you have not fied for the AOS in the 90 day period, can you stay in the country? What happens when that 90 day period comes and goes? My wife has not returned. She says I used that to bully her. This was not true. I let her know if the silly arguments didn't stop we wouldn't work and the marriage would fail and she wouldn't get a green card. Anyway She is gone and doesn't appear to want to return, althoug she shows (small)signs sometimes. But in reality, I have to give up since she won't return. What are my options here? An attorney told me that since I don't know her address to serve papers, I can't get a divorce for at least 6 months.
  3. Send a email to Guz to answer your question. they will respond very quickly, usually in 24 hours...
  4. My wife changed her address right before they sent her the P3 and they called her on a Saturday to ask for her address in Chinese. There was no problem. Actually , I intiated the process with an email to Guz.
  5. Very Well articulated. I couldn't have said it better. I don't care if someone doesn't beleive, I can respect them..... As long as they respect the fact that I deserve to be respected. I don't generally start conversations about religion. Many people may not know i'm a Christain at work, but i do not hide the fact. I do frown on people who just cuss all the time. I think that is a respect issue and a lack of inteligence. Heck, I will lose it sometimes and forget myself, but 99.9% I try to be a calm rspectful person...I don't like me when I'm angry. My ex has had the ability to get me to stray away friom that at times and I blame that on my weaknesses. I don't respond as much anymore, but it has upset me sometimes when in the past. I pray that I'm better now.
  6. This is an interesting subject. Many different opinions. I personally redicated myself to Christ 3 years ago an became a member of my church. I feel religions are a personal decision. If someone wants my advice I willl give it. If they are having a hard time in life, I will offer Christ as a way to deal with the problems, it worked for me. I don't feel it is fair to force it on someone. Wenjie had an understanding of Christianity, but was not very involved. It is not very easy to find Chinese churches in China. Her parents do follow Christ. When I was there in May, a Christian family came over to meet me and pray with me, they only sang and prayed in chinese and of course, I understood nothing, but still I enjoyed myself and was very happy they came. Wenjie and I have prayed many times together and we just went to my church this past sunday together. She was very excited about going and she indicated she wants to get into the bible study groups as we have discussed before. She even wrote a note on the frige noting her first time going to church with my daughter and I. I don't push her, there is so much I stilll don't know. But I do beleive that Christ has been in my corner all my life. I grew up on the mean streets of NYC and there are many reasons I didn't get caught up and hurt like many I knew of... I'm sure non Christians would say there are a variety of reasons and I would agree, but I personally feel the biggest reason is because of Christ. I agree with Dave there are many small differences between churches. But, It is my goal to follow Christ and set the example for my family, since I'm the head of the house. Christians aren't perfect or sinless, if they were, the church would be totally empty on Sunday. I guess it comes down to the personal choice and what you or I choose to beleive. That is the beauty of living in the USA.
  7. i would simply say, that I'm marrying a woman who I fell in love with. While it was unconventional, our meeting on the internet, I'm still very happy with my choice. We both had to make a lot of effort to be together. I see many beautiful women here in the USA, black , white, spanish... good, bad, hoochies and gold diggers, none of them have signs stating the negative, but just the same I beleive all women are the same. I just chose to find a Chinese woman. Some of my family or friends may raise thier eyebrows and questions and they may at thier choice, I would advise them against insulting me or her, but they don't know our relationship. Most times my Wenjie is quiet and reserved, but she is by no means a "doormat"... she will stand up to me and tell me like it tis and that is why this is america. We can't worry about others, we can only "love the one we're with"
  8. any truth to the this statement " If you apply in person at the INS office, they will issue the permanet EAD? "
  9. thanks Frank, I initially was under the impression that this was part of the I485, but more research on the internet has brought up numerous more forms to file... this will get costly, I see.
  10. My concern is, since Wenjie got her EAD at JFK last week, if we file AOS in 2 weeks after we get married, will there be a time when she will have to stop working? How long does the process take to be able to have permanent work authorization?
  11. wenjie couldn't get through to China last night and she can't call today either... even the higher rate toll free number doesn't work. hopefully it will work soon.... I'm sooo glad that I will mostly use it for calling inside the US now that she is here. I have not smelled the roses yet, but I'm very glad she is here. I can tell she is happy here.
  12. i guess I'm the selfish one here. I don't think I could live in China. I love my SO, but I have never given any thought to moving there or from Georgia. she wanted me to move to San Fran. I'm in Georgia. I invited her to my world and I will do everything to make her comfortable here, but China has too many issues for me to move there and I have my kids here that still need me.... I think they do. But I do understand she is making a big change for me and I respect her for that. She lived here once and doesn't want to live in china either. Her daughter is still there eith her Ex, I told her she could live with us and I would treat her as my own child.... what can I say?, I'm an old dog who refuses new tricks
  13. Another consideration might be, unlike China we can drink our water from the tap.... granted this is starting to be a thing of the past.
  14. Very unfortunate indeed. Don is right! This is not the time to "try out" your relationshiop.... still, it is your last chance to decide for sure before you marry. I made my decision last year. Still all of the negative situations over the last few months has made me concerned. Still I'm confident that Wenjie and I will be happy together. I can't control what she does or says, but I do have a choice how I present myself and how I respond to whatever she should say or do in the relationship. Ideally, I hope we continue on our journey. My lady is coming next week, I'm very excited about it. I can only trust her that she loves me as I do her. I guess all of us will know in a month or so or a year or so about our reltionships being "true" or not. Still I beleive prayer and communications makes a big difference. I'm sorry for the failure of your relationship, But I'm confident in a successful future with my fiancee.
  15. I remember this time.... it seemed so long ago. I went to Shanghai last sept. to meet my SO... When I got back to the US, I started to get all the papers needed to file the K1. I used an attorney, mostly because my ex had an issue she was concerned with from a previous overstay, it really never came up. I think CFL would have been fine for us, but to have a person to respond to my calls was nice just the same. I filed the K1 or at least it was received nov 22. We were approved for the visa Sept. 7 ,... it takes a while, but most things that are worthwhile take time. Good luck
  16. Wow, Frank, so that means I am in the final stage right now? Hope my name check will be finished soon, but it seems in Guangzhou K1 speed up a lot, CR1 is still slow. Does it help speed up my case if I ask my husband to contact congressman? my husband applied for K3 in Dec last year. As my husband mailed k3 to CSC instead of Chicago, my k3 is still not approved. Do I still need to track my K3? or just leave it alone? Thanks again Frank!! 157634[/snapback] I think you still need to wait a few more months before the interview. Immigration process, like fine wine, has to age to taste better. Has your husband received your passport? 157636[/snapback] i'm not sure about the K3 visa... but I got that letter you are talking about from Guz in April, my interview was scheduled in September. Guz will tell you it takes 6-7 months. That's about right, it took me aprox 6 months from when they acknowledged they had my files.
  17. i'm very sorry to hear of your loss. I agree not to tell your SO the news untils afterwards, she will be nervous enough. Good luck
  18. I'm thinking that once we get the marriage certificate, we can apply for the SS# card name change? Will we need utlitity bills in her name? I was thinking to get a cell phone in her name. and a bank account... won't we need the marriage certificate for these items. since she has a Driver's liscense already, will she have problems changing her name on it.
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