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Everything posted by nygatl15

  1. My timing is off a few days. It doesn't really matter, since I can see all around me
  2. The Chinese in America, by Iris Chang is a very good book describing the History over the last 300 years. There is a lot of good information, I read it when I was there a few weeks back, every moment when we were not busy, I picked it up.
  3. I was told this exactly by an attorney. My SO is suspicious just the same.
  4. Good Luck in solving your issues, but I don't think it is possible to extend your 90 days. You either get married or she is out of status. Again, good luck
  5. My fiance went to school in the US. In regards to her police reports, does she need reports from the U.S. and China?? or is she just responsible for China's police reports for when she lived in China. Wouldn't her history ,when she was in the U.S. before, have been checked during the prior stages K1 process ,...USCIS, NIV ??
  6. I think i'm in a "safe" part Atlanta, quiet ... family neighborhood... but a lot of it depends not putting yourself in vunerable situations, like being out alone at night.. of course she is safe with me, but when she gets a job, situations might change, there is more violent street crime in the US than China. Martial arts might be a consideration.... awareness is a big key also. This thread gives food for thought.
  7. Wow, this is a bummer... I wish you luck in the future.
  8. Thanks for sharing this. We really are all the same, just from different palces in the great place we call earth. Nothing is perfect, but commitment and respect will make it work.
  9. ]QUOTE] So many relationships ignore the big problems, look the other way and do nothing to keep them from happening. These are the relationships that do not make it past five years. You faced the problem head on and dealt with the issues. My last marriage was the fairy tale... and we would look past our problems and not deal with them and then the relationship litterally went "poof" overnight. I'm not sure if she cheated or what, I never found out.. but I really think i'm blessed to have Wenjie.
  10. Well, I wasn't going to share this, but now that this thread is here I, will.... Things were not "perfect" when I was in Beijing the last 2 weeks. We had some major fights... maybe not major, I just don't like to argue. I spoke of leaving earlier than planned. I guess we both said things we didn't need to each other. the last time we argued I asked her if could we just "part being friends", that maybe this was not going to workout. Her reply was, "you want to give up after 2 weeks?" from that point on, I think we both had more give and take. I was divorced 2 times before, so I was concerned. the arguments were really about how we reacted to each other. She did call me a "spoiled american" a few times... I'm sure she is right about that. I was getting a little impatient sometimes... her family and friends were showing up at the hotel at 9am in the morning and would stay with us the entire day, that was a little tiring after the 1st couple of times. this made it a little difficult for me. They are great people and very loving and generous with me, but I tend to be used to my space. This and the fact I was still dealing with situations back in the States, I believe was a little moody at times. Our problems were not really problems, it's just that they made me scared about the future a little and it annoyed her if I said that.... Still, I have grown even closer to her and I love her even more than when I got there. I think she feels the same. She lived and went to school in San Fran for 4 or 6 years, I can't remember so she is used to the American way of things although she still has a lot to learn. I think we will be fine. We are both strong-willed people, but I think we both know it will take a lot of give and take from the both of us. Praying together also helps. I actually think the "problems" was good for us. We both know this is not a fairy tale, but it is 2 people from 2 different parts of the world trying to share thier lives. It is possible, but we just must consider the other persons feelings before reacting, I guess. I do know I want to make this work and live happily(most of the time) ever after.
  11. I sent an email to Guz yesterday and they responded this morning. I asked if her name check was completed. her P# was sent back the 1st week in April. I was informed that the name check was completed in april. They said we can expect the interview to be aprox. 5 months... my question is, why does it take so long? 5 month means we should expect a interview in maybe September.
  12. got mine at Barnes and Noble for about $30 dollars for 10 Cd's...I only listened to the first 3 CD's... you might imaging my chinese is not very good... but I can say "hi" and " I don't speak very well"
  13. I experienced it in Shanghai last year and even more this time... I found out what they were saying right away, and was comfortable, but I really did get tired of hearing the word so much... what can I do? mak them change thier language. I would caution my lady to be careful here if she is talking in public, some people would be very sensitive. Over the years, I have become a Christian and I don't "think" I would react as I would have in my younger days. I'm confident in myselfregardless of what a non Chinese person would say here. I guess I don't have it directed at me... being 6'4" and 260 pounds is a deterrent.
  14. My SO has not started the process of getting the police reports. she said she would wait until I returned home from china. I'm back so I'm hoping she will start very soon. Does anyone know if she should anticipate any problems doing so? I think we should expect a interview in the next 2-3 months.
  15. Atlanta's Chinese community is estimated at about 50,000 of the total 250,000 estimated Asians living in the metro area. Incidentally, according the 2000 census data, the majority are mainland Chinese. Yes, the chinese that live in the north Atlanta areas all live mostly in middleclass to affluent areas of the city. Many own businesses here.
  16. Congratulations... a celebration is in order!!
  17. Yes Longrider, I would like to see some pictures. My SO's family lives there.. we will stay there for a couple of days... I will take a 10 hour train ride from Beijing... I may have to fly back though. Thanks for the info... is it a rural type of city? My girl doesn't say much about it.
  18. Thanks for the Information.. I look forward to the visit there, it sounds very interesting. thanks for taking the time to do this for me
  19. I will go to meet my SO's family in Louyang, maybe stay there for 2-3 days... anyone been there or know anything about it? I know it is an ancient city dating back over 10000 years... Any info, will be appreciated
  20. my case was returned and received per ems tracking number 4/8.. I sent an email a few weeks ago to verify it was in the system, it was
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