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Everything posted by nygatl15

  1. I have never checked with NVC, but mine k1 was approved feb 23... I keep emailing Ghaungzhou, they repond everytime with, "we don't have your petition in the system". In this modern age, you'd think they could at least tell me where ... anyway still waiting for word.... we are looking at trouble, we are trying to change my SO's address. It could be "messy" and cause delays... For now I jst keep emailing them for when they receive the change. my SO did fax them her new address written in chinese as they requested... but f they haven't touched the file, does it do any good?
  2. Yes, I just got a onesuite card... the bounus with them is they don't charge you 69 cents a week to use thier card. and no connection fees... I just called china and talked for 16 minutes and it only cost 34 cents.... the cards are rechargable also and I get the low rate when I use my cell phone minutes which are cheap after 9pm and weekends... t only cost 1.9 cents or less... also they have some nice features you enter the phone number which you will be call from on the web account you will get and when you dial the local access number or toll free number it will enter the long pin number for you and if you set up the pin online also, you can enter the telephone number with just 3 digits... I like this Onesuite... it seems to be the best of all of the phone cards... I use the free internet phone sometimes, but now I can call my love anytime I want... anyway the free internet quality fades sometimes... alot lately.
  3. Thanks Guys, I checked onesuite... it looks fine,... just alittle bit more that 1stphonecard... but I think I will try it so I can have 2 sources of cheap cards.
  4. I'm looking ofr cheap phone cards... so far I got one good one from here.... 1stphonecard.com .... they are good. they cost 1.9 cents if you use your cell phone with free long distance, otherwise it will cost like 3- 4 cents a minute and no call reporting... Does anyone else know any other cheap phone cards for under 2 cents a minute? thanks
  5. Not yet!! we Will meet when I visit in May... I look forward to meeting them... although no one speaks english and I talk very little chinese, I still want to meet her family and let them know that I will be loyal and take care of here no matter what. I'm hoping to gain a Chinese family
  6. I know this must be difficult.. my ex was not good with my kids from a prior marriage... she always fought with me about them... I was unlike your husband in the fact, I put her high on my list of priorities... I always looked for her comfort because she was my wife... I know that my future chinese wife will new in my household. I plan to make her very comfortable,. I consider it an honor that she loves me and wants to move here to be with me. Even though I have a really bad marriage last and even uglier divorce... I don't want to experience again... it took too long to recover.... I think I have recovered(I Think). Again, hang in there.... P.S. he doesn't sound very smart having a pregnant woman sleep on the floor. I will also advise that having God in your life and marriage will help to make your family stronger, especially if your husband gets involved. Good Luck
  7. Hang in there... I pray it will get better for you and your family... Maybe in the future you might want to discuss that you spend less time at her house, but I guess if he doesn't have a good home, you can go out to the movies or park sometimes... But still hang in there, the kids will grow up
  8. I agree with everyone here. I'm not married legally yet to my love, but I forever attached to her and I feel a void in my life without her next to me. It is not right in this modern world that we have to wait so long to have our cases seen. Hang in there... I spend so mch money on the phone cards. We talk about 3-5 hours a day... I tried the free internet, but the quality is not as good and you can't document the time spent talking to you partner. We all have this common bond of dealing with a tought difficult situation. Good luck and hang in there.
  9. Great news!! Why so long?? Were you ever able to get an answer why it took so long after your p3 is in the system... or maybe that is the norm, 3-4 months after they receive your p3?... I'm waiting for her to receive the p3 now... it's been almost a month since nvs approved petition
  10. Ok, I think I got it now... I think maybe i can feel mine was on this shipment since I got the letter saying my case was approved on 2/23. givin a week or 2 for just sittin for a time.. I might just be lucky that my case was sent on this date... does this mean, I have about 1 month before the P3 goes out?
  11. Thanks for the support, I like this site for the simple fact I know others feel the exact pain I feel. I call my fiancee 3-4 times a day, we have talked as much as 6 hours in one day(thank God for low rates and free internet phone).. I am waiting for the Packet 3 to be delivered to my love... That maybe 2 or 3 weeks away still(who really knows).... We may get an interview by August, September..... But that doesn't make it any easier waiting... I almost feel like we are become obssessed with each other now... It's not a physical thing, just a I need her and she needs me!!
  12. All I know is , Lucy Liu looks very sexy is leather
  13. maybe I just don't understand how you get the DHL numbers and how they are connected to you case#
  14. basically this is useless then?? We are pretty desparate for any positive news here.... I'm not sure I feel better knowing that my bundle can be located in one of many bundles, I guess the only thing that will make me happy is to get the P3.
  15. How do you know if your package is a part of a shipment to GZ ? The NVC approved our petition 2/23.... what does this mean for me?
  16. I hope so also. Too much war talk in the world and the US is supporting the little guy in this case. But then, I'm not a politician and politics is not why i'm here.
  17. I was born in NYC, grew up in Queens. I moved to Atlanta in 1991. NYC is too "much". Too Expensive and "too" crowded. Hopefully we only have less than 6 months left. (I pray, I pray...)
  18. I guess 6 months of communication will be un documented.... I just purchsed a 1stphonecard so I can start getting some minutes documented. I do write some letters, but everything is electronic mostly... my phone card is not even a card.... that is a bummer, because I had a bunch of phone cards in the past. I will ask her to print all of the emails, I can't leave her alone.
  19. I get a record of my call, but only that I purchased a phone card called CALL CHINA... do you think that whis would not be enough? I don't get anything more that that. Wiill this hurt me, you think?
  20. does anyone know of a good!! Cheap !! phone card for under 2 cents a minute? Please Share it here, Im sure many here benefit from this information. I usally get 3 cents a minute at noblecome.com.. I need to cut costs soon, we talk alot!!
  21. not yet, It was approved 5 days before yours (feb 23).... still waitin
  22. I grew up in New York City, that was dangerous, I really enjoyed my trip to shanghai last year. never felt anything negtive from hundreds of peopleI encountred... People seemed to be surprised to see me, a tall black man. Anyway, I went to church there and many other things like jazz clubs... I felt very happy there. I want to visit many more times....
  23. She already has a SSN... she was here as a student... I hope it doesn't cause problems
  24. Our primary focus now is waiting for the K1 Visa.... after we get it and she comes to the US, what happens then? I know we have 90 days to marry, probably less. Which papers do you file 1st... Is there a forum on this or a site for this information??
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