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Everything posted by nygatl15

  1. At first, my reaction was what are you doing? I was really afraid because it made me think of my ex's... I just don't like to argue or have someone scream at me... I told her we should say goodbye, then we hung up... I later got back online with internet phone and she was very apoligetic... She must have said sorry 20 times. But she knew I saw a part of her that I never saw before... I appreciate your comments... I know women are emotional, it just scares me... I'm supposed to go there next month, but I find myself asking do I want to go now( I know that is silly, at this point). just a little shaken now. I knew her for one year and this was the first time. After 2 divorces, I'm a little gun shy... I would never hit her... I just can't stand anyone screaming at me. I don't do it, but I guess she is not me
  2. My SO got very angry with me last night. It really shocked me. She was very angry over a pretty mild subject. I never saw her like that and it scared the heck out of me. Is it that chinese when they get angry, they get very "loud"? I didn't really respond to her. I have to say it shook me up. The mild manners and disposition is a main reason, i'm attracted to the Asian woman... am I over reacting?? It really shook my confidence in us. Are my expectations too high?
  3. you are right!! there are many contradictions. I'm feel bad that you are having this problem. I maybe aq little lucky, my ex speaks english very well.. My chinese is very weak. I pray that you will get through this part soon. Good Luck and God Bless
  4. This was great. My SO has lived in Ca for 4 years, so she knows whaty to expect, but I'm sure it will be different for her because it is a permanent deal for us... this was very good information. It makes me really appreciate my woman and our future together.
  5. I'm a big guy... I did lose 35 pounds last year... keeping it off. I stay away from too many sweets. I have only drank maybe 10 cokes all year. and I cut out too much rice and potatoes. I want to lose maybe 30-40 more pounds... I basically only have a big stomach... I'm 6"4" , so I wear it a little better than some. still my SO tells me to use the treadmill that is in my bedroom... I told her I can't , it has clothes all over it... I removed the cloths and even used the treadmill a few times... She said that I won't gain any weight when she comes, I will only lose. weight, not gain... she doesn't like meat, often... she likes to eat veggies..... I like veggies also, but man does need some freshly killed protein often....
  6. Do we really need the 2nd notice later? When? My SO will need it for her interview? It just seems that it would be evidient that we got it if we get to Guz.... just curious
  7. Great!! I hope all goes well. I'll be glad when I'm nervous like you... but not for another 5 or 6 months if we are blessed and lucky, maybe sooner
  8. my attorney sent the p3 prefilled out. when the p3 came from the consulate, my SO just compared the 2 and sent out the prefilled ones.
  9. I think I'm in your time period.... look at my timeline... 2/23
  10. Got mine last friday. EMSed it to GUZ monday...Yeah, we are in the queue
  11. I just came from walgreens and got a picture taken for my visa. it cost $8
  12. My SO just sent the Packet 3 to Guz via EMS yesterday. At what point do they perform the 2nd name check?
  13. I use onesuite.com among others. they have a great feature where i can setup my cell to call in only 4 keystrokes.. it pretty cool and i can set up all my phones when i call the toll free number, it will enter the destination number, pretty cool. there is one for cheaper if you just search them all.onesuite is good because they don't charge connection fee.
  14. it'scoming... I'm glad to proceed. I was very pleased when I got the news this morning. It actually arrived a day earlier, but the landlady forgot to give it to her... anyway, good luck, your is coming soon.
  15. Thanks B, Yes, I was just told a few hours ago and it makes me very happy to know it... just another step forward. You are right, we can only sit and see what happens.
  16. Doc, I like your thinking. I generally project the worst case, but pray for the best. We will see, I was thinking about end of September, so we maynot be too far apart. I wish you luck on your interview.
  17. I like your projection, that would be sweet... it seems in the last few weeks, the timing has gotten a little better, but we will see. I hope our wait will be the minimum
  18. Finally!!, we received the P3. I know we still have maybe 6-7 months left to wait. I pray it will happen sooner.
  19. Give EMS a few days, but if she doesn't received it soon, start following up. Sometimes, GZ sends the P3 to the wrong address or the address they have isn't good enough to get the packet delivered. Jingwen had a problem with her address, and it cost us a few weeks to get it straightened out with the consulate. hanks for the encouagement. I hope she will receive it by Monday, If not I will send another email to GUZ
  20. I'm waiting for my SO to receive hers... I feel we have been waiting so long and the P3 represents the time when the counting starts towards the interview... I think you are about 4-5 months away from your appoinment interview. I received an email from Guz on Monday and they said they send the packet to her... It has not been received by her yet.... hopefully soon she will receive it.... it's very hard at this stage waiting for the P3... Anyway, I will visit Beijing in June for 2 weeks... Once I get to Beijing, I hope that we will jst be waiting for the interview letter ofr a month or 2... we'll see. Good luck!
  21. Congrads, now you can step forward together in your lives and relax again. Good Luck!
  22. Which one?? Good point Trigg. Our wives come from a very different religious background where they could be Buddhist, atheist or any number of other religions. To assume they should become Christian and this will fix all their marriage woes is preposterous. Nothing fixes all marital woes, it is ... it is a life long journey.. there are non Christians here, i'm sure and that is their right ! and I don't have a problem with it... but My feeling is that a couple should be equally yoked of the same religion... That is my case. I would not marry a woman if she was not a Christian. We would have different beleief systems. I can't control "who worships what", but I can control "who" I marry. I've seen people who marry women of different religions , heck I've done it myself.... But there is a division in the marriage.... maybe some couples can work through. I've tried it 2 times and I'm divorced 2 times, so this is what works for me. But at least when people share the same faith, they are the same page in regards to religion. There are many other things that a couple will be on different sides. Again Religion is a personal decision. to suggest that I was saying everyone should become a Christian and fix thier marital woes is "preposterous"but I do express my opinion as everyone else does in this site. God has helped me in my life, because I beleive in him. Everyone doesn't believe same things.
  23. I want to say they are working on saturday at least.... My lady received a call from Guz on Saturday asking for her new address change as a result of an email from me...
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