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Everything posted by nygatl15

  1. Do you know much about Louyang? I will visit there next month
  2. I'm pleased that you've found your love and she is an American woman. It is not easy to find the right woman anywhere in the world. I happen to be attracted to Asian woman. My SO has lived in the US for several years as a student. We get along very good. There are some cultural differences but we don't really have any problems. I was married to an american woman for 13 years, we just didn't work out. I pray for you as I pray for myself and the other members here to have a happy and healthy future in their futures. Good Luck
  3. Saw them at Narita airport and in the subway... I guess you can miss.??.. I will go to Louyang, an ancient city in June... I think I will stay in a hotel, probably not holiday inn... is there a rail to hold onto?
  4. My guess is, you'll have it by June 15. Good Luck.
  5. All's well, that ,..... Congrats!!
  6. Congratulations. Let the games begin! Good luck.
  7. If you email them with the Guz number and a little info about your financee, They usualy respond in 24 hours... They have everytime I've sent a question.
  8. My SO moved after we filed the K1... We sent a email from the Guz site and told them of the change. I filed it, I think they may pay more attention since we are the Petitioner. I tried time when the papers were in GUZ.. it your file has not arrived, they will tel you they don't have the file.... I did this over a month period of time... because the file find of takes a vacation for 4-6 weeks once the na2 has been received. IT kind of sits in neverland. THen I would send a address change request, basically just a email with the GUZ number and your finacee's info... They called her on on a saturday March 25 asking for her new address in chinese.. She received the file a week later on April 1. She sent it back April 4. they were pretty good about the address change,I was concerned at first, but it worked out fine. I just pray it will work out fine for the rest of the process, for me and the others here. God Bless
  9. Does anyone know where there is site to get free websites.
  10. my SO speaks almost perfect english. But at first in the relationship, it was everything I wanted. Now she gives me more of her opinion and tells me what she doesn't like. I do find that she wants to make me happy with her. I really do love her.... sorry, didn't mean to get "goopy"
  11. I've known of this for some time now. My attorney said not to worry about it. but I'm going to solicit opinions here. My SO went to school in S.F... she went back to china... in nov 2003 she came back to US on a B1 visa. She submitted a request to stay longer to attend a professional event in Hawaii(Jan,2004)... anyway, by the time she received(Feb, 2004) an answer, the Jan event had passed, so she was denied the extension on the basis, the event had already passed. She then left the country within 3 or 4 days. My question is, should we expect problems because of this overstay? I read about an overstay somewhere on the internet and it made me concerned all of a sudden.
  12. Congratulations... It looks like the timing might be 4 months from p3 to p4 and 5 months to interview... this is encouraging... that give me maybe a september interview date... This good. when I go to visit the end of next month, I will be almost halfway through the final wait... but of course I won't take anything for granted until we receive the Visa. My dear says she will come within 7-10 days after she receives the Visa.
  13. I just read your reply to me. This is a good point. We pray together. actually when we met she was not a Christian although she went to church. But your reply prompts me to discuss the matter more.
  14. Welcome Dabizi, this is a good place to ease your mind while you wait for the process to happen. Good Luck!!
  15. Really?! more than Disney? well, we are just planning for a quiet 2or 3 days and maybe some hiking. Wenjie should be here around the end of Sept... maybe Oct(what ever the great Guz allows)... the leaves should be nice then.(Autumn).. I don't care so much about the leaves, but women seem to get excited about them
  16. We are thinking to take a few days for honeymoon in the Tennesee mountains... Anyone know much about Gatlinburg, Tn ?
  17. This one is good. I couldn't stop laughing. I have no idea what is in store for me, But I can't wait to find out. Wenjie was very good in shangha. She told me in China, what ever they quote you, start at half of that!!
  18. Same here Roger, Filipinas are nice, but I like the classic asian look.
  19. A lot of very good replys here. I guess no one else could possibly know what level Wenjie and I are at, but us. I feel very confident that Wenjie and I will have a happy life together. I know she is nothing like my ex-wife, who put literally put the fear of God into to me. This ended up being the benefit of my former marriage... The fact that I connected her with my ex produced a very scarey thought in my mind, but she is a completely different person. My ex was money oriented and public concious,...did I say Crazy?!?? I'm all for being successful in life, but certainly not at all costs. I think Wenjie is a strong person with excellent values and great to be around. She really cares about me and I feel the same for her, I feel she will be my last attempt at Love, because we found each other... all of life will be bumpy... but with my love by my side and God in our lifes..., you can endure this rocky road we call "Life". I can't wait to "kiss" and "makeup" in May!!
  20. this is interesting.. I grew up in NYC... when I was a kid, I used to take the train to Delancy St in lower manhattan... It was mostly a Jewish merchant area, that was their method also, make the first sale for good luck... I got many bargains from them over my younger years. Maybe the Jewish got it from the Chinese, The Chinese were here first I think.
  21. I think I'm a little paronoid.... just as you say Paul. Really afraid to make the same mistake for a 3rd time... Wenjie is nothing like either of my ex's. I guess it took me almost a year to tick her off... pretty good I guess. I must say that it feels good to be able to talk about this and receive different points of views. This is good... most people wouldn't understand unless they are enduring our situations. This is the beauty of CFL. I feel much better because of you guys. Thanks again!
  22. Women are women. Wait a minute here... Are you suggesting that all our problems with women won't magically go away just because we now have an asian SO? So I explained everything there is to know about men a while back and it only took 3 paragraphs.Can you explain women to us in say 3 pages ? Maybe I was thinking my problems would go away with an Asian woman, that is probably not very intelligent. I guess, I'm having some personal issues and maybe I'm a little more sensitive that I would normally would be... Neither of us is mad at the other, I was just "taken back". Maybe sometimes I think too much... but I just want this to work this time more than anything.
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