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Everything posted by pkfops

  1. SFO seems to be a lot nicer than LAX. At LAX there is a one long Disneyland style waiting line and you get directed to the next available window (there are about 20)! When we got in line there were only about 30 people ahead of us. After waiting 15 minutes, another few planes must have landed because there were suddenly a few hundred people behind us!! 166632[/snapback] I took China Southern from LAX once. I went through customs at terminal 5 and there were only 3 agents on duty; 2 for US nationals and 1 for the rest. I missed my South West connection to the Bay Area and had to spend the night in LA. I think the people at SFO are a bit more friendly also.
  2. Technically, she is authorized to work while her K-1 is valid. However, she has no 'proof' of that authorization. Employers will likely require an EAD or green card as proof. 166365[/snapback] http://uscis.gov/graphics/howdoi/faqeev.htm Unfortunately, the Social Security card is the same one we got for Wei, and it does not satisfy I-9 requirements. We couldn't come up with anything they'd accept as proof she could work with the K-1. Get moving on the EAD. The one we applied for for Wei for the K-1 took only 3 weeks (went through CSC for that one, but you gotta cough up an extra $175.) Still waiting on the I-485-based one, though. Good luck. 166386[/snapback] I'm not in a big hurry to get her working. At this point the SSN is for tax/payroll stuff. I want to put her in ESL & Cantonese driving school. Also I am on a four day work week so I would like to take advantage of that and show her California. I plan to introduce her to camping in the spring and show her the pleasure of pulling a fish from the river and tossing it on the grill.
  3. The only thing I can add is that we went through at SFO. I chose a line that had an ABC, female, customs officer. She was very nice and just told us to wait about ten days for the system to get updated before going to SSA. Our bags were one of the first off the plane so we were out in less than 20 minutes.
  4. Got the SSN done today. All they looked at was the application and her passport. The receipt said "you can use your SS card for work only if you have authorization from the INS." Being a K1 I take that as she can work.
  5. Got ours in GZ. Same as yours for 800 yen. 10,000? "Dallas packed her suitcase" "Drove off in the brand new car I bought her"
  6. I'll stick my neck out also and say that barring any foul ups or unexpected issues it will be sooner than later.
  7. Are you currently employed and have some money in the bank?
  8. Plan a vacation in Canada. It will be like almost visiting the US but nicer.
  9. See what rate you can get at the Metropole. They have an airport shuttle also. It's about 4 - blocks from the Mong Kok MTR. The night market is there also so she can do some shopping to pass the time. You don't have to stay at the airport hotel as transportation is easy via the MTR.
  10. I noticed your timeline puts you past the 90 day limit when you filed the AOS. I was under the impression you had to get the ball rolling before that. Were the any issues related to this?
  11. Shanghai always seems to be the cheapest POE in China. If you have the time; spend a few days and check out the "water towns".
  12. There's a great Dim Sum resturant across the river, oppisite the White Swan.
  13. On all of my visits to China I had to report on how much I paid for airfare, hotel etc. to my SO and her sisters. I was either given a thumbs up or told I paid too much. When we toured Jinghong I got a very nice hotel for $32. I was a hero for that. I still had to hide around the corner when she went in the tourist shops though. $$$$$$$
  14. If you are in WA, you may want to look for a Chinese travel agent. Check Seattle or Vancoover B.C. Often if you go to an airline's web site you may find a special. Some of the best fares can be found if you fly on Tu. We and Thursdays.
  15. My fiancee hasn't missed a step in keeping in touch with her friends and family in China either. She is up until 3am talking via Yahoo IM/Webcam & Skype. I'm just glad she is not using the house phone.$$$$$$$$$$$$
  16. Thanks for the replies; it looks like her sisters will take care of things and get that stuff off in the mail. I started to look over the AOS package today and it seems another copy of her birth certificate will be needed. Time for round two; back to work again.
  17. My fiancee forgot to bring extra copies of her birth certificate and her ID card. Does anyone know if she can get a SSN with only her passport? thanks pkf
  18. Always used GP........takes about 10 days. Be sure to include a delivery address in Chinese.
  19. You will need two sets of "shoes" for the house. One for the house and one for use in the bathroom.
  20. My fiancee's friend took a different route. She went to Canada and then applied for a work visa. She now travels back and fourth from SF to Vancouver with no problems. All within the law.
  21. Here's a solution I posted last year. http://candleforlove.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=7991&hl=
  22. We arrived at SFO on 12 Oct at 18:15 on Singapore SQ002. Customs went very well. We will take things easy for a bit and then get on to the next step. Sorry for the late post but she took over my PC.
  23. It means your case has been assigned to the GZ consulate. You're on your way.
  24. I leave for SFO after work to catch SQ001 to HK at 01:25. After check in at 21:30, I'll be drinking beer at the Andale Cafe. Be back on 12 Oct. to report in.
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