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Everything posted by pkfops

  1. Be careful David, as I know you have good intentions. Somebody who has been through the ringer my say ¡§predict this¡¨.
  2. Hey, It was my early post that started things off. I just talked to my SO and she is ready to roll in October. Also I checked the 001 site; things are buzzing there too. I just don't understand why we have been at it for such a long time. Too many rookies have jumped ahead of us. Doesn't bother me though, October is a good time to be in China. Good luck to all and kick some ass at the interview.
  3. I received the following reply from GZ: Dear Mr. XXX: Please be advised that we have scheduled Ms. XXX for an interview on Sep 29, 2005. An appointment package will be mailed to her tomorrow. > To respond to this email, use only the web form at www.usembassy-china.org.cn/guangzhou/iv/email.html. E-mails sent via "reply" will not be received. You can access limited case specific information - confirm Visa Petition arrival at post and verify interview date - at the National Visa Information Call center (a for fee service). See www.usavisainformation.com.cn/eng/index.aspx. Call Center # (China) 400-872-333 (International) 8621-3881-4611 > > Sincerely, Immigrant Visa Unit U.S. Consulate, Guangzhou
  4. It is my understanding the child has the right to be a US citizen. However if the child remains in China He/She may have to decide on the nationality at adulthood. I base this on when I was in Germany when I knew someone whose father was a USC and the mother was a GC and was raised in Germany. At 17, she had to make a decision to be US or German. Maybe this is a case when you should talk to a lawyer (ouch).
  5. Canada is better; just drive her accross. Make sure she is dressed like an American.
  6. If you look like a pervert they will think your SO is a whore. The best way to go is to put your SO on the reservation. Don't look like a whimp when you check in; have your SO stand behind you. Have rings on fingers. No problem.
  7. Relax. As stated before. We're in the chute. Time to start checking for air tickets. Get ready.
  8. Sounds like another excuse to punish our "Friends to the South" under the guise of "Home Land Security". Let's keep the racists in check.
  9. There should be a push. Don't forget the Autum holidays in China. September and October are family times; don't be in too big of a rush to get your SO here. Plan with care.
  10. Forgot to say; if you read the "Hotel Rules" you will find that wrestling is not allowed. B)
  11. It sould not be a problem if your SO is not from GZ.
  12. I do it often, especially if there are a lot of juices. As long as cold water is used it should not be a problem. Paper towel dry on the bottom and top for a few minutes and they are good to go. I always brush on my Korean BBQ sauce and let the meat come up to room temp before grilling. Good Luck with ground beef though.
  13. Did a MSN search on "crushed pearl medicine" and came up with a few hits. "In traditional Chinese medicine Pearl Powder is taken internally and applied topically. Used internally, Pearl Powder is believed to to: Detoxify the system; Clean and clear the skin; Remove age and liver spots on the skin; Give the skin a younger appearance; Adjust the body energy; Calm the liver; Relieve stress from the mind; Treat sore throat; Adjust the nerve system; Regulate the metabolism; Improve eyesight; Treat insomnia; and Energize the body. When pregnant women and breast feeding women take it, Pearl Powder is believed to speed up bone development and promote intelligence in babies." Here's a couple: http://www.emperorsherbologist.com/pearlhi...2b63754e1d40cd3
  14. If they are asking for another P3 it would be best to resend. Remember to put the "P3 Supplement" on top with your case number in large, bold type. Like it or not; if GZ screws up you have to fix it and take the hit.
  15. I use the LONGMAN 7000. It translates Cantonese and Mandrian with voice. Also it has a PC interface so you can add words & use of the calander. Search the web for the best deal. The only problem for me was the instructions were in Chinese so It took me about 90 minutes to bring it up in English. Just one button to switch from Chinese to English, duh.
  16. Introduced via snail mail in March of 98 by cousin. After 6 visits filed I29F in March 2004. Did things very traditional.
  17. hi hope to see you in L.A the 8 :05 flight is ok, but they couldnot book it for me cause of not enough time, the flight at 9:30 was cancelled, they told me that the if i get there and there is space on the 8:05 flight i can take it. ??? but not sure. want to see you in L.A. if that is ok i will tell you my age and what i will be wearing thanks Keith 134668[/snapback] Go to the Airline desk when you get to GZ. CZ has two morning Flights. I'm sure they can get you to Nanning in the AM.
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