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Everything posted by pkfops

  1. Very good; I hope we hear more P4 reporting today.
  2. To view my pics; click the WWW button and that will take you to my site. In the upper right you will see my a listing of my travel pages. Select "pkfops travel pages" for the complete listing. You can also select Guilin from the destination search and view pics from other members; much better than mine. It is a friendly site and easy to join; it's free.
  3. Went to Guilin on my last visit. The Lakes are very nice at night. Don't forget to trek the river to Yangshou. Check for flooding before you make any plans. I have a few pics on my travel page.
  4. this would be a great ACH question... I remember there was one guy who got his K1 in about 7 months. I think he was politically connected. On his website he had photos of him and the Democrat President and Vice President candidates.
  5. Did't have a second name check. The first one was almost 5 months. When I checked in April after I returned from China, I was told we were waiting for an interview to be scheduled. I don't believe everybody goes through a second name check.
  6. Here you go. Ours was a long one. NOA 2............................08/16/04 NVC Approval..................01/10/05 (name check completed in that week)
  7. Take your umbrella and leave you coat at home. Summer is hot and wet. If flying, be ready for delays as the planes will wait for the Thunder Storms to pass before Take Off or Landing. Increase you connection time to 4 or 5 hours.
  8. I got her a credit card for travel purposes. However I don't intend to submit that as evidence.
  9. I had read about your rather weird visit from the FBI. Curious - at what point did they identify themselves or show credentials? I'm glad it turned out well, and that your name check passed through NVC. I Googled my SO's name in both Pinyin and in Hanzi and got quite a few hits on both - none of them her. So I do understand there can be duplicate names. But honestly, does it take nine months to determine which person is the female with her date of birth? We're hanging in ... I'm writing to my congressman tonight and sending another email to the senator. They never did identify themselves or show credentials. I suppose they wanted to verify who I was and I lived at the address given. I just know they were "cops." They did not look like Jehovahs. (checked them out from my pepe hole) One thing I did was to email NVC every week to let them know I was alive.
  10. My experience with the FBI visit was early on a Saturday morning as I was sleeping in, 08:00am. My door bell rang and I did not answer. Then they started knocking. And then they did the loud "cop knock(several times)." This went on for about fifteen minutes. When I answered the they door they said they were Jehovahs; one guy handed me the pamphlet and started to talk about the church as the other looked me up and down. How did I know they were cops? The way they knocked on my door and would not leave; they way they were dressed; the way one guy got my attention while the other made his observation and the fact they only had one pamphlet. They just wanted to verify who I was. That next week I received an email from NVC saying that they have completed processing and my case has been sent to GZ. For my SO, the Mandarin spelling of her name translates into a very common name of both genders. So I guess she got many "hits". Thats all I can add. Good luck and hang in there.
  11. I guess the point I was trying to make is that the black market is well accepted here in the US. The most common term I can through out now is "working under the table." Either way it is cheating the government, now matter what political party holds power. You will always have to pay the government off. But this is off topic and the only thing I can say about the $3000 is to plan a vacation, go to China and have the time of your life. Forget about politics and the games that are played at the citizen's expense. Enjoy your life.
  12. Good for you as you are lucky. One thing to add; when I travel I always carry enough cash to pay our expenses and to buy a ticket home. Also I carry a fake wallet, about $200 and old credit cards if someone is bent on robbing me. Eagle creek has a great money belt (web style); just get rid of the plastic buckle and replace it with a "GI" one. Shoes are good too for stashing things. A $100 bill in China goes a long way. Happy globe trotting.
  13. I agree a more conservative estimate is in order due to the relocation. It will be interesting to see the P4 activity for the next two to three weeks. I predict a short slowdown followed by a "push" to get things through. Maybe the good part will be the VOs will have more time to review and approve cases during this period.
  14. Singapore Air has a seat from SFO to HK on 6/26 with a return of 7/7 for $1181.
  15. I'm going to send her to a Cantonese driving instructor.
  16. Just get her a bank card for your account. You will spend more than $3000 to get her here. Cut the "Commie" crap and prepare for your SO. You take $2500 from you account in the US it is reported to the government. The Chinese culture far out weighs the political goverment. The "black market" thrives in the US every weekend. Have you ever heard of garage sales? Stay focused and bring your woman here. Get real & screw politics.
  17. I called DOS today and a nice lady picked up on the first ring. We had a nice conversation but there was no change in our current status. We are still in line for the interview; no date set.
  18. In here: http://home.comcast.net/~donahso/index.htm
  19. Might as well plan a few vacations and enjoy the wait. You can also get the P3 & P4 stuff ready too.
  20. I use USPS Global Express. Be sure to have the recipient's address in Chinese.
  21. I'll go out on a limb and say you will here something this week. Check you account to see if the check cleared also.
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