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Everything posted by pkfops

  1. I prepared her forms for her also. Where her signature is required I put a sticky note with an arrow pointing to the box. For her name in Chinese I did a cut & paste. No problems. She even complemented me on how professional the forms look. She's a desktop publisher.
  2. Sometimes when I am in the Chinese environment I can hear things in "english". This happens when I am on the verge of falling asleep. Perhaps at a certain level of consciousness a built in translator kicks in.
  3. I've been to many Chinese dinners over the past eight years or so. Just consider yourself as a "young adult"; too old to play with the younger kids but not yet old enough to join in with the grown up conversation.
  4. Always keep extra copies of everything. Don't worry, it's only Monday. Just watch for the check to clear then you will be on your way.
  5. There's a resturant that has donkey on the menu. It is near the Sun Yat Sen memorial hall.
  6. Oddly enough, we have had that discussion! Rupert She is going into unknown territory. She has a happy life where she is. I remember my first trip to China, it may be the same for her. The good part is that she has her cousins and Auntie & Uncle living in SF. We will send money back on a regular basis as her is retired.
  7. OK........... If she is in or near Beijing or Shanghai, CitiBank has Branch offices in those cities as well as HK. Have her open an account and your money will follow you around the world. I've been with CitiBank for 25 years. A good bank to have if you travel.
  8. I feel they same way also. One thing I told her from the start is that she can always return home. I hope to spend my retirement years in China.
  9. Do you want to be special? We're going 14 months.
  10. I'm going to send her over to SF's China Town and have her work in a sweat shop. NOT! ESL & Driving School and then send her to school for a pharmancy tech. She already has a four degree. If she wants she can also work sales in between times.
  11. I made two videos of our previous tours, "Yunnan" & "Sichuan", and turned them over to my SO on my last visit as insurance. If they want to watch a boreing home, tourist, video it is up to them.
  12. I stopped sending flowers about two years ago; it was too had to deliver as everybody is out working or shopping during the day. If you are going to send flowers be sure to give them you SO's cell number.
  13. Have her use it to buy airtickets and cover other expenses on her side and then you can pay her back at the best rate in US$$$.
  14. But they sent it to you, the pettioner. Did you make copies of everything you sent? I would go over everything you sent in to make sure all forms were filled out correctly and the required supporting docs were sent in. It is important to have copies of everything you send the government and to have copies of everything you wife is going to get. I found out my fiancee was sent the p4 instead of the p3 when we did an inventory by phone after she told me she "got the papers". Better be ready to deal with these types curves they my throw you. Remember, the US does not want too many Chinese people in this country.
  15. Polite inquiries should have a positive effect as it lets them know there is someone on the other end and the email can also be cross referenced with the ones she brings to the interview. And yes DOS knows how many times you've emailed GZ. I've often thought about inviting them to my website to view our China travel pics. Don't know if that would be pushing it though.
  16. I guess the next step is to check if anyone enters the US with her passport. Let's hope it's not a friend or relative.
  17. Here's what I got from World Lingo. Àä˪¡²»¯×±Æ·¡³ Here's what I got from Power Word 2005. Ñ©»¨¸à
  18. Might try joining a tour group. Dump the group upon arrival then rejoin on the way home.
  19. Tony something just doesn't match here. Unless maybe frugal means in Chinese don't spend much on little things, we need big money for big things. Yep, exactly right. I wanted to go visit her for a weekend, but she said we need to "save money". In the next breath she outlined several changes whe wanted made to the house ~ $30K B) Better Call Bob Villa and Norm. As far as the SUV (jeep) I may go with the Honda CRV. Good thing I'm not a home owner. If I get her here before year end I'll save a load on taxes. We may move to Tenn. and get a trailer next to Trigg.
  20. Can you get that link? I want to check it out. Thanks. It's called Interpol.
  21. Got to stick out. Ours was complete after two FBI agents knocked on my door one Saturday morning. Your an idiot if you think google will give you everything out there.
  22. For those who like to put a steak on the grill. After grilling, move to the chopping block and slice then serve. A steak can be eaten with chop sticks. You don't have to give it up. Don't forget to use Korean BBQ sauce; then you say "it's Korean."
  23. Yeah...... No insurance......
  24. Gotta finish the training. Red light mean stop. Green light means go. Yellow light means go faster. Rule of "Right of Way" in China. The biggest has the right of way. Unless you are a cop, then you can walk down the middle of the street at rush hour. I've seen that. A cop on foot points to a car to pull over then walks though traffic to talk to the driver.
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