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Everything posted by pkfops

  1. Have a nice dinner, pick up a six pack and wait for the call. You've done all you can do and it is out of your hands for now.
  2. I thought about bringing home a heavy cleaver once but wondered how the airport security would handle it.
  3. OK Here's an ABC recipe. Grill a boneless steak(or meat of choice) with Korean BBQ sauce and slice thin; serve on a platter. Steam your favorite Chinese green vegetable and serve with a light coating of oyster suace. (hint: put your oyster sauce in a squeeze bottle for quick access) Add a bowl of steamed rice and you have a Chinese home cooked meal in about 20 minutes. Don't forget the Tsing Tao.
  4. You have to change your view of meal planning. In the west, a meal is built around a big piece of meat. For Asian meals you can build around a bowl of rice or noodles. A sharp knife and a hot wok should get you going.
  5. I don't think you need an invitation letter. For "purpose" I just put "tourist" and then the cities I intend to visit. I think the PRC is more concerned with collecting the visa fee and have you spend money in China rather than getting into your personal bussiness. Have Fun
  6. Believe be...without consider his feeling towards holidays...I would said the same thing too... 178278[/snapback] Now she wants to shop for the after Xmas sales.
  7. I spent the 2002 Chinese New Year in GZ and had a great time. We went to a temple in Panyu and I watched people set off strings of M80's. Also we shopped in the flower markets; went out for dim sum and dinner everyday with a different friend or relative. We stood in a crowd of 1 million people and watch the fireworks. It should be cool if you don't have a problem with crowds.
  8. Check here at AceMart: http://www.acemart.com/search.php?Query=ca...x=11&image.y=11
  9. CitiBank calls this a "Consul Letter". I just had them list all of my checking and savings accounts, balance and date opened. Try calling your banks customer service dept.
  10. My wife went here and had no problem. First Hospital of Guangzhou Medical College 151 Yan Jiang Xi Road, Guangzhou Tel: (020)83337750-7098
  11. Sounds like mister Honest has no happiness in his life.
  12. http://www.visajourney.com/forums/index.php?pg=examples
  13. Skin test sounds like TB test to me. The doctor can just look at the x-ray and skip the the test.
  14. I wouldn't worry about it. After you arrive: The only thing you need to do is keep enough money saved for an air ticket back to China if things don't work out.
  15. This one is for David. My wife just got home after spending two days at her aunt's house in SF. She had a catalog from SF City College and said she wanted to take 3 ESL classes (free), Mon - Thu, 10:00 - 15:00 and work part time in the morning before class starts. I told her I just sent the AOS/EAD off today and she wants to know when she will get her work papers. Things can change fast indeed; glad I bought the "Insurance". Merry Xmas
  16. Being this is my wife's first Xmas and not having a full understanding in the complexities of the Chinese view of gift exchange, I have opted for a simple approach. For my wife, I will give her a simple gift. For the rest of the family we will give gift cards. I hope this approach will not put any pressure on her and put her in a situation to where she will feel burdened or have a need to save face. Merry Xmas
  17. My wife's adjustment is moving much faster these days. Today it's ESL; tomorrow "my resume is done". "did you do the work papers?" "you should call someone?" "did you call?" "what they say?" They grow up fast, don't they.
  18. That's a major step. I put mine on the fridge next to the dry board with my timeline.
  19. I think I'll buy the "insurance" and send the EAD.
  20. I've been throwing this question back and fourth for about two weeks now. I'll be filing the AOS this week and am having fixed feelings about sending the EAD along with it; since I will be sending my wife to ESL after the first of the year. She really needs to improve her written and oral skills before she can work in her profession for an English speaking client. I really don't see her joining the work force until summer, at the least. Any thoughts on the subject? thanks pkf
  21. Here's the link but it is not that good: http://uscis.gov/graphics/exec/cs/index.asp It may be a good idea to talk to someone local who has been through the process for a referal. We were refered by a coworker here on a work visa. Cost was $280. (2 shots given).
  22. My wife cooked up a batch of "Donkey Skin" (good for woman) after thanks giving. It sat on the counter for two days, in the "mister coffee" pot and then recooked, put in plastic containers and refridgerated until she took it to her aunt's house last weekend.
  23. My wife forgot to put a space between her first name; Hui Hui vs HuiHui, on the I-94 so it was entered in the system as one name. We found this out when we went to SSA and that is the named used for her card. So she will have to go with this for a while.
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