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  1. Why is it that every time I read about America being discovered, the "adventurers" were greeted by Indians. So.........what did the Indians do then?
  2. Thank you, That is what I was looking for. Glad to know it is do-able at least. Rob
  3. We have decided that we would like for her mother to come live with us after we get her visa. Her mom has an injured back, and we want to take care of her. What is the process? Is it possible? What can we do? Thanks in advance, Rob
  4. I opened a Bank of America account with 2 debit cards, and sent one to my fiance. It has worked out great. It of course has the Visa logo, and there are several BOA locations. Either way, she is able to withdraw from just about any atm. I am able to deposit cash here in America, and it is immediately available to her. NO waiting until midnight or anything. And then of course, I can deposit cash in advance before I go there, and it is waiting and available for me once I am there. Be carefule of Paypal. You may want to check out www.paypalsucks.com.
  5. I am going to Shanghai to be with my girl on January 25th for 2 weeks. Does anyone have any experience with the celebration? Any tips? Also, if anyone is going to be in or near Shanghai at that time, I'd love to meet for lunch or dinner.
  6. So Frank, in my/our situation it sounds like we shouldn't have a problem. Ya' think? Matter of fact, I think a scammer would probably offer up the ex's whereabouts quickly to ensure the process. In my fiance's situation, she has NO idea of his location. They divorced 8 years ago (that she can easily document). So, it would seem rediculous to think that she could be trying to scam......8 years after divorcing! Not exactly a divorce to accomidate a scam type time frame. By the way, hats off to your knowledge on all of these subjects. You are really on top of this process, and your imput it greatly appreciated.
  7. First off, I am so sorry Eric for your issue you have to deal with now. To the forum.......My fiance was married for 1 year,and divorced 8 years ago. She said that she has no idea where he is. No address, no phone number. Any suggestions on tracking him down? I mean.....8 years has passed....certainly a long time to wait to try to pull off a scam.
  8. If I didn't know better, I'd swear you were trying to be funny! I-485, the I-765, and the I-131????? Parole???? I mean......she's not in prison. Thanks much for the info, and to those that also responded.
  9. My fiance mentioned that after getting married here, she won't be able to go back to China to see her family for at least 2 years. Is this true, or did she get bad info? That doesn't seem right. Why punish someone like that? Why deny her the ability to see her family, especially after just getting married and starting a new life? Jeeeez.....what if we had a child right away? Her family would even get to see their own blood?
  10. Yes.....the 129F is what i meant. Woops! Also, our service cener is TSC. Has anyone filed the P1 there,and what docs did you include?
  11. I just returned from China after 2 glorious weeks with Ying Liu. I had such a good time, and fell deeper in love. But now I am so sad, and even angry at the length of the process ahead of us. Never-the-less, we are ready to tackle this beast with patience, and dilligence. But i am hoping that all of you awesome and intelligent members could just give us some last minute advice. We are preparing the I-194, and want to do it right. Just enough paper work, with maximum effect, etc. What should/shouldn't we do/include? Does she have to send her notarized docs on birth record, marital status, etc? This forum has been outstanding with advice, so I thank you all so much. So please.....maybe you can just give us a nice jump start, and get us go in the right direction. Also, I would love to hear some tips on how to speed any part of the process. Do's and don't's, etc. Sorry if I sound lacsidasical, or too dependant on this site, but I desperately want to start my life with her, and am really saddened at how long this may take. And I know how smart and caring this group is, so thank you in advance. And you will all be welcome in our home if you are ever in SW Florida and need a place to stay! And I truely mean that.....I live near some of the finest beaches in the world! So.....China. Wow. I loved it. I really did. And learned so much. I found alot of things that I thought America could really follow as an example. The people were very kind, and service is great EVERYWHERE. I have never been stared at so much in my life!! I realize how lucky I am with Ying Liu. She just isn't a Chinese girl that speaks a little English. She is fluent, astute, great with business, and handles herself very well. I literally stood back in awe at her command of people and situations. I felt very safe with her as my guide. She is more beautiful in person, and even more impressive on every level than I ever knew through phone/web cam/and messenger. Here is my moment of realizing her true love, and how a Chinese woman is superior to an American woman: I fell asleep with my head in her lap on a train ride to Beijing. She put me to sleep by fanning me, and stroking my hair. I was exhausted. I fell asleep for 1 hour. When I woke, she was STILL fanning me, and stroking my hair!!! I was moved by that. And any guy in here would agree that IF.....IF and American woman did that....they would stop immediately as soon as you fell asleep thinking: "oh good....he's asleep, I can stop now" They do very little, and expect the world. So I asked her why she kept doing it even after I fell asleep. She said: " I was afraid that if I stopped, you might wake up, and I really want you to get a good sleep!" So needless to say.....I picked a good one. We climbed to the top of the Great Wall, where I proposed to her in Chinese. I set up my camera on a tripod first, so I actually caught the moment with a picture....me presenting her the ring. The background is awesome with the mountains and more of the Wall in the distance. So....thanks for taking the time to read all of this. I wish you all well, and please help us with advice if you can. Sincerely, Rob
  12. Korean Airlines has had 7 "events" since 1970, the last being in 1997. In my mind, 2 of the events do not count as they took place during the old days of the cold war, and the Russians shot down 2 Korean passenger jets resulting in the loss of over 300 lives. The remainder of events would then be 5, equivelant to Continental, and half of American or United, bearing in mind that the US Airlines flew on average 17 million more miles than Korean. Still, Korean Airlines can be considered very safe in my opinion. I work in aviation with Koreans, although never with KA, and find the Koreans to be absolutely anal abought aircraft maintenance and flight safety. The only thing that is a minus (and this is in most of the Asian flight world) is the concept of flight management in the cockpit. The American / European approach to flying the aircraft has swung around to more of a team effort. The co-pilot, or first officer is more likely to point out a problem, error, or mistake to the captain before it turns into a larger problem. In the Asian world, the captain holds more of an authoritarian position, couple with the cultural "loss of face" issue, resulting in the other cockpit crew being less likely to point out mistakes or potential problems. Things are rapidly changing in these regards. The cabin crew and services rendered will leave you wondering why you would ever fly American again. Try it - I think you'll like it. 151147[/snapback] thank you. Just the kind of info I was looking for! I had a feeling that if Asian work ethic and dilligence would have anything to do with their aircraft maintenance, I'd feel very safe. I think I will go ahead and book it! Now if can just avoid those Russian missles, we'll be alright.
  13. I am looking at flights to Shanghai for Sept. 8th. One of the best prices I have found, includes flights from Atlanta to Korea on Korean Airlines. I no nothing about them, and their record. Anyone have any experience or knowledge about them? Thanks, Rob
  14. My girlfriend quit her job, and is living off of savings for now. I understand my employment and income requirements, but does SHE need to be employed during this K-1 process? How do they look at her if she is not working?
  15. Hey David, I have another question. I am not going to be able to go to China to meet Ellen until about the middle of September. I had to apply for my passport first, and will take up until then. When I go, we will of course document our having met in person. But can we still start the process....the first steps.....of the application? The i-129f form? I am just trying to save time. I was thinking that if the process is going to take a while before I have to prove our meeting, I will have time to get there before hand. ???? Thanks, Rob
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