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Everything posted by rosyanne

  1. I could be wrong but there are few cases that high educate and "good job" could cost a long background check. I guess they just want to make sure the true intention....
  2. I don't know how that phone number worked for others, however, it never worked for me. I remember calling them before my package3 and all they can tell me is: I am sorry, your package has not arrived yet. When I call them for the appointment, they pretty much give me the same answer. I even tried to call them AFTER I received the email from DOS which given me a interview date already just to see if the phone number works. Nope. She said, no date for me yet! Then I asked, I've got an email from DOS which already has a date for me... she goes... maybe the computer hasn't updated yet. My point is: don't get disappointed now, your package3 might be on it's way! Also, by following the DHL tracking number, you can get a rough idea of when is your package3 might be arrive. From your situation, I guess you are experiencing the custom delay but I have to agree that three months is frustrating. Best of luck!
  3. We moved and changed our address AFTER we filed in AOS. Big mistake. Not only it cost the delay of my case, I didn't even receive my finger print appointment! So, Change your address before you file her paper in.
  4. David, are you saying the HK police has access to the mainland database? When HK issues a police cert, they are essentially reporting on crimes that may have taken place in mainland China as well? I was not aware of this. I believe what he meant was one from HK and one from Mainland China (Hunan or Shenzhen.)
  5. I remember when I receieved my Package3... the whole thing became more real to me. (Before this step, it was more like a "story" for some reason) Congrats! She must be very happy too... You are getting so close to the end though!
  6. I too once looking for an attorney to "ensure" the process or "hoping that he/she could help me speed it up". Turns out, no one could speed up the case and give you any kinda of guarantee. As Don mentioned, the best they can do is to ensure you filed in all documents that are required by the gov.
  7. Hi Paula, I didn't know that you still straggle with the visa. Sorry to hear that. One thing I found about this process is the lack of communicate from department to department. Keep your spirit up though. You case might be transferred to GZ already but they just haven't received it yet.
  8. Depend on which airport she lands on and if she needs to change a flight, it could be confusing sometimes at those airports if you don't travel a lot.
  9. Sometimes GZ is little behide. In my case, the paid phone number doesn't update until the actusal mail was out so... Keep calling DOS or write them email ...
  10. I guess that depend on wether you get hit by the custom or not.
  11. Usually it's two to three months from your approval to Package 3 but it's slightly very from people to people and case to case.
  12. Boy... by the length of your post... I know you are well perpared... Then... good luck!
  13. Congrats and good luck for the rest of your journey!
  14. Sorry to hear that... I would say keep getting status with DOS is better than trying to figure it out with GZ...
  15. Too much population to deal with I guess. lol
  16. By doing this you can trace your case down. But six weeks in normal so nothing to worry about yet.
  17. Shouldn't take more than two weeks.
  18. Different amount of case they need to deal with I guess...
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