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Steve and Aiwen

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Everything posted by Steve and Aiwen

  1. I'm going for the interview, which will most likely be in September...we are 72 days from NVC shipped to GUZ, so we may not see P3 until July, if then.....pink, blue, it won't make any difference except for the extra time and expense if we get the blue slip....I've got the kitchen sink, we have a very simple case, so I am somewhat optimistic about getting pink on the first try...but you never know with GUZ.....I am going to the interview to support my SO, whom I love without question, and to show her (and her family) that her Lao Gong is always, always, there for her. Even if we get the blue, it would be time for a visit anyway....4 months apart feels like a lifetime when you are parted from the one you love. We both are excited to be approaching the endgame for the visa, but we also know we may have to jump through some additional "hoops".....we're "thinking pink", rehearsing, and double and triple checking everything. If we get the "blue", at least we can comfort each other in person, and put our heads down and submit whatever they ask for. The important thing to me, is being there for my lady. Everything else is secondary....she is always thinking of me, my comfort and my happiness, how can I do less in return? This process has strengthened our committment...it's us against them, and we are determined to emerge the victors, no matter what it takes or how long. She is very confident, and her English is fairly good....I think we will do well at the interview. Steve
  2. Wonderful news!!!! Congratulations to you both!!! Steve
  3. Yeah, a bamboo mat on a plywood bed in sweltering summer Nanning heat. Very "refreshing". You forgot to mention the Chinese wife/SO sprawled out on top of you..... Hey!!! SHE's the smart one......using me for a mattress is more comfortable than a Chinese bed..... ......and I don't mind too much......(smirk)...... Steve
  4. Congratulations.......I don't think your comments were too political...just the plain truth. Our goverment suffers from a complete lack of common sense and practicality.....they are WAY too worried about "political correctness" and what Mexico( and other countries) think about us. All those other whining, American-bashing countries can go p@#$ up a rope as far as I care....when's the last time any of THEM offered to help us out during a natural disaster or even 9/11........sure, some offered "pledges" after Katrina, but most never followed through with the dough.... Unless we change it, it won't get better....it'll get worse.... "People get the kind of govenment they deserve."......Mark Twain I smell the mods approaching......I better shut my biscuit trap. Anyway, Doug, congrats to you and your super-wife......hope to meet you guy some day. Some hanger-flying, maybe? lol.....("there I was, thought I was gonna die"....etc.....) Best Wishes, Steve
  5. Congratulations, and best wishes for a sucessfull interview! Steve
  6. Congratulations to you both!!!! Talk about sticking to your guns, you did that, sir.....come on home to the US, there's plenty to grouse about here, too...lol.... Again, congrats on the visa..... Steve
  7. Congratulations to you both!!! Steve
  8. I gave my Chinese Baba and Mama red envelopes with 900 yuan each in them....the amount was suggested by my SO and one of my Chinese friends as a "lucky number".....not much money, really....My SO's parents gave us wonderful gold rings..."wedding presents"...said Baba...my Chinese family has given me so much, many gifts, but most of all they have accepted me as one of the family, given me my Chinese name, and made me feel a valued member of the family.....they proudly say "You are our son, now!"....the other 2 sisters and 2 brothers also make me feel part of the family...always trying to do for me, or give me something.....it is not something I am used to. Not only did I strike "gold" by finding my SO, her family is just fantastic! They are big in the restaurant biz, and well-off. I shudder to think of the send-off we will get soon, when we get the visa and leave for the US. I hope I make it through the partying.....watch out for Baba's special brandy.....(chinese white lightning). Steve
  9. Great post Ron. My hearty congratulations to you and Ivy....you, Sir, are a class act....the way you put your shoulder to the wheel and overcame what was surely an undeserved blue slip, shows the strength of your commitment to each other. I am sure Ivy was very unhappy with the outcome of the interview, your support by being there for her will live forever in her heart. Her man was there for her...this is hugely important for her...and you. You are the best example of what it takes to make it through this process....thanks again for the execellent report. Each bit of information helps those of us still to enter the gauntlet at GUZ......best wishes for a speed trip back home with your wonderful lady! It is disgusting that a VO's bad attitude landed on you guys.....I would bet that he broke policy by not having the interview conducted in Mandarin....maybe a few days off without pay would get his attention...not that it's likely to happen... Steve
  10. Congratulations on a sucessful interview!!! Thanks for the report, it helps all of us waiting to be better prepared. Steve
  11. Congratulations Ron and Ivy!!!!! Roger Lin is a gem.....I'm also happy to have his invaluable help. Now, get her home!!!! Best Wishes, Steve
  12. I had the same experiences during my recent visit to Aiwen's hometown, Zhaoqing.....we went often, sometimes several nights in a row....what a way to relax after a long, busy day....we both enjoyed the pampering alot, and it only costs 60 yuan for the two of us....another reason I would like to spend some extended time in China....lol.... Steve
  13. Thanks for the comments....I hope our P-3 comes along soon....the whole process is very unpredictable, it seems.....we are practicing for the interview already! Best of luck to you and your SO.....THINK PINK!!!! Steve
  14. Great news!!! Congratulations! Steve
  15. I recently attended ACH in GUZ, May 11 to be exact.....I listed 6 questions on the form....I pretty much knew the answers from here, but I wanted to hear what they would say....I had a male VO, very nice, about early 30's I would say....he was very patient, friendly, and informative....he answered all my questions, looked our case up in the computer.....it showed in transit, electronic copy on file at GUZ. He said they were giving out June interview dates now...he also told me that the files right now are sitting in the customs warehouse for about a month at present, "Just to make us mad, I guess." he said....referring to the Chinese officials...he logged me into the computer as attending ACH, and said it will show up at the interview that I was there...I plan to be there for the interview anyway, but since I was here.....why not make time and get another bullet in my gun, so to speak.....I only waited about 20 minutes, no line at security....Americans go the head of the line...there were about 60 Chinese waiting to be admitted. I must admit I enjoyed the special treatment....too bad this is about the only experience in the visa process where this might happen, lol..... I also ran into a group of fellow lao wei doing the same thing I was....including David from this site...(David and Wendy)....I also met Mr. Paget, the immigration attorney who sharks the water at GUZ.... Strategic note:....I scoped out the hallway where the restrooms are between the IV unit and ACS....if I get too antsy, I can peer into the waiting room from there when the time comes....maybe give a little wave of encouragement.... ...end of report.... Steve
  16. Hello All, I experienced an unexpected custom yesterday....I am in Zhaoqing visiting my SO's family....we had a big dinner at the family home last night....I had brought many gifts for family...a suitcase full(a large one!!!)....I got some nice gifts in return....then Baba gives me and Aiwen each a small red velvet pouch....."Engagement gift!" he says. Inside mine is a beautiful gold ring with symbols and it's kind of heavy....yellow gold..,..Aiwen's is gold with an oval jade inset into it. I've never heard of receiving rings like this...it's a wonderful gift.... Now, how do I buy wedding rings, etc. without losing face and to keep Mama and Baba happy, and show them I like THEIR gift very much?....Help me, folks....... Steve
  17. Congratulations to our newest Citizen..... Steve
  18. I got the same thing....today, in fact...... Steve
  19. Me, too, Jim.....my fiance's sister would like to meet a nice man from the US.....so now I'm in the same herd with ya....lol....guess it's time to cowboy up, huh? Steve
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