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Everything posted by lostinblue

  1. One thing that we as americans are not aware of is the lack of opportunity to get ahead that many people face in the rest of the world. My fiance told me a year ago where a 9th grade girl threw herself out a 4th story window because she did not do well enough on her exam to get into the correct school. We have many programs here in this country to assist you in school. Too many people throw the opportunity away. The thing that you will see is if she comes here and wishes to get a good education she will attack this full bore.She will for certain know first hand what the american dream is.
  2. About 8 years ago I dated a woman from China. There was some worries about getting scammed as a few members of my family knew some spouses from china who divorced soon after the 10 year green card. . Going to China was a little upsetting to my parents. It was a communist country. My father wanted me to call every night so they knew I was ok. More of a throw back to the cold war and Tiananmen square. No one in my family voiced an opinion against dateing a Chinese woman. That relationship did not work out which was fine. When I mentioned I was corresponding with another Chinese woman (Yan) "cannot you find an american woman." was brought up a few times. Also "maybe you can find a Chinese woman in america" For the most part they have been supportive.When I mentioned going to China to see Yan it did not raise any eyebrows from my family. Some of my friends are a little closed minded. TOO bad.I feel I found one of the nicest persons you could ever meet. I now feel that dateing a woman from the united states would be a bit boreing. I am a bit shy so meeting someone over the internet was alot easier for me. Things just developed and we took the ball and ran from there. I feel I not only made a good choice , for me it was the best choice. I feel my family will be very supportive.
  3. Here is a link on this subject http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis/men...00048f3d6a1RCRD for california http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis/men...00048f3d6a1RCRD
  4. http://www.ssa.gov/ssnvisa/help_immigrant.htm This topic was mentioned in the past as I have book marked this site.I forgot all about it before yan went to interview.
  5. http://www.nilc.org/immlawpolicy/aosupp/aosupp021.htm This seems to have a great deal of updated information
  6. I looked long and hard at this for when my fiance comes to the USA. I too live in NY, and looked at the point system that they use in order to issue a permit or license, 6 or more required. K-1 I-94 is valid for only 90 days, NY DMV requires I-94 valid for 1 year or more and still valid for at least 6 months, so that is out for points. Foreign passport with I-551 Green-Card stamp or Green Card (3 points) Won't have that for a while. EAD Card (3 points) Will have in 90 days or so after married, and file for EAD and AOS. SS card (2 points) Get this ASAP after she enters the country. US Marriage document (2 points) Marriage certificate. The passport need not be translated, The biometric page in the Chinese passport is Chinese, and English already. You will have to wait for EAD or Green-Card before applying for a learner's permit. http://www.nysdmv.com/idlicense.htm This means if you are hung up in name check *^%$#@ and it takes a year or more for green card , I need to go buy a bike for her just to go to a store.This just blows.
  7. This is what is on a web site for getting a drivers license Proofs of Identity Foreign passport - in English and with a U.S. Visa and valid I-94 or unexpired I-155 stamp attached. If not in English, a certified translation by the embassy or consulate of the issuing country is required. For details, see the publication Proofs of Identity (ID-44). From what I am reading it is off to the embassy for more translation. With a k-1 visa I-94 is valid for how long. It seems trying to get a drivers license is almost as hard as getting a visa What is the issuing country China for passport or US for visa?
  8. Many people in this country do not give gifts for christmas. It is how you are brought up and religion also has a big part in that situation also. I have many friends that do not exchange gifts. Some times it is a little hard on the children as many classmates get many get gifts and they recieve none.This year I did not send my fiance a present as she just got her visa and she would just have one more thing to bring back in a few months. She knows I will make it up when she arrives here in the states. The visa was one of the better christmas gifts she could receive.
  9. Many Chinese read and write better than speaking english. Also understanding spoken english is sometimes a problem. Has anyone had an interview where if a problem come up the question can be written down for spouse to read.? AOS interview. http://www.kamya.com/interview/ http://www.immihelp.com/greencard/adjustme.../interview.html http://www.visajourney.com/forums/index.ph...ge=exampleq#aos Last one is questions . Maybe you can go over them with her so she understands many of them.
  10. I read the article Tornado posted--have not read the actual published regulations--but I see nothing wrong with it. The new regulations are not draconian in any sense. I'd support it. There is no sense of an outcry a country can impose any law it desires .Many countries have a great deal worse laws dealing with adoption. That said This would not be any backlash from what we have seen dealing with Rosie O'Donnell . I guess she can quit brushing up on her Chinese as she would not be allowed to adopt any chinese children with this new regulation.I guess she did get married . Maybe I am behind the times.
  11. I have read where fiance was made aware of this fact at interview time and it has not had a lot of bearing on case. Just as long as she was made aware of it in advance. Here is a lot of reading on subject http://www.visajourney.com/forums/index.php?showforum=126
  12. one big question is why you were not blue slipped or white slipped at interview time with this reason of lack of yearly income. Why throw case into further review for all this time when it would be so simple to just use that way back when. I do not know why you are disabled but is there some way you can be employed doing something . At work we have several people who work 15-20 hours per week and still are on full time disability. I do not mean to be insensitive when I suggest this. It just seems that you are the only person you can turn to. There are many government programs that help disabled people find employment.
  13. When was the divorce finalized from that previous K1? And when did you file for this new K1? What is the NOA1 date for this new K1? As a general rule, I don't believe it'll matter but if the divorce was very recent and very quickly thereafter you filed for another K-1, the VO may be suspicious. Let's use an example of when I think there would be no problems. 15 years ago a USC filed for a K-1 for his then GF. It's approved and the GF comes over and they get married. An earnest attempt at the marriage was made and after 8 years, they divorced. 5 years after that, the USC meets another lady abroad. They keep in touch and build up a long distance relationship for a couple of years. Then he finally asks her to marry and he files another K-1--this petition being 15 years since his previous one. I think the VO would have absolutely no issues with this petitioner, at least with regards to his previous K1 petition. He may have other issues he would need to overcome but his previous K1 petition certainly would not be one of them. Good luck. My fiance just within the last week told the same story from a QQ group she belongs to. I think every case is different. Maybe IMBRA was the reason as for the amount of times you can file in that case.It is possible he still had a I - 864 he was dealing with from previous marriage and the two combined was enough to cause problems. Also maybe with that person questions were not answered in a manner the VO liked. You just do the best you can and go with the kitchen sink. For some reason this last month people have said many interviews were "easy". was that because a VO has lightened up the questioning or was it that we have done our homework here on candle and every line was crossed and I dotted.
  14. Yes, you can obtain a one year multiple entry visa good for a year. I think each stay can be 60 days but that can be routinely extended at the local police station for perhaps as long as 120 days or more. Once they tell you they won't extend it again, you must leave and re-enter China. The workaround is for somebody to list you as an official employee and obtain a work visa. Not everybody has the connections to do this. Rick, I was suggesting you provide the complete sentences from any directly relevant portion of the blue slip, in case they could possibly be interpreted differently. I doubt they can but its worth a shot. I have a friend who is attending school in china and that is how they stay in china . Her husband is employed and use her student visa for extended stay in China. They maybe both from South Africa, Just something else to look at .I do not know all the details of the arrangement. She just made statement once that as long as she was in school (one class) they can stay in china.
  15. It is a lot like having a baby. You had a part in this but it was a long time ago,All you could do is coach her in the last few months and now she has to do all the work. You just sit and wait. Until everything is all over. Wish you luck. Just do those breathing things.
  16. I would never mail my passport overseas. There's just too much risk of loss. There's even an outside chance of a blue slip requesting a communication video. How are you going to make an emergency trip to China to do that, if you're here and your passport is in China? The primary reason for a notarized copy of your passport is to prove a valid relationship. The passport proves how many times you visited China during a specific time period. If you have supplied her other proof, then perhaps the copy she has is sufficient. If you want "insurance" I would go to your bank or insurance agent and have them copy each page of your passport and notarize it. My insurance agent notarized each page. He'd always only copied and notarized the data page before. I explained to him the copy was not for the purpose of emergency replacement but to serve as a substitute for my actual passport, as relationship proof. There are other secondary reasons why the VO might want to look at a petitioner's passport that would include ruling out that your were the specific John Doe arrested in Costa Rica for dealing drugs, be verifying your passport has no Costa Rica entry stamp, etc. From what I've read, this kind of "proof" is not high on the list of documentation asked for at interview but if there is any doubt about the validity of your relationship, it could be golden. I think of it as part of the kitchen sink approach. Whether to rush around at this last date is purely a judgement call but for others....it is cheap and easy to notarize a passport, so I think it's worth doing. When I sent in my 129-f I sent in a copy of my stamped pages on the passport not the entire passport. I sent to Yan a complete noterized copy of all pages for her to take to interview. She said VO did not ask to see anything about passport at her interview this week. Maybe just a lucky roll of the dice . I would never send my passport over seas. It is worth many years wages for the average chinese on the black market. Who really knows who goes through the mail before it arrives where you have sent it. .
  17. here is something to read http://candleforlove.com/forums/index.php?act...;f=1&t=9854
  18. Lostinblue, congrats on your SO's successful interview. Best wishes going forward. I just want to warn you that some CFL members are lawyers themselves--and I don't mean "KING". I know of at least two personally on here who are working US lawyers going through this same process with all of us, and I'm sure there are more. So before you declare your hatred for all lawyers, please realize that some of the people you are thanking may also be a lawyer whom you claim hatred for. BTW, given your time line, it seems to me that GUZ actually does check to see when an I-129f was first filed and tries to move those ahead who applied first. You moved VERY quickly in the latter stages but didn't move very quickly in the NOA1 to NAO2 stage. P3 and P4 was extremely quick. I couldn't believe how fast your P3 and P4 and interview date came when I first saw it. Years ago I dated a woman from Tianjin and a lawyer was recomended by a friend. for k-1 v isa He charged me 5000 I was the stupid one and paid this without looking at anyone else. He wrote to china a few times and I talked to him once in a while. Sometimes socially with my friend. In the end we decided to end the Idea of marriage.He filed no paperwork. I did not even see a 129-f from him. I asked for a refund I understood it would not be 100 percent. His reply was I ran through my 5000 and he owed me nothing. TRY to sue a lawyer. the sob may he rot in hell. I do not think he spent more than 3 hours on my case total. She was living in Canada when we ended relationship and her daughter was still in China. I was told it would be 5000 to bring daughter over here on top of first 5000. Lawyers are legalized whores . 99 percent of them that I have had contact with . When I got divorced my lawyer was not working for me and her lawyer was not working for her . It could have been settled so quick but they worked to fill their own pockets.If I had a reply to a question he had his assistant type a reply and I got the $100 bill and she got one also from hers to recieve my answer.
  19. I got red slip yesterday morning! Thank you candle and the wonderful members,you gave me and my fianc¨¦ great help. Thank my fiance,he has been my great support and strength source,my friend Wally,he tried to call me when I was waiting in line for going into consulate,my finace¡¯s mother,she gave me a morning call so I could not miss my flight to Guangzhou. my friend George,he prayed for me. The VO who interviewed me asked about 10 questions,no question was weird,I meant all questions my fianc¨¦ and I have practiced before,so no qestion was unexpected,first thing he asked me for I-134 form,I handed it over with my fianc¨¦ ¡®s 2005¡¯s tax return, payrolls and paper from his bank,all this staff ,he saved them and not returned them back to me,then he wanted to know what do I do and my fianc¨¦ do,second he wanted to know how we met and how we kept contact each other,he asked for chat record and photos as proof,I showed him IM chat records from 2004 to 2006,one month one page and organized by time, I have to do so,because if I printed all out,they were tons of weight needed a truck to load though most of times we only talked in sound,I put one photo of msn chat screen on top, I grasped my computer screen and printed it out to show how we use webcam to talk,he just leaf through but did look at the date,he looked at every photo and asked who is the black lady with us when we were in Beijing, finally he focused on my occupation,asked for my college diploma and where I learn computer knowledge,he also asked if my son would come to US with me and if my fianc¨¦ has any child,I could see what problem might be,but my answers made it clear,so he announced our visa was approved. He was professional and good looking.when I was leaving,he reminded me not give the time of a day to people who outside the front door,it was so nice of him, yes when I step out,they followed me all the way asked me if I passed the interview. I stay in seven days inn at Beijing road,it¡¯s very good inn compare with its price,only 137rmb per night,free internet connection,very convenient to go shopping eating out,only 20 minutes on foot to Guangzhou medical college hospital,go 10 minutes to catch number 183 bus directly to consulate,if no traffic jam in morning only takes half an hour to get there,you only pay 2rmb. Here is the website for booking a room online http://www.7daysinn.com/ The website for checking out bus route in Guangzhou http://www.gz-bus.com/chaxun/ The website for checking out weather within 5days in Guangzhou http://www.tqyb.cn/NewTqyb/ForeCast.asp The website for an online map of Guangzhou http://www.chtpez.com/map_gz.asp The website for checking flights in Guangzhou baiyun airport http://www.baiyunairport.com/xsjc.jsp
  20. Yan had her interview yesterday (12 th) and she passed with no problem. This is for a k-1 visa and it took from the first of april 2006 when we sent in petition to vermont and we ended last night eastern time with a very happy chinese woman. I wish I was there to offer support but I could not be. She handled it well on her own. She had less than 10 questions from VO and was never asked if she desired to have interview in Chinese. I had included in my question 18 on my 129-f that her spoken english was a bit of a struggle at the start of our relationship and it had inproved a great deal over time through telephone calls, IM's and web chats using MSN. Messenger. I firmly believe that everything is reviewed prior to the interview and the VO is made aware of important things to ask about during the interview process. Maybe he did not look at entire file but someone did. Yan said she will post later about this process. I sent photos with the 129-f of us in China and VO desired to see more. Which surprised me.. Another question was her work and up to what level was her schooling. She had card from work and information on where she went to school. The VO looked at that as well. Last question was about CCP issue . Was she a member (no ) . We went with the kitchen sink and very little was looked at. The kitchen sink was there if needed. I used the question 18 on the 129-f form to show how our relationship progressed over time .I included my thoughts of Yan and how we formed this relationship. IMBRA this was not discussed I believe. On 129-f I said we met on Match and on RFE that it was not a match making service. With a letter from Match saying as much. So much for all the worry about this several months ago. I wish to say thank you to all on this site as I HATE lawyers .We can strike one up for the good guys. So nice not to deal with a lawyer. I am sure Yan will post later.
  21. On August 20,2006 we were approved K-1 from Vermont after IMBRA wait everything was approved prior then they needed RFE for IMBRA On September 23 2006 we recieved p-3 and sent back 2-3 days later On October 30 2006 we recieved p-4 On December 12 2006 yan had interview SHE PASSED Yan said she will post later after she goes shopping Yan flew in on friday ,went for medical in afternoon ,picked up medical monday ,then tuesday she had interview,Thursday she will go to post office and pick up visa and return to ChengDu I understand you can pay for faster medical service,same day.
  22. Rawknee What is the VJ site you were referring to? We seem to have similar backgrounds. I will probably wirting alot when I ge tready to go to China. Thanks for all your insight. Lawrence http://www.visajourney.com/forums/index.php?pg=examples
  23. http://www.visajourney.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=43316 Maybe a good read for some people They are still in the dark http://www.visajourney.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=44032
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