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Everything posted by lostinblue

  1. All chinese women love lancome makeup ect.. Opinion from fiance it is best ones to buy. How ever please note my fiance's mother does not wear any makeup . Not part of that generation maybe.Basketball t-shirts were desired by teenage boys. Looking for US teams.
  2. Why risk a denial at customs. You are at the stage where a slight slip up could throw away every thing . I can see an AP if a family member is on their deathbed other than that STAY within the US borders. you have walked through hell to get her here . now work on keeping her here. You have all of the United States to choose from .She has not seen any of it. Some people caution against traveling close to the mexican border as it may be a risk of being subjected to questioning by the border patrol. Until that green card is in hand I would not leave the United States. If she is sent back I think it could take years before she can return.If you still feel the need PLEASE go talk to a good immigration lawyer so you understand the law clearly.It would not cost much for this one question.
  3. It's these situations which cause the most concern IMO... Any service saying, "We will leave it up to you" is the lamest of excuses... If they are an IMB, then they are required to be capable of providing that information to their paying customers; If they are not an IMB, they don't.. this is one of the few times the application of an otherwise ambiguous law is black or white; You're either an IMB or your not; Your operational capability includes providing this information about USCs or it does not. Asking a service if they are an IMB does not always get a straight answer; I'd suggest asking them if they are capable of and do provide to their paying clients background on USCs.. if they cannot answser yes/no to that, then they are simply wanting to avoid any responsibility. In the end, we have to see what happens at the interviews and AOS when discrepancies exists between what's on a form, what's on a list, and what the beneficiary did or did not get from a service... After researching this, I am more confused than ever. However, I did have to fill out the IMBRA forms on all the sites that I wrote to the ladies, so at the time I assumed they were considered marriage brokers. It wouldn't even let me write the letter until I filled out the form. I am worried about the interview now because I put the marriage broker AFF on the i129f but my SO never got anything back from AFF and she certainly didn't sign anything giving me permission to write to her. At this point she will have to say yes because that is what I put on the petition, but then again I can tell her to say no, because she doesn't consider it a marriage broker. Next thing you know they will ask for evidence that she signed the permission and release statement from the so called marriage broker. Another reason for them to deny the visa. Vote that congresswoman out who initiated the IMBRA. This is what I recieved from match.com Thank you for contacting Match.com. Match.com is not an international marriage broker as defined by the International Marriage Brokers Regulation Act of 2005. Congratulations on your engagement! We are always happy to hear success stories such as yours. If you have not yet done so, please visit the success story section of Match.com at the following link: http://success.match.com/. It gives you the options to share your story and read other Match.com success stories. Best Wishes, I answered no to the Imbra question , in a few weeks when my fiance goes to the interview we shall see how this answer plays out.We did meet through Match.com . I was a paying member, She was not . She only posted a profile with match. She could not answer me,We worked around that issue. I believe everyone has to keep their eyes wide open when using any dateing service. Even in this country plenty of women are looking for a free ride to easy street. The better looking she is the more money you need to make and your status plays into it also. Sorry I am not into Harleys or tattoos that many seem to require . This is one reason I looked to the east for a relationship. It was easier to use a dateing site than for me to meet an asian women in my area. Having dated a Chinese woman years ago helped me greatly to filter out what I would consider the scamers. I believe that I have been involved with a very honest person. That is the best you can do. If not for internet dateing how many would be members of this board?
  4. Very similar to my last experience entering this country after a long visit with my wife this summer. Immigration officer asked me why I was in China so long - visiting my wife. When did you get married? How old is she? How did you meet? He looks at my passport and sees I have also gone to Costa Rica in the past (and other places) - why did I go there? There was a lot more. All of this was with a definite attitude. He then typed some stuff in the computer and put a big red X on my form which flagged Customs to search my bags - the guy at customs was nice and said after looking in one bag that he didn't know why I was sent there. I should mention how nice and smiling this immigration guy was to the beautiful young girl that was at his station in front of me! I thought about filing a complaint - I still remember his name...but what good would that do. My main concern is what he was typing in the computer about me for the next time I enter the US. I'm an old guy so this was all beyond me. Anyway, I got pretty pissed off when he started asking those personal questions...but I maintained my composure. But I am still upset about it. This is the third time in my life I was treated like this upon returning to the US - and I couldn't help but remember how polite and respectful I was treated in China - no matter who I spoke with or where I went. This took place at LAX. Smiling Paul A year ago I was listening on the radio and a man bought some cigars from cuba. Customs found them and now is name is in a data base and he is checked every time he enters the country. He gets pulled into a little room and questioned and everything is searched.
  5. http://www.murthy.com/news/n_remcon.htmlhttp://www.divorceinfo.com/trialseparation.htm I understand this as good strategy however maybe her lawyer also will recognize this fact also and push for a quicker settlement. When I was in the middle of my divorce my case could have been settled quick as I has very little common assets and no children. However it dragged on for several years as it made both lawyers on both sides a little richer. If you desire a trial separation you must maybe show you do intend to to try to make this marriage work .Your lawyer could advise on what steps to make. to further drag this out timewise. Maybe you could go to anger management classes for a long time . To have this direction work you will need to show also you are a faithful worried husband who really desires to stay married . And fix the hurt between you. As far as her lawyer is concerned I myself cannot think but to believe that he understands he will need to act before the time frame runs out,Am I correct that you will need about 1 more year to be married before she would be out of status. And then she would need your john handcock? So wally sit down and talk with your lawyer as to the best way to proceed to show you are willing to make this marriage work and that it is your last desire to be divorced.
  6. http://candleforlove.com/forums/index.php?...c=16457&hl= http://www.immihelp.com/greencard/adjustme.../interview.htmlhttp://www.visajourney.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=5630&st=0&p=73954&
  7. I merely sent in a copy of my stamped divorce decree. Never had a problem with it. I went to the court house and got a certified stamped copy of my divorce papers so far so good.
  8. The government handles all the background checks in dealing with the visa process.Many people DREAM they could do their own It would have been so much quicker
  9. Just trying to help you pass the time, my friend. Thanks a bunch... I was just worried about you, I know you haven't seen the SO in a while It is possible that you will receive several more in the next week or two . Then they will get things rolling for you.
  10. I understand my fiance needs 3 shots as she cannot find any records for vaccinations. the 3 I believe we need after reading http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dq/civil.htm are varicella, MMR and Td. Correct me if I am wrong Td needs a booster after 6 months (3rd one). Will the need for 3rd booster delay AOS until it is received. I do realize maybe AOS will be longer than 6-9 months out from arrival in the US
  11. I sent my voter registration card that I recieved in the mail telling me where to vote. and phone bills of course . Name address and telephone numbers.
  12. how about it is against the town code or home owners association rules
  13. my concern would be if someone puts something in there, and the VO normally gets the case packet just before the interview.. what if there's not enough time for the VO to look at Everything submitted? That was USCISs job in the first place since the DOS has never asked for relationship evidence during the process, only forms... Is the VO going to try to review 100 emails prior to the interview if they were submitted with the P3? They will almost assuredly look at pictures already in the file - our IO did at the AOS interview. To my way of thinking, if you have some good pictures, it's VERY desirable to have those in your folder before the interview - this means submit them with the I-129F. And "proof of meeting" is a good excuse to include them. Myself I included a few samples of everything. Photos,e-mails,letters from both parties, telephone bill leading up to my trip to china. Just one or two Items. My Idea was to show my SO can understand english fairly well.In discussing how we met I mentioned where we went and who we met and had photos to show this, 4 photos total of me and SO with parents and aunts and uncles , Show a small sample but not to overwhelm so it will be looked at. I also mentioned that she spoke reasonable english as the reason for starting the relationship in the first place . One of the things that attracted her to me.
  14. From talking to my SO and she has interview mid December she has no records of vaccinations as school was torn down years ago. What is best course of action to take . Get some shots now in her city? Wait for medical examine, or get here in US. I have blue cross select. Maybe if in GUZ possible bad reaction would cause a bad interview.I understand she can recieve all here. Maybe it is best so to start a good medical record (file)here . If here can my local doctor give or will the assigned doctors who will approve AOS paperwork need to do this.
  15. This I do not know if you have to then . I understand if you stay at her place you need to register, I cannot see why it would not hurt to have it done at police station.It is a 10 minute process. You do get an offical form from a government agency stamped and certified saying you were at that location at that time.In my mind it does not hurt to have going into this process. I think it is excellent proof of being there. There is a sign at my SO parents housing complex that state if even a chinese person stayed there for longer than 3 weeks or so for a visit they even have to register with the police. This is to prevent the movement of the population from one place in china to the other. I just found this.... From this website. On March 1, 2006, a new Public Security Law went into effect that gives police new powers, including the authority to detain and deport foreigners, relating to the commission of a wide range of offenses. The list of offenses has been expanded to include certain religious activities and prostitution-related crimes. Americans in China, who are not staying at hotels, including Americans who are staying with friends or relatives, must register with local police as soon as they arrive. Otherwise, they may be fined up to 500 RMB per day http://travel.state.gov/travel/cis_pa_tw/cis/cis_1089.html
  16. This looks like your first trip to meet. Please read about what to be aware of as far as gathering things that you will need farther down the process if all works out. One inportant thing is proof that you paid for your own tickets at this stage. So get a hard copy of your travel situation, keep your credit card statements for proof you paid for your plane tickets. Also make a copy of what you are going to be doing in china. by letter or yahoo messenger and print out a hard copy of that discussion . Call her on the phone and get a hard copy of the calls during the month. This is for proof of relationship. Keep all your plane tickets stubs as they will be needed. If you stay at her place you need to register at the police station. (this is the law)No big deal ....10 minutes at best . keep a copy as further proof you met. Some day a government person will sit at his desk and desire to see proof. proof of this proof of that. If you go into this process they will maybe seek proof of many things from you Maybe....but best to gather now as you progress in your relationship.
  17. Once I was in China with my Ex girlfriend ,the one who had the temper . we were in a hotel room in xian and she had a friend in that city. On occasion she would call me stupid and after a while of this I told her that I did not like being called stupid. Well right after I said that she picked up her suitcase and walked out of the room saying she was going to stay with her friend. Here I am in the middle of China ,cannot speak chinese and half of my luggage in Beijing, About 10 minutes later I hear a knock on the door and it was her. First thing she asked was why I did not stop her from leaving. I told her I am not her keeper and if she desired to leave she can leave. She unpacked and stayed. Maybe difference of culture. It was high time she learned about some western ones. At times she still called me stupid and I just let it roll off my back. Glad I did not marry that one.
  18. I think the correct answer is yes, we should point out any red flags that we might see. Love is definitely a cause of blindness. Even in Wally's wedding pic, it looks like she's pulling away from him. Body language is hard to fake, even for a "pro", so there will always be signals to save someone from disaster, if one's eyes remain open and thinking remains clear. It sounds like a title for a Country and Western song but Being In Love is a Bad Place to Be sometimes. This is a better one http://www.twin-music.com/azlyrics/r_file/.../jerry_she.html
  19. We as a group . How do we handle this situation , in the future, Be more vocal and address things a petitioner may not desire to hear . Maybe some people pick up things that others miss? Potential red flags. Is it up to US to send someone a reality check?
  20. I think you cannot record someone without their permission. A lawyer would own every asset you have in the end.
  21. As he signed a support document how would a pre nup help in this case . You are not looking at a division of assets. Too short a marriage for that. I-864 is concern here. You are talking about a women who has no english ability thus no way of self support within say 25 miles of his home. Now she went to a shelter and a social worker will greet her with open arms . We can get you a place to live a food allowance , whatever . The United States is the best place on earth to be poor which she is right now. and I-864 says the social services have a ready made bank. If fraud can be shown maybe this is an out, maybe you now need an immigration lawyer as well as a divorce lawyer. As she has no ability to pay her lawyer I think you will end up paying for both lawyers . perhaps, I am not sure . What i am sure it will be a very big mess.So sorry. When I got divorced my lawyer was not working for me .My ex's lawyer was not working for her. It could have been settled so quick . They worked each other as to make as much money as they could.
  22. I only filled OF-169 and DS-230 and sent them to Guangzhou.OF-167 is kind of instruction, so no need to send back,Guangzhou ask for financial support at the interview,you have enough time to parpare suport papers,good luck lostinblue MM
  23. http://candleforlove.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=18469 (paula)
  24. On August 20 ,2006 we were approved for 129-f from vermont (our second approval thanks to IMBRA) On September 25 we recieved p-3 and was returned within a few days On October 29 we recieved the p-4 Interview date is December 12,2006 Thank you for all the help from candle. Now one more question for those who have had the interview. As she has a file of over 8 inches of things I have sent her (a copy of everything) what are the top 10 things she could be asked for so we can be certain she has it in frount of the file case for easy access . She will take a file with many pockets
  25. I had a chinese friend who had a baby and I was told to wait for a month before comming to see them . I have read with the bath thing after birth it was due to not having heat in the house and having to go to the public bathhouse. In the past many women would stay in bed for almost a month after having a child here in the states and in the era of no antibiotics it would make sense the need to limit exsposure to colds and the like of a newborn. So by being away from the public (going to a bath house ) for a while would be logical.
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