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mama bear

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About mama bear

  • Birthday 12/19/1970

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  1. 关于14岁以下免签: 应该是单独缴费, 孩子的材料交中信代签。 我们签证费交一起了,就一起预约面签,签的时候不用带孩子, 老妈把孩子的材料交上去就好了。 About no interview for child under 14-y-o I heard it supposed to be pay visa fee separated, and submit kid's stuff to China CITIC bank. But we payed visa fee together for both of them , and registered interview together under my mom's name. Then only my mom went for interview,and hand in my niece's materials to the VO. I guess either way works!
  2. My mom has no any desire to go through the information I gave to her. She kept saying last time it was so easy, only ask one question. it shouldn't be hard this time either.I mentioned to her this time is different because she comes with my 6-y-o niece, who is the age for elementary school. So it is very possible the VO will ask about her, and mom need answer everything correct even though I wrote everything in my letter to VO and in the Child Description. So it was the time,7:30 am on April 9th, My mom took too much stuff for the interview. Even the guard ask why she has that much stuff, that made my mom so nervous, and even couldn't find her passport. The VO was a nice white guy, asked most question about my niece: Why the child go with you? - To see my daughter, her aunt. Why her parents not go?- Dad is busy, no mom, grew up with me. Will she go to school in the US?-No,she will come back Beijing for school. Has her father any property?- Yes. What's your daughter's job? - RN 我的材料用挂号信寄给老妈的。老妈不想准备,说是上次那么简单,这次不用准备。我使劲给老妈打预防针, 您自己是不用准备,可是您这次带孙女去,肯定会问关于孩子的事情,要准备这个。6岁,上学年龄,肯定怀疑滞留不回的倾向,需要充足材料消除这个。 4月9号老妈7点半到的, 第一波的已经开始放进去了。没有人带这么多材料去面试的。连门口看门的解放军都问老妈怎么带这么些,搞得老妈很紧张, 护照都找不着了。 老妈呀,去签证,护照,缴费单是最重要的,怎么能找不到这个。 进去白男面的, 果然问的都是孩子的。几个问题不难。主要是问小孩为什么去?父母为什么不去?这么小孩子是不是去上学?父亲有房产否?我的工作。
  3. Visa fee can be paid on line but I had trouble with it, so my brother went to the China CITIC bank paid it for both of them together. Then registered on ustraveldocs.com. There are so may opens, so just choose a convenient time. I heard somebody mentioned don't book too late, it happened recently police came to Disperse people in the late afternoon. So we booked the 2nd one early morning at 7:45 am, chose a nearest citic bank which located on Guangqulu to get passport. We got a Appointment Confirmation right away after submit the form, and get an e-mail we well. the conformation as following: 缴费中信银行网上缴费或者柜台交。 我们网上提交有问题,只好去柜台交的。 我们把2个人的签证费交到一起了。在ustraveldocs.com注册,先自己合适的时间预约,看到别人说最好不要约得太晚, 刚有很多人被驱散了,就约了早上第二波的,,选离自己家近方便取护照的中信柜台,我们选的广渠门的,约好后网页上就立刻得到一个 Appointment Confirmation/面签确认,同时电子邮箱也有一个,方便随时打印。 Congratulations , you scheduled an appointment!!! 确认预约 未满14岁的申请人不需要参加面谈。 14 APPLICANT DETAILS 申请人姓名: xxx 签证类别: B2 护照号码: xxx 签证申请归类: BEIJINGAll Others 此面谈预约操作者: xxx 签证优先级别: Regular 申请人数量: 2 CONSULAR APPOINTMENT DETAILS 日期: Thursday April 9, 2015 BEIJING (北京) 时间: 07:45 北京市朝阳区安家楼路55号 No 55 Anjia Lou Lu Beijing,100600 文件送达信息: 文件送达类型: Pick Up 北京-广渠路 Beijing - Guangqulu 朝阳区广渠路36号院首城国际D区26号楼 (Area D Building 26, Shou Cheng Guo Ji, No. 36 Guang Qu Road, Chaoyang District) 朝阳 Chaoyang, Beijing 北京 100022 Appt-19921238-d83e6db2cc71598c62549ca1e7ce5182a995e1f6f5f0ecd5dded803951998120 可机读签证缴费 xxx CNYxxx DS-160确认编号: UID: xxx xxx xx CNYxxx DS-160确认编号: UID: xxx xxx 说明 Your appointment for a visa interview has been confirmed. Your appointment time above is the time you are expected to arrive at the Embassy, not the time that you will interview with an officer. Every person attending the interview must bring a copy of this confirmation page on his interview day at the Embassy. If you arrive up to 30 minutes before or after your appointment time, we will admit you for your interview. If you are more than 30 minutes late (or more than 15 minutes late for any appointments after 5:00 p.m. or after 12:00 p.m. on Wednesdays), you may be asked to reschedule your interview for another day. Please be on time! Notice to Beijing Applicants: If you are the principal applicant of a blanket L petition who must pay a Fraud Prevention and Detection fee or any petition based visa applicant (L1A, L1B, L2) who must pay a reciprocity fee, you will be required to pay your fee at the time of interview with the consular cashier. Note that if interviewing at Ritan Annex, you must pay with a credit card. Cash and debit cards will not be accepted. Please be aware that the following items are not permitted inside the Embassy: • Battery-operated or electronic devices such as mobile phones, digital watches, pagers, cameras, audio/video cassettes, compact discs, MP3s, floppy disks, laptops, or portable music players • Earplugs, headphones or any other listening devices. (* hearing aids are permitted) • Bags such as travel bags, backpacks, briefcases, suitcases, leather, cloth bags, and zip folders. Only small handbags or purses and plastic bags containing application-related papers will be allowed inside the Consular Section. • Food items, other than bottled water • Sealed envelopes or packages • Cigarettes, cigars, match boxes, lighters • Sharp objects such as scissors, pen knives or nail files • Weapons or explosive materials of any kind • Other items at the discretion of security staff The Consular Section cannot store prohibited items for you. Please note: CGI Stanley (www.ustraveldocs.com) is the only company that the U.S. Embassy in China authorizes to provide visa information and visa application services. The U.S. Embassy does not endorse or have special relationships with any other individual or business that offers advice or assistance with the visa process. No one can guarantee the issuance of a visa to you. All U.S. government forms are free. Beware: many visa applicants lose money or are permanently barred from the United States as a result of misleading information and fraudulent applications provided by visa consultants. If you are coming to the United States to work or study, we are confident that you will have a pleasant and rewarding stay. If you should encounter any problems, however, know that you have rights and can get help. The video linked here informs you of your rights as a nonimmigrant visa holder in certain employment- and education-based categories (specifically A-3, G-5, NATO-7, B-1 domestic employees, H-1B, H-1B1, H-2A, H-2B, and J-1 visa holders): http://vimeo.com/vpu/review/87266687/042159e141. MAP TO U.S. EMBASSY - BEIJING (北京)
  4. I filled both Form 160 online for them, no need to print the form itself, but need remember what filled in. I didn't put my mother's ID number, it didn't matter. After submit the form there is a conformation form can print right way or print from e-mail any time, it attached the e-mail. Need bring it to interview. The e-mail I got as following: 160表格在线填写,不需要打印表格本身,但所填内容要记清楚,提交后会立刻会收到一个确认邮件在当前页面和你的电子邮箱。只要打印这个确认件即可。 填表的时候可以一气呵成, 也可以向我一样慢慢填, 每天填点,最后提交。只要记住号码什么的能进去接着填就好。 收到电子邮件是这样的,并附带一个彩色的确认件可以任何时候打印出来,这个签证的时候要带着。 Dear Applicant, Thank you for being a valued U.S. Consular Electronic Application Center (CEAC) customer. Your electronic Visa application has been submitted. Name Provided: xxx Country/Region of Origin (Nationality): CHINA Passport Number: xxx Completed On: 15 MARCH 2015 17:43:48 EST Confirmation #: xxx YOUR CONFIRMATION PAGE IS ATTACHED TO THIS EMAIL IN A PDF FILE! You must follow the instructions on the confirmation page in order for the U.S. Department of State to continue processing your visa application. How to print your Confirmation Page: 1. DOUBLE CLICK on the attached file. 2. From within Adobe Reader, go to FILE and select PRINT Please double check to see that you indeed have Adobe Acrobat installed on your system. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader, you may download it for free at:http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html ***Important: Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not set up to receive email.
  5. Description of the xxx’s intended purpose of U.S. travel xxx plan come to the U.S. to visit her aunt xxx, companied with xx, who is xx’s grandma (xx father’s mother) on June 16 through August 17, 2015. During the visiting, we plan fishing, boating, camping, do various activities around the beaches that are close to our house; Isle Royale National Park and Mackinac Island; other states nearby; East coast such Washington DC, New York, Boston; Disney world in Florida. The reason why xxx comes along with xxx is that she is xxx. xx’s father always has a tight working schedule, and works 6 days a week. xx is her Grandma xx's little girl. She grew up under grandma’s care. Where ever grandmother goes, she follows all the time. xx will be very glad to see the Disneyworld in Florida, which every kid dreamed of, in this summer if she will get her visa. The U.S. inviter is xxx, xx’s aunt, her father’s older sister, who works as a registered nurse at xxx Hospital located in xx, MI. Address: xx Tele: xx E-mail: xx@gmail.com xxx旅美目的说明 xx计划2015年6月16日至8月17日期间随祖母赵燕燕前往美国探望姑母xxx。 旅美期间计划去沙滩钓鱼,划船,野营;去皇家岛国家公园和麦其诺岛;去附近的州;到东海岸的首都华盛顿,纽约,波士顿,还有弗洛里达州迪斯尼世界。 xx必须和xxx一起来美的原因是xxx。xxx的父亲工作非常繁忙并每周工作6天。xxx每天跟着祖母,由祖母抚养大,是祖母的小姑娘。 如果能得到美国签证,今夏xx会非常高兴和祖母一起去每个孩子都梦想的弗洛里达的迪斯尼世界。 美国邀请人为xxx, xx的姑母,父亲的姐姐, 在xx医院做注册护士。 联系方式: 地址:xx,邮编:xx 电话:xx E-mail: xx@gmail.com
  6. List (目录) PART I – INVITEE I: xxx (第一部分) (被邀请人) xxx 1. Passport (护照原件) 2. DS 160 Form conformation (DS160表确认条码打印件) 3.Receipt of Visa Application Fee (中信银行的签证费收据, 原件) 4. Photo (51mm x 51mm) (一张照片2寸正方形) 5. Resident Booklet (户口本) 6. National Identification Cards (身份证) 7. Evidences of Properties’ ownership (房产证明) 8. Evidences of Bank Saving (银行存款证明) 9. Retirement Certificate including pension (退休证函退休金证明) 10. Certificate of Marriage relation from local police office (派出所开具夫妻关系证明) 11. Husband’s stuff:丈夫资料 -Passport and last US visa (护照及上次赴美签证) -Retirement Certificate including pension: (退休证函退休金证明) 12. Family Photos (家庭照片) PART II – INVITEE II: Niece (第二部分) (被邀请人) 侄女 1. Passport (护照原件) 2. DS 160 Form conformation (DS160表确认条码打印件) 3.Receipt of Visa Application Fee (中信银行的签证费收据, 原件) 4. Photo (51mm x 51mm) (一张照片2寸正方形) 5. Birth certificate (出生证) 6. Written description of the child’s intended purpose of U.S. travel (儿童旅美目的手写说明) 7. Copies of the parents’ national ID cards, mother’s copy expired, unable to connect with her (父母身份证复印件, 母亲身份证复印件过期,但无法联络) 8. Copies of Resident Booklet (户口本复印件) PART III三 (第三部分) - INVITER (邀请人) 1. Invitation Letter and schedule (English & Chinese) (邀请函及日程中英文各一份) 2. Copy of Income Tax Return 2015 (2015年个人收入纳税表复印件) 3. Copy of Daughter’s Certification of Naturalization (女儿的入籍证明复印件) 4. Copy of Daughter’s Petition for Name Change (女儿的改名证书复印件) 5. Copies of Son-In-Law,Daughter & Granddaughter’s passport;Son-In-Law’s birth certificate (女婿, 女儿和外孙女的护照复印件; 女婿出生证复印件) 6. Copy of Son-In-Law and Daughter’s Driver License (女婿和女儿的驾照复印件) 7. Copy of Notarial Marriage License (女婿和女儿的结婚证公证书复印件) 8. Copy of Daughter’s Notarial Birth Certificate (女儿的出生公证书) 9. Copy of Daughter’s 3 Pay stubs (女儿的3个工资单复印件) 10. Printed 3 months bank statements before and after daughter’s last name change (银行下载女儿改名前后三个月明细) 11. Letter for Visa Officer (信函一份给签证官)
  7. Schedule for Mom and Lele’s visit to the US母亲和L访美日程 June 16 – Aug 17, 2015 2015年6月16日至8月17日 June 16 11:20AM—12:57PM DL188 Beijing - Detroit北京- 底特律 June 17-June 23 Relax, time change.休息,倒时差 Visit Danny’s mother.丹妈妈家 Meet D’s daughter, son and grandsons.见D的女儿,儿子和孙子 Mongolian Buffet蒙古自助餐 Joe’s Crab 乔治海鲜店 Tokyo Buffet东京自助餐 Shopping.购物:Oakland mall etc. 奥克兰购物中心等 Visit my friends.见朋友 June 24-July 1 Fishing, boating, camping.大湖附近钓鱼,划船,野营; IL- Chicago伊利诺伊州芝加哥市 July 2- July 7 Relax, enjoy 4th of July firework, BBQ.休息,国庆节焰火,烧烤 July 8- July 15 Mackinaw Bridge, Island & U.P , Isle Royale National Park, Frankenmuth麦肯瑙大桥麦其诺岛和上半岛, 皇家岛国家公园弗兰克茅斯德国小镇 July16 –July 21 Recess; Shopping.休息, 购物 July 22- July 24 Kalahari waterpark in Ohio俄亥俄州卡拉哈里水上公园 July 25-July 31 Washington, DC, New York, Boston, Niagara waterfall; 华盛顿;纽约,波士顿,尼阿加拉大瀑布 Aug.1 Recess休息 Aug.2 - Aug.15 Florida-Disney world, Universal, Waterpark, sea world; Miami罗里达州:迪斯尼世界,梦工厂,海洋公园,水上乐园; 迈阿密 Aug16 Recess休息 Aug.17 12:29PM-2:45PM +1Dday DL189 Detroit - Beijing底特律-北京
  8. 和给签证官的信 Letter to VO My Name AddressTeleMarch16, 2015 UnitedStates Embassy of Beijing, China No. 55 An Jia Lou Lu 100600 86-10- 8531-3000, 10-57306209 Subject: Issuance of visitor's visa (B2) for my mother and niece. To Whom It May Concern, My name is Yx Cxx. I work as a registered nurse at xx Hospital located in Livonia, MI. I am writing thisletter in regards to my mother Yanyan Zhao and niece ZhihanChai (My brother's daughter); Lele is her nick name at home. They would like tocome to America to visit my family and me onJune 16 through Aug. 17, 2015. Wewill pay for their round trip air tickets from China, food, transportation and accommodation expenses whilethey stay in the US. They will stay with us in our house. Our address is: xx. Phone: xxx. I changed mylast name from xx to my husband’s family name xx while I got nnaturalized in July 2013. I married my current husband xxx in China in July 2005. D made 5 trips to China tovisit me before I was able to come to America with my daughter in2007. Thereason we want my mother and my niece to visit us is my daughter willhave some summer school classes and enrichment activities and Ican only get less than 3 weeks of vacation time from my work, if my family wereable to come to the United States, they will be able tovisit us longer. The reason why my niece comes along with mymother is xxxxxxxxx.My brother'sworking scheduleis too tight, 6 days a week. L is my mother'slittle girl. Where ever my mother goes, she follows my mother all the time. I will be very glad to seeher in America this summer and would like to show her the Disneyworldin Florida; which every kid dreamed of. Mymother and my niece have no desire to stay in America and they willreturn to China on time. My mothercame to America to visit us while we lived in Upper Peninsula of MI in 2009,and went back to China after 7 weeks stay; instead of the planning of 6months. Our niece's school will start in Beijing on Sep 1, 2015. Alltheir possessions are in China, my father, sister andbrother live there and my grandma is lives alone, they rely on mymother to go back to assist them. I will personally make sure thatthey leave United States before the expiration of their authorized stay. Itis our sincere desire that they will receive US B2 visa so they canvisit us over the summer. ThankingYou! YoursSincerely, Xxx 寄自:我名字地址,邮编电话2015年3月16日美国驻中国北京大使馆收安家楼55号 100600 电话:86-10-8531-3000, 10-57306209 主题:关于为我的母亲和侄女发放旅游签证(B2) 敬启者: 我叫xxx,在xx医院做注册护士。为母亲xx和侄女xxx来美旅游签证一事特致此函。他们计划2015年6月16日至8月17日来美探亲。我们将支付他们往返中美机票和在美期间食宿交通费用。他们将在我家居住,地址为:xx,邮编:xx电话xx。 我于2013年7月入美籍时改父姓xx为夫姓xx。我与丈夫xx于2005年7月在北京结婚。我和女儿2007年移民美国,在此之前xx往返中美5次探访我们。 此次母亲和侄女来美探亲而非我们回国的原因为:一方面女儿暑期学校有暑假课程和活动,另一方面我只能最多得到3周休假。如果他们来美探亲我们可以相处更长时间。侄女必须和我母亲一起来的原因为Xxx.我弟弟工作非常繁忙并每周工作6天。乐乐每天跟着我母亲,是我母亲的小孩子。我会非常高兴今年夏天如果能见到她和我母亲一起来。 我会带她去每个孩子都梦想的弗洛里达的迪斯尼世界。 母亲和侄女没有任何在美滞留的意愿。他们将如期返回中国。我母亲曾于2009年我们仍居住在密歇根州上半岛的时候来美探亲,计划居住半年但于来美7周后返回。侄女在北京的学校将于2015年9月1日开学。他们所有的 资产及家人:我父亲,弟弟, 妹妹都在北京,我祖母独自一人居住,所有这些人都仰仗着我母亲。我本人将确保他们在其授权逗留期限届满前离开美国。 我们真诚地期望他们能够得到美国B2签证,如愿今夏来美探亲。 感谢您! 此致, xxx
  9. Thanks, Dan! Here it is: 邀请函中英/Invitation My family’s NamesAddressTeleMarch16, 2015My mom and niece’s NamesAddressTele DearMom and L, How’severything going in Beijing? Time goes by so fast. We all miss you and the timewe spent together in China in 2012. All of us are doing well. U is a high school student. She is taking several acceleratedclasses in International Academy in Michigan; she enjoys it. D, as usual, takesgood care of us. As for me, I still work in xx hospital as a RN andcurrently study for my BSN. Aboutour plan of this year, instead of coming back China, we invite both of you(Mother: name Niece: name)to visit us in the US. We will pay your airline tickets, food, transportation and accommodation expenses while you arein the US. During your visit, you will live with us in our house (Address:xx). U’sschool will finish in June. Then she will have some summer school classes andenrichment activities. I will finish my spring semester inMay, and I will not take any class this summer. I already requested 3- week vacation from my work in this summer. I canwork 6 days in a row, then get 8 days off to accompany while you tourMI during your stay. Therefore, both of us will have a longsummer break until September. Aswe described to you before, the US is such a gorgeous country, especiallyMichigan where we live. You will have a nice time here. By the time you comeover, it will be the best season in our state. We plan to takeyou fishing, boating, camping, do various activities around the beachesthat are close to our house. We will plan a trip to Isle Royale NationalPark and Mackinac Island, too. We will also spend sometime driving to other states nearby. Wealso like to plan to take you to Washington,DC and see the sights in our Nation’s capital. Also, we will take atrip to Disney world in Florida, Lele will love it. By the way, D’s Motherand his children told us that they will be very glad to meet youwhile you are in the US too. Weare all looking forward to seeing you soon. Missing you! Love, Y,D and U 寄自我全家名字地址邮编电话2015年3月16日我母亲和侄女名字地址,邮编电话 亲爱的妈妈和xx:你们好! 你们在北京一切都好吗?时间过得真快,我们都很想念你们和2012年回国同你们在一起的日子。我们都好。U现在是高中生了。她在密歇根国际高中上学,她很喜欢这个学校。D还和以前一样照顾我们。至于我自己,在XX医院做注册护士,同时在读本科护士课程。 我们今年计划邀请你们(母亲:XXX,侄女:XXX)到美国来探亲,而不是我们回中国。我们负责支付你们往返中美的机票和在美国期间的食宿交通费用。你们在美国期间将住在我们家里。地址: XXX邮编。 U6月份放假,但是她要修一些暑假课程还有一些课外活动要参加。5月份我就结束春季学期的课程了,并且不打算修暑期课程。我已向单位请求暑期休假3周。其余的时间我可以每连续工作6天,获得连续8天休息时间来陪你们逛街和旅游。经过一个很长的暑假后,我们俩都9月份开学。 正如我们以前曾经提到过的,美国是个美丽而精彩的国家,特别是我们居住的密歇根州。 你们一定会在这里过得非常愉快。等你们来的时候(2015年6月),正是我们州一年之中最好的季节。我们会带你们去我们家附近的不同的湖岸沙滩钓鱼,划船,野营; 到皇家岛国家公园和麦其诺岛旅游; 开车到附近的州旅游。我们还会带你们到首都华盛顿看看,还有弗洛里达州迪斯尼世界, 乐乐一定会喜欢的。 还有,丹的母亲和孩子们告诉我们,你们来的时候他们非常乐意和你们见见面。 我们期待着早日见到你们!想念你们!爱你们! XXX,XXX,XXX 
  10. Where should I post my home work for this? Is here a good place? Sorry, I haven't been here forever, folks
  11. Thank Dan! Your information is very useful! The writing test is one of the examples. I even cannot remember what I read, I bet it is one of them too.I got every question correctly answered. The only discuss was my CCP membership. But after our discussion, handing in my previous statement which is the same one I handed in for my visa interview 6 years 8 months ago,( I was surprised it is not in my about 1/2 foot tall file.) and a new letter I wrote the night before, the officer went out to ask her supervisor, then she came back and told me I passed.
  12. Thanks, everyone, I made it! Oath will be on July 11th, that is my 8th marriage anniversary, and 6 years since I arrived here..
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