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george lee

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Everything posted by george lee

  1. my wife was interviewed in mandarin and received pink.
  2. my wife is cr-1 and she had her first shoot in china. she followed up with her second shoot in nyc. she is complete with vaccinations. also, warning from the nurse, she should not have babies after 6 months or babies may be in danger due to shoots. edit: i dont think you can have all your shoots in 1 shoot.
  3. They do the same thing here in Portland George. I'd recommend that tehy stay away from Chinese restaurants. They want to pay legal residents illegal alien pay. I too find it shameful that they take advantage of their fellow countrymen that way. One exception is Panda Express. They are a Taiwan based American style fast Chinese food chain. They pay a legal wage and are opening new restaurants all over. A person who wants to work hard can work themselves up to assistant manager or mananager in a fairly short period of time. yes, some chinese resturants are very bad. how can the owner have a share in the waiters/waitess's tip pool. i don't get this concept when i asked some waiters. the answer is simple, you want to work here, you must pay me (owner) to work here, plain truth about it. another waiter said, the owner invested alot of money into the resaurants and expected to break even; in-laws has to be paid too, kids need new cloths and so forth. some chinese business people are getting smart by hiring illegals people from south america to work for really low wages. i remembered my mother working in the chinese garment industry in chinatown during the 70s and 80s. she was getting paid 12 to 17 cents per piece, working 10 to 15 hours per day.
  4. hi ben, i hear you my brother. its rough working and living in nyc, everything is so expensive. we are worried about starting a family and i love kids. i wanted 4 kids. i'll mention my wife about your wife enrolling in the esl class. my wife's name is eliza wu and she is taking the morning class and hopefully working p/t in the afternoon. working in the bakery really put a reality bite on her, not knowing english is a big disadvantage for her. we go to flushing for dinner once in a while, maybe you want to join us? i give you a heads up when we go flushing for hotpot. you been to little lamb on main street? good luck to our wifes and everybody's wifes too.
  5. tony, i tried to convice her to be a whistle blower but she don't want to get in trouble, especially for other workers who is not legal to work. illegal co-workers need to feed their children and pay for rent, where can they find work if labor dept comes down on the bakery. owner knows how to play the game and not get caught. its like a cat and mouse game between labor dept and owner of the bakery. its the same for most chinatown stores, hiring illegal workers and paying them 3 dollars per hour. my wife told me after 3 months in the bakery, she is entitled a 10 dollar increase per month, what a joke. in a way, i feel very shameful for the chinese business people taking advantage of their own race, but i'm glad she is doing it for the summer and getting some experiences. she said, how will you appreciate the good jobs that lies ahead when you never known what is really a shitty job. she is young (24) and has the potenial to make better salary once she can speak and write english.
  6. Awesome! People need to learn when they can and cannot use a cell phone, I guess that moron learned the hard way. anyone knows why no cell phones and recording devices can be turned on in the custom area of jfk? is this the same for all international arrival termial airport? i don't see it in china or hong kong's custom area, kinda puzzled me right now since i make 5 trips to china and seeing it on every return trip.
  7. chinatown manpower, http://www.cmpny.org/, is a non-profit agency that helps people to find a job. they also provide training, such as computer skills and office skills. my wife is starting school in university settlement in september, http://www.universitysettlement.org/, and she is enrolled in ESL class. click on the family literacy under what we do. wife is working in a chinese bakery store to pass the summer, tuesday to sunday, 7am to 6pm, pay is 3 dollars an hour. yes that is right, 3 dollars an hour. i know its a rip off but what can you do when you don't know english. you can only stay in chinatown and let people take advantage of you. we're in manhatten, ny.
  8. the best chinese food in the world!!!
  9. Thanks, this will help to calm her fears,i will be there to meet her when she is thru with immigrations,she will arrive in New York 2:40 pm. but i told her.....just follow the crowd getting off the plane,since everyone must go to the same place...immigrations. Jimi yes, follow the crowd and stay on the LEFT side of the pathway to customs, no way she will get lost. one more important thing, due to airport security, all cell phones, cameras and video devices must be off until they are out of custom area or it will be taken away from you. it is posted on the walls. on my last trip, a mainlander, who thinks he is a big shoot, did not obey the rule and had his cell phone taken away by the boarder police. he was yelling and screaming with his hands up in the air. the boarder police introduced his friends, smith and wesson and led to a room, true story and funny.
  10. jimi, all international planes will park in the international gateway, meaning only 1 entrance to get into jfk. after getting off the plane, follow pathway or follow people to custom area. she can not miss the pathway because there is no exits or detours any where in the pathway. the pathway will split into 2 lanes, 1 lane for USC and 1 lane for immigration and visitors, please have her stay on the LEFT of the pathway to immigration and visitors. she should also fill out a form while she is on the plane. i forgot what the form called but its for non-USC to fill out. it will saves her time in jfk. she hands over the brown envelope to officer and the officer will take her to a room where she will be processed. she will be ask some questions, like where will you live and who is your husband in USA. my wife went thru JFK and i told her what i described above, good luck and congrats. edit: my wife landed at 10pm but i did not see her until 11:45pm, due to alot people being process in the room, so expect to wait.
  11. "We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too." jfk's 1962 speech in Rice University in Houston, Texas. the rest of the speech, http://www.historyplace.com/speeches/jfk-space.htm
  12. you should be getting something from NVC very soon, check my timeline.
  13. hugs and kisses are not expressed inside the house or outside the house. its been like that since....let see...year 1. i remembered my first time meeting my in-laws and i tried to hug them but i felt they were uncomfortable about it, so i just hand shake. chinese customs do not hug or kiss in public or anywhere, only in couple's bedroom. even people in chinatown new york do not hug or kiss in public. the new chinese generations in america do hugs and kisses in public. grasshopper has much to learn....
  14. i didn't go with my wife's interview because of work and my wife got PINK.
  15. hi mike, my wife received her GC in 19 days after landing in nyc.
  16. I was not in GZ during my wife's interview, but it never hurt to go.
  17. it takes 2 - 4 months, for my wife, it took 3 months. please see my timeline.
  18. good news to start my monday, thanks and congrats!!!
  19. appaullo, ferrry transfer is hong kong international airport is very easy, click on the link to find schedules, http://www.hongkongairport.com/eng/transpo...t-a-glance.html edit: copy and paste from the webpage, http://www.hongkongairport.com/eng/transpo...-prd-ports.html Passengers transiting to PRD Ports Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) is a quick and convenient transit point for ongoing travel to PRD ports. Upon arriving at HKIA, passengers do not have to go through immigration procedures or reclaim your baggage. All you have to do is to follow the steps shown in the flow chart or the flow demonstration video. To use the cross-boundary ferry service, passengers must: Transit to PRD ports on the same day upon arriving HKIA; Possess the following items: 1. An air ticket/ e-ticket/ boarding pass stub; 2. A valid ferry ticket; and 3. A valid passport and, if applicable, a visa for intended destination (China/ Macau). PRD port transit passengers with checked baggage should arrive at the Ferry Transfer Desk at least 60 minutes before same day ferry departure for document checks and ticket purchase. For passengers with only hand baggage, please arrive at the Desk at least 30 minutes before same day ferry departure. To further facilitate your journey, a baggage tag through service has been introduced. Please click here for the list of airlines participating in the baggage tag through service
  20. are you talking about this one, http://www.bjbesthotel.com/
  21. congratulations and how about some happy pictures?
  22. my wife recieved her 2nd vacinations, free at this clinic, http://www.nyc.gov/html/doh/html/imm/immclin.shtml i'm sure there is a department of health in your area.
  23. my wife wore her engagement ring during her interview but i don't think it has any bearing on the process.
  24. we use seawolf to call china in the usa. the website is http://mydialbox.com/. you can download a history call log and it shows your cell phone calling the access phone number calling china's phone number. each detail shows the date, time and duration of each call. the cost is 2.2 cents per minute and over 100 access number for you to choose, including 6 800 numbers. one bad thing about the history log is you can not retrieve old logs. every 3 months i would print 3 months of log and wait another 3 months to print. good luck.
  25. i did a little reading and find this link where you can create and customize accounts, http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/s...p/accounts.mspx you create another account and name it chinese and customize the chinese account.
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