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Dan R

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Everything posted by Dan R

  1. They record it on your computer file to show they are doing their job and no one can claim your case is not being given consideration. My job requires interpreting governmentese for the company management.
  2. tthat's hilarious but i'd rather notthink about it
  3. That was humor???? I was starting to think it was my place but then you didn't mention the snapping turtle that you have to keep from snapping the piranha's tail by slapping him on the snout. That's how I knew you weren't describing my place. Had me going for a moment though.
  4. Thanks that was very funny. I can't wait til it is available at my local 7/11. Gee Roger I thought this would be your kind of day. Thought you would get into it like I get into Halloween. Are you still feeling blue? Is this the let down phase after getting J's good news? I know what you need....... Another round of Put on a happy face.
  5. Yea, but living in the Eastern time zone does have one advantage. When the Alabama Highway Patrol starts chasing us Georgia drivers, we make a bee line for the border, knowing the cops will lose an hour if they cross into the state. As soon as the cops realize they just lost an hour on us, they give up and go home. Works every time. Trigg: Advanced Member Group: Members Posts: 2722 Member No.: 797 Joined: 11-February 04 Uh, yea Frank, but if your goin' the other way you will be in jail an hour before you get there. Is this Southern Logic 101?
  6. The I-94 should be stapled into his passport.
  7. At least we will listen. Complain long and loud to everyone you can think of including Maura Harty but I don't think it will help much. Yes the requirement was changed. The government's attorneies are looking out for us the tax payer. They have disclaimer statements on all the sites that We the People are not responsible for obselete information on the internet. Isn't it nice to feel so protected. Now come sit down with the rest of us. It is primal scream time.
  8. YYYIIIPPPPEEEEE Monday I move one hour closer to my darling.
  9. OH WOW AM I HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!! Now get a crate and send him everything you can think of for evidence of a relationship. Maybe ship your computer so they can review the 20 or 30 gigs of correspondence. Include downloads of every blog you have vented on. Then include a short note explaining what you would do to a V.O. who turns him down. And welcome back. We missed picking on you
  10. Mark the plaque was on my Grandfather's desk next to his name plate. It was hand lettered on stiff paper. "Any religion which causes men to be good is worthy of respect - author unknown". It is nice to know you remembered it. my Grandfather believed strongly in the importance of people treating each other with mutual respect no matter what their differences. He gave no less and expected the same in return. He actually went from a 6th grade education to being the World's most reknowned Art Auctioneer and enjoyed a career of 66 years. The pebble is a Jewish tradition. Living flowers that will die are never brought to the grave site. A pebble is placed on the headstone since a pebble is as permanent as our love. It also remains there to show others this person is not forgotten.
  11. Each move forward is a welcomed relief. Keep on going.
  12. I read the article and thought that is an interesting comment on how quickly China has changed from isolationism. I wonder what the same poll would say about Americans. I doubt there would be 40% that would marry a foreigner, particularly one of a different religion. Mmmm guess it takes Americans longer to change.
  13. 1 billion fires at grave sites. Doesn't sound Kyoto protocol compliant. I've seen pictures of the cars they send to grand pappy. Some are full sized and very ornate. We'll have to see how we do on mixing this custom. Our's is to clean the grave and leave a pebble showing remembrance. Now will she try to burn the pebble or should I make paper ones?
  14. Hey you're the one that called it a humor column and was I laughing? I respect a clear ability to observe life. Obviously I have little respect for what passes for news today. Perhaps that's yesterday, I haven't had a TV for two years. Has it changed any? I heard Dan Rather (the guy that got his job for faking news reports from Iran over 25 years ago) resigned for not being professional. Imagine after 25 years they added professionalism to his job description.
  15. Surprise, Surprize! You misspelled misspelled too but hey who's counting anyway. (writes down 478,986 in book). I thought Hary was what you call her monthly. That would be APRIL FOOL on you ------- ....... I'm 5,000 miles away.... April Fool on me doesn't matter what time of month it is. GUZ!!!!!! quit stalling.
  16. We rarely do this-Butttt then again???? congrats Poor Trigg. Maybe we should set a rule that posts be limited to three lines only. Seems all the mop slapping, and distractingly cute sheep, has limited his ability to concentrate beyond the third line.
  17. Trigg I bet your column brought relief from the daily grind to many people. No way could your sick humor be sicker than the reality the news shows us. Of course continual mop slapping may be taking its toll.
  18. Here is a good on line link resource for Chinese publications. http://www.kidon.com/media-link/prc.shtml
  19. Rick you seem to surface for air every 12 hours now. Is this something we should know about?
  20. They publish in Chinese now? Maybe it is in Vietnamese too.
  21. I don't know if the answer I got both from GUZ and DOS is the usual or not. Neither could tell me if it had been received back. They did tell me that I just have to wait because the case is waiting to be assigned an interview date. To me that did not seem to be the same thing but to both that seemed to answer the question. We are in the Limbo Zone where anything can happen. Release control of your life. GUZ will let you know what they like to in due time. I would say call DOS and email GUZ at least once a month. These inquiries are added to the file and demonstrate involvement and interest on your part. The last call to DOS, he read back my email to GUZ from the computer.
  22. I think the green december line is missing a line and a dot. Don't mean to be critical, I appreciate the info and hard work. I just got confused trying to follow my month line.
  23. We always called that "the Library" always keep reading material on top of the tank cover.
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