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Dan R

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Everything posted by Dan R

  1. Jim I'm confused so does that mean we need to pay or not. It seemed the instructions were clear but then maybe not.
  2. We have the same problem. After requesting a birth certificate from the city records and getting a tongue lashing from the official for loosing the original they gave her mother at birth, she was directed to the notary. We haven't been to interview yet, but a friend who has used the same document and is now in the U.S.
  3. Ok I saw I left out "may" between "It not" above. What do you expect from a person who has dealt with CSIS for nearly a year? Hey maybe it isn't Trigg's influence. Maybe he could even spell and use correct grammar before starting the K-1. Hhhmmm this might be worth researching from his early posts. If the data looks good perhaps we can talk to a lawyer about a class action suite! Guess I've lived in California too long.
  4. Roger if there were no attorneys how could we run the government or find anyone to be a politician? It not be the best job in town but someone has to do it. Gee, just imagine what things would be like without lawyers to run things.
  5. When I lived in Japan in the 70's there were a couple of "talents" like this Da Shan you mentioned. Asians seem very amused by us westerners that speak their language. I think it is because it is so unsuspected. As people who speak the language become more common the interest lessens. I'd say more power to him, sounds like a cushy job to have landed. As for Asians speaking English, I think there is little interest because Americans expect others to speak English. We tend to criticise if it is not proper, up to date or is a British accent Since we expect all others to learn English there is no interest in those that do. Low attendance in language classes in America is the result of the attitude that they learn ours we don't need their's. I only can say a few words correctly in Chinese. I am functionally literate in Japanese. If I say one or two words in either language correctly people are already congratulating me on being able to speak the language. On the other hand I have often been told by American friends when in a group including an Asian who I thought spoke English well, either if I could translate or to tell them to be quiet because no one understands them anyway. More than once when this happened and the language was Japanese I continued just in Japanese. I guess sometimes I loose my patience.
  6. Ok lets see if I can do this right. If you have QA or management experience in a field being developed or exported for China industry then you can apply for work as a consultant or quality auditor for Chinese and American companies. The demand is bif right now as China is rising to meet international standards.
  7. sorry boss interrupted and I hit enter,
  8. Too late for that Roger. Once China joined WTO the law schools overflowed and attorneys have relocated in droves. I am worried about the abulance chasers though for when I retire there. They probably will be monitoring my moves for an easy laowai mark. Seiously any type of industry consultant is needed in China to help with development and trade. QA
  9. Wonderful news! Congratulations to all of you.
  10. Just a quick addendum to this. This section of the law has been discussed before, and it's important to note that the 30/60 day clock does not begin to run on fiance(e) visas until the consulate is in receipt of all of the information from the applicant. Usually, the last piece of information is provided at the time of the interview. The length of time leading up to the interview is not really covered by this section. So does this mean that when there is a glitch at the time of interview that they must resolve it within 60 days not 6 months? Or does it mean that indefinite time can be expected until they have determined what additional information they need and we have responded and finally the up to 60 days begins?
  11. Different states and even different documents get notarized differently. Sa long as the notary stamp is used, it is singed, dated and the name of the notary is printed you should have no problem. I don't understand the notary not dating. When I went for certification of documents at DOS I had to get the county certification. They told me they would not accept it unless the name was printed or applied below the signature with a stamp. The clerk held up a pile of papers and said "These are all being mailed back for that reason". Needless to say I was picky at the courthouse about how they put the clerks name on.
  12. There seems to be a misconception going on that government is supposed to provide convenience for the people rather than the government employee. I wonder how this started. WOW !! cool where did you find the little head banger guy?
  13. While the hotels would enter my visa number when I registered, they were unconcerned that I was a foreigner if my SO signed the registration. Relax, you are in China where laws are guidelines and open to interpretation. I have found no one seems to give more information than asked for. I went to some areas I was told to be careful as they were off limits to foreigners. Everyone was friendly and no one cared that I was there. In China don't things an issue and then they are not. The police would not want every tourist passing through to come in to register so it is just the haphazard collection by hotels that satisfies the law. Now if you are staying long term I would say register. Chill out you are in China where you don't worry about anything unless it starts worrying over you. It is a food chain thing
  14. Boba I rent so I didn't want to damage the wall. I find a rubber mallet works as well
  15. J this looks like a great opportunity for a young lawyer starting out
  16. I don't know the answer but I certainly wish you good luck. I know you have been trying very hard for this. Hopefully being there will make a difference this time.
  17. In propaganda you always emphasise or create news that supports your point. You also ignore that which doesn't make your point. Most reporting world wide is done with this in mind. It is ironic that Taiwan would criticize the smuggling for sex trade as a Chinese problem. Last year there was a big issue regarding a Chinese bust of Taiwanese trafficing in kidnapped women. Taiwan issued a criticism of the activity but refused to arrest the men involved who were on Taiwan soil saying they had no evidence of a crime. Those picked up on a boat with the women in Chinese waters were arrested. In Kuala Lumpur there is a Chinese office to assist women who escape bondage. The Dutch government rejected last year a bill that would have given protection to women arrested in the red light district as illegal workers who were kidnap victims. The current policy is to deport home which has led to a high percentage of suicides among Asian women arrested (the woman is working illegally with no visa and often no passport but the brothel committed no crime). While China has reportedly suppressed violently the falun gung, the U.S. gives automatic refugee status to its members including its founder in the guise of protecting religion. Even though Qi Gung (which it is a cult off shoot of) is a method within TCM not a religion. In suppressing the cult China has outlawed all Qi Gung teaching and assembly but not medical treatment. Because of this my friends who are Qi Gung masters have lost most of their livelihood. These are different interpretations all supported in various ways by popaganda. Hhhmmm .... automatic refugee status. No waiting time.......... Hey Guz!!!!
  18. The petition doesn't expire while in process. Any documents received with it that expire will be requested again in the P-4. The applicant must have a passport that will not expire within 6 months because the visa can be used anytime during 6 months after receipt to enter the country. The visa is only valid for 90 days after entry to the country. During the 90 days application must be made for adjustment of status resulting from the marriage or the applicant must leave the country.
  19. I hope she isn't allergic to wool. The more the merrier.
  20. Darn and you haven't joined the revolutionary underground yet?
  21. propoganda from any viewpoint is still propoganda. Citizens of earth beware of what you are told.
  22. I am not expecting her to be a great cook. She keeps saying we wont go out for Chinese food when she comes. I am skeptical because I know she doesn't like to cook. However, I am a very good cook but hate to clean up. No listen and weep guys. She unwinds by cleaning and enjoys it. So once she is here no more cleaning up after myself!
  23. Whoopie Congratulations!! Now everyone move up in line!
  24. Mark Bejing regards the Pope in a similar way to the Dali Lama. You don't talk about him because The Catholic Church is not licensed. This is because they will not allow Chinese to have first allegiance to a foreign leader. There is a Chinese Catholic Church that is licensed as a local religion. They have done the same with Judaism because the head Rabbi is sent from Israel. It is the legacy of fear of Imperialism. The Western nations all led the seizing of territory by encouraging local converts. Japan in the early 1600's martyred all the converts to avoid China's fate. They shut out the west for 250 years while the rest of Asia was carved up. It is not hard to understand the paranoia but things will as always change.
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