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Dan R

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Everything posted by Dan R

  1. Wish she would come back and help us illiterates. If she had said Ni De Men it would be your gate but I'm sure she is being grammatically correct
  2. I find artificial aumentations of the human body tasteless. but I am hard to offend.
  3. Robert that sounds like the old bait and switch tactic in marketing. I thought he was a jerk, does she really want to do that to her best friend or is the friend the bait behind the tiger trap?
  4. Careful Roger! Hey, when you were a kid did you ever shove a stick into a hornets nest just to see what would happen?
  5. maybe he Instant Messaged her after all it is already 11:30 am on Sunday morning.
  6. Roger I can see we will have a tough job until GUZ let's them be together again. Legal briefs must be rough.
  7. Who me?????? Are you saying there is something wrong with taking a walk together.?????? What are you thinking??????????
  8. Roger after she gets here try side by side........... it's nice
  9. Tashima in all seriousness that picture at the top of the thread is the nicest one yet. You make a lovely couple and GUZ should see that.
  10. That sounds like jealousy Roger. May you also be blessed.
  11. Well California is very big in the date industry. I hope they sent you the Marjool and Honey dates. That is great snacking. Were they stuffed with walnuts or pecans?
  12. I don't know why they would need to know more. I don't mind putting down "natural delivery" but don't see why that would matter to them. As far as I know friends that were delivered by "Ceasarean" enjoy the same rights as citizen as I do. Maybe I should look into that more. Wonder if they believe in the stork or cabbage leaf. I'm not at that point but it appears, as you quote it, that it is not a question for those born in the U.S. On any government form all blanks must be filled, so this looks like an N/A to me. Don hasn't anyone scanned and posted the packet documents. This would be a big help in Links and Resources with listing by form #. If they are there, I'm missing them when I look. I don't even find this searching the internet. Please direct me to them.
  13. try this search they have LAX Hanoi for 960. http://www.yatratravel.com/ There are also many Vietnamese Travel Companies in Santa Ana and Westminster California that have cheap rates. That area is the largest Vietnamese community outside Vietnam so there are many Vietnamese services. Also yummy restaurants
  14. Good Job!! Before being assigned to a Consulate for processing the application is given a WAC number. When it is assigned to the Consulate it receives a number that includes the designation of the Consulate that is processing and the year. In most of our cases it gets the infamous GUZ.
  15. um my comp at home had a virus and wont display Chinese. I just had a chance to read this at work. I can read more than I know how to write or read a loud. Could you repeat this in pin yin please so I can practise my lingual oops... I mean linguistic skills. I have so much still to study. Oh, I think this qualifies for material supporting a relationship in case you were seeking an opinion. Did you reply in Chinese? I think starting a bilingual (no pun intended) legal service is fantastic. I wish I could be starting over. Well not actually, it has been fun getting here and we have our own plans built on my existing career.
  16. Frank maybe it is time to start demonstrating in the streets. We can call ourselves "Lovers without Borders". We'll bring back the old slogan "Make Love Not War". After all, without borders what do we need to defend? Think of how this would lower the need for taxes. I think we can get cross issue support for this.
  17. Darn if this is any hotter than those pics then maybe it will short my translator program.
  18. Lucky for you they picked such a nice guy to arrange a marriage with. Best not to mess with karma.
  19. Robert, There is still time and you don't need a printer. Copy the signature page, add your name and email it to Trigg at TriggM@aol.com
  20. Hi Everyone, It has been expressed that some may be hesitant at signing the letter because of reprecussions. I would counter that the more we have the less likely that anyone would want to show a pattern of reprisal for making our statement. We need numbers. So if you have been thinking about it please mail them to Trigg. We probably have over 30 now so it is unlikely they would want to pick on many of the group. It would be suspicious. The interviews discussed already this week seem to indicate a change. Maybe someone has already caught on. They seem to be shorter and less beligerant. LET'S GET OUR LADIES AND GENTELMAN WITH US SO OUR NEXT LIFE CAN BEGIN.
  21. Even I know enough to have already learned Dui Bu Qi Qin Ai De.
  22. Although I am not a Christian, I learned from my Grandfather that "any religion is worthy of respect that causes men to be good" I think the problem you are having has nothing to do with religion. It seems to be that he simply has not been avle to seperate from his ex because she is the mother of his children. I can understand this from my own experience. But I do not understand carrying it to the extent you describe or subjecting in to being included as what seems "a second wife". You are the now and deserve to be treated as number one.
  23. Well we gave it our best shot to get a fellow man some needed make up time. Oh well. Hhhhhmmm maybe he has learned apologizing to you has its rewards.
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