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Dan R

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Everything posted by Dan R

  1. Hhhhmmmm.... If any of the pics show you with a whip in hand, after careful consideration I believe it wise not to show them at the interview. Of course if you question this decision please feel free to post them here for a decision by the other members. Of course I don'yt mean to imply that you don't look great with a whip in hand, just that it might not be what GUZ expects of a petitioner.
  2. No matter what you believe in it is still between the two of you to work out.
  3. I am sorry to hear of the loss. It must be very hard having such a deep sorrow at a time that you have waited so long for.
  4. MSG affects some people but even those dont seem to react if it is added at low temp after cooking. That is why the main problem comes from soup boiled with the ingredient. Actually it is less risk than salt or tripolyphosphate that is added to commercial chicken and some other processed foods. Even those are not much problem unless you are at risk for congestive heart failure or trying to loose weight. The whole issue can be prevented by using mushroom powder or extract in cooking as a replacement for other flavor enhancers. It is often available at asian markets or health food stores. tripolyphasphate is a risk because it is used to bind water to meat to increase moisture to counter dryness and reduce cost by adding water. It does the same thing in the body but it has never been studied for risk other than to establish safety limits which only work if you don't eat such products often. If ypu eat out a lot you probably go over safe limits. This the government regards as your fault not theirs. Similar to using sodium nitrate/nitrite, it may be as big a cause of cancer as cigarettes but the government decided 70 years ago that is better than food poisoning from not having it in popular american foods like hot dogs bacon and ham. One was prohibited about 15 years ago because of health group lobbying but the body converts the other during digestion. All a game business first, health second.
  5. When I see something I want in China I do the bargaining. Then as we walk out she asks the shop owner for her commission for bringing the tourist in. Sometimes she doesn't have to say anything because we are convincing at the roles. They just ask her to pick out something for herself. This works great at small jewlery shops. She gets double
  6. Imagine how all the businesses that agreed to free or reduced fee service in exchange for being given credit mention feel about it.
  7. Ok Trigg I printed out the sig page and typed my own (even signed it). It is in the envelope ready to go out tomorrow. Add me to the list. Hey, how about a ratio chart by state of submittals. How is California doing? By the way our Govenator didn't declare that we are all "girlie men". California is a bastion of the "rugged individual". A blend of a bit of everything and we still manage not to have a civil war. That might be because you never find more than 2 or 3 people here that agree with each other for more than an hour.
  8. She can go to her local post office to get it. It is a system they use.
  9. Robert careful of those thoughts! Save them for June. By the way have you gotten your passport yet?
  10. In California only acupuncturists can be licensed herbalists. Unfortunately most degrees from overseas for professional jobs require further education after getting here. They might look into vocational schools which lead to licenses and can be completed in less than a year. In today's job market these actually get better return for the investment quicker. This includes many fields from doing nails to IT consultants. I have known several new immigrants who have set up day care in their homes. It usually isn't hard to find mothers from their countries that need day care. These are state licensed usually but very easy to get.
  11. Robert, I wont tell Thoa you gave jgrier a hug . Anyway that was a brotherly hug of reassurance right?? I would think if your pic was on the cover of the file the VO would definitely move it to the top of the stack( good thinking to have both of your pics on it). That's just a brotherly observation. Careful girl you are among guys who have spent months thinking Cheetoes are their best friend. Actually it might not be a bad idea to have our photoes blown up so we can stare at them from the desk during the interview.
  12. Once again Trigg, "You Da Man!" So the way you teach us you have perfected over time?
  13. Do you guys mean you are lucky enough to be avoiding the tattoo issue? I was very surprized last visit to see so many girls with shoulder and midriff tattoos in Liaoyang, Liaoning Sheng. It is a very conservative rural area that also just opened China's largest Buddhist temple.
  14. Remember that structures in China didn't use to be made to last. Many homes and buildings that look to us there 30-50 years old are 10-15 years old. There are two reasons for this. !) Sealers and glazed brick etc. isn't used. The outside weathers rapidly. 2) In parts of China they still practise the seasonal element and cycles way of life. In that each twelve year cycle homes are rebuilt. I found that many people that didn't even know the beliefs (Tao, Buddhism, Feng Sui, Animism, etc.) still would say that it is the correct way if you can afford it. China is a mix of many belief systems and as communist anti religous theory weakens many are returning in oddly blended and only partially remembered forms. Very Interesting what influence will hit them next. The only sure thing is that frugality usually wins.
  15. Jim that would probably make the Boston Tea Party look like a wive's social.
  16. Jim it all depends what regional style she likes. The taste varies widely. There is a famous restaurant in Shenyang that does a mutton, vegetable and mushroom hot pot that is not spicy. Recently the Sichuan style which is called Ma La Tong (dumbing hot soup) has also become popular in Liaoning Sheng. They are all easy to make as long as you know the seasonings. They all are cooked at the table and you must be able to bring the pot to a slow boil for quick cooking. The internet has many styles given as Mongolian Hot Pot, Fire Pot, Shabu Shabu and others. Add to the search the Province name and you will find different styles for each. Mountain areas use mutton, plains beef and coastal seafood. Enjoy experimenting!
  17. If the flights are on schedule 3 hours should be about right. That gives her 1.5 to clear customs and go to the other terminal and 1.5 to clear the next security and board. If you can handle that in China you can probably do it anywhere else in a breeze. Have you ever tried navigating the Chinese train stations?
  18. Nothing much to be aware of. Just get in line. After immigration push through those waiting at the luggage carrousel and grab any bag that looks like yours. Proceed to the next line. Show bags if you are singled out otherwise go up exit ramp. Pretty much your typical airport. Are you meeting at the exit from customs or is she waiting for transfer? What is she doing once she is free on her own? The longest part and most difficult is getting through the crowd to pull your bags off the carrousel. Usually the whole thing takes 25 to 30 minutes even if it seems longer.
  19. You already said you used your parents address for all official things. That means it would be the address that pops up if anyone checks. I would only mention the parents address and any China addresses that are supportable.
  20. Bruce sounds like a wonderful trip. We went up the Chiangjiang to Chongqing, beautiful area. I also look forward to meeting the nephews. I agree that traditional cultures share much of the same values. Yes the Mama's seem disappointed at not being able to converse without a translator. I need to learn quick. Do you think not wanting to have their son or daughter translate means they are trying to warn us about something?
  21. Great News!!! Congratulations and Best Wishes!
  22. The sweet does not actually compensate for the salt. extra salt adds to the alkalininty. Both together changes the dish slightly and adds to undesirable dietary supplements. That said if it tastes good to you don't argue.
  23. If you activate Asian language and the simplified PRC soft keyboard in XP or 2000 windows you can type in Chinese. There was an earlier string with more details try searching the site for it if you don't find it.
  24. But this one advertised Hot Pot which is hard to find, although I don't know what style they make.
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