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Dan R

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Everything posted by Dan R

  1. Jim that was interesting reading. Thanks for the research. The issues around dual citizenship are surrounded by loyalty and participating in government. Basically most countries want to know they can count on their citizenry in times of war and want to reduce conflicting loyalties. How this is applied in law keeps changing with new legal decisions. The government only allows citizens to work on sensitive projects which dual citizenship disqualifies from. Since WWII this has become complicated by the fact that some countries like Israel do not accept renouncing ones citizenship. Once a citizen always a citizen. This has been the position of many socialist and communist counties which usually have heavy investment in the citizens (education, housing, health etc.). In the old days marrying a Chinese or Russian would have required you to pay back the government before they leave. The other major issue is in a democracy, who is allowed to vote? Should people with divided loyalties be allowed to vote. Prior to 1980's it was thought dual citizenship violated the responsibility of voting because of possible conflicts of interest. The view towards this has changed in the courts as it is recognized that many Americans have divided interests. International business, family ties etc. may all contribute. In the last election both parties recognized the importance of Americans overseas by setting up campaign headquarters in other countries as well as visiting to give campaign speeches. The world is changing. I am sure citizenship issues will change even more before most of our Sos qualify for U.S. citizenship. It is surely something to keep an eye on and consider carefully from multinational angles.
  2. Joray, Do you know Victoria from Gibraltar? I've messaged with her back and forth on www.virtualtourist.com. She has been a reporter for CCTV.
  3. Well of course we must do the AOS because now they are staying. So why did we need more than what is required for a visitor's visa if it is only good for 90 days and not extendable? But I am sure they did it to protect our best interests.
  4. Yes really Robert. By the way that new pic of Thoa looks better than the last
  5. Ah yes Agent 99, now there was a tigeress. Ggggrrrrrr
  6. Congratulations on the birth certificate. Dalian is very far from Hanoi and tickets are expensive. Isn't there somewhere closer you can go to study? Winter is also very cold there. What about somewhere like Sanya? Is there a reason you don't want to stay in Hanoi?
  7. It was an accident. The comp froze and I thought it didn't post. Really
  8. First welcome to the waiting room where life beautiful all the time. Well at least we try to help each other along the way and listen to each others venting. Really CFL has helped me wait although I hope time is getting close. Yes Jenny says no problem. She didn't realize waiting room was a figurative term and took it literally. You might say she sent Jack in with unfair evidence of a relationship (pictures of a pregnant wife). I wonder if she sent an ultra sound picture of the twins. I would have to go over again soon to try the same trick, but no trips now til she gets here. Anyway welcome to the group.
  9. No! No! No! My first and only pinned post. Please not yet! Oh did I just move one notch closer to my next blue thingie? That was just an accident. It was the shock of being unpinned really. I'm OK now.
  10. Gee this sounds very tempting. Seems to do everything meditation and yoga do but doesn't require the time. Very interesting.
  11. Gee this sounds very tempting. Seems to do everything meditation and yoga do but doesn't require the time. Very interesting.
  12. Michael I prefer not using the term "permanent employee" because it is simply a legal term for not seasonal or temporary worker. It impresses more if there is a statement expressing that the work would continue. Just my personal preference and it has seemed to help in at least several of the over 100 letters I have written for immigration petitions.
  13. Oh if you have benefits that would help with the support that you couldn't show in other documentation, this is a good place to present them from the third party. It can be stated as; As part of John Doe's compensation for his work the company has issued him a car for personal use and gas allowance. Our company provides medical and dental insurance for employees and spouses. I think you can get the idea. Put in what shows the job is stable, should continue and anything that helps with support or easing your personal expenses.
  14. I have to write them all the time for the employees. Actually I wrote mine and had the General Manager sign it. I thought that would be more effective than me signing as HR manager. To Whom It May Concern; John Doe is currently employed at our company in the position of lowly servant. He has worked for our company since 1899. He is an excellent employee. He has proven himself to be dependable and diligent. I have no reason to think that his employment is anything but permanent with our company. If you have any other questions please contact me at the above given phone number. Sincerely, General Bullmoose President Be sure that it is on company letterhead (these days computer generated is fine). All government agencies like to see some kind of statement stating that they expect the job to continue indefinitely.
  15. Roger was it painful to write under such restraints?
  16. Here in Los Angeles there are many places to pick up Chinese newspapers. You might subscribe to one of these. http://www.worldjournal.com/About_us-e.php However why have delivery? Many Chinese local papers are available online. She can see the U.S. news from the one listed above also available online and subscribe to ones in China. China View from Xinhuanet (now one of the world's leading news agencies, look at the bylines in American papers) gives the Chinese Government line and good international coverage. http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/
  17. This is wonderful news. It shows that the powers that be can and do sometimes listen. Congratulations, now we are waiting for your announcement of one more CFL white slip. Bukeqi
  18. When Ping was studying English she loved picking up idioms and sayings. I like the way she talks. I hope she wont learn these expressions. Ah well, live and learn. Hey I'm an American and don't speak like that. At least I know not to tell her she shouldn't use a word. That only makes her use it more.
  19. You want hold music!!!!!! Do you realize how much that would drive our taxes up????? After the Napster thing I bet the gov would be made to pay royalties for each play of each song. Besides do you really want to listen to a continual loop of the Unfinished Symphony? Someone should come up with a way of choosing the music you want to listen to while on hold. Sometimes I get tired of sexually explicit lyrics about killing his girl friend's lover. You are probably wondering how can I get tired of that stuff. I don't know but sometimes I do.
  20. Believe me Roger we do feel the pain. We cry with each other's set backs and rejoice with each white slip and arrival. We are all linked in this which makes us a community.
  21. I know what you mean. So many things have been put on hold in life waiting to be a functioning couple. Sometimes couples go out and you are single. Someone says "call your girlfriend/boyfriend to come too", uh huh, right. Go out and see a really nice couch on sale. Can't even find out if they like it as much as you do or they prefer one different. Waiting isn't fun. I think it is great that you can talk with his Mom on the phone. I'd love to talk with family and friends. I wish people here knew who I am talking about when I mention her. They don't know who she really is. If I don't hear from GUZ by late spring I think I better start talks with Jose. Have to get ready for work now. I think I'm depressing myself before I start the day. Maybe that is why we pretend it is all about sex, so we can laugh about it.
  22. I don't know anyone who has made the transition from Permanent Resident (Green Card) to Citizen. If you are just waiting for interview, citizenship is a long ways away. Years in fact. My friends all are Permanent Residents and have no problem visiting China. Even during the first year after arriving as long as you have reentry permission from USCIS there is no problem with a visit. Several people I know live in China and only visit the U.S. once or twice a year. Others have jobs that send them back and forth every few weeks. I've never heard of the problem you mention, but why worry it would be over 7 years for citizenship.
  23. Well I could introduce you to Jose in Tiajuana. If you can get him to Honduras he can do the rest. Just $3000.00 plus bus fares.
  24. Unfortunately this bill failed and the Senator is not willing to propose an alternative. She says if it comes up again she would remember your letter when she considers a new bill. That is just governmentese for thanks but no thanks. THe Bill she mentioned is not what we are looking for. It was for additional regulation of Marriage Broker businesses which the government believes are a major source for the sex trade. Currently Marriage Brokers are advised to require criminal checks on their clients but there is no enforcement. Making the government responsible for checking was not something congress wanted to do. Also because of the privacy act the Marriage Brokers only have information available which is public record and/or the client chooses to reveal. They didn't want to do this yet a Massage Therapist applying for a license in the U.S. must supply fingerprints and wait 60 days for the results of an FBI criminal check. If this check is to be added to the process, we must always make it clear that it should be run concurrently with the present processing beginning at the time the application goes to USICS. If this is not the case the government will treat it as a step in the process. Thus extending the current process by another 60 days minimumly. Be careful what you wish for.
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