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About ndjarrett

  • Birthday 11/14/1968
  1. We bought a proline for $700. We used to have one of those internal venting things that never worked. It wasn't too bad to put in the venting to the outside either since out kitchen was rignt under some attic space.
  2. I have read other posts on the web that say that after they have lived here for 5 years they may be able to buy Medicare Part A & B which even this Medicare link aludes to. I guess that would be better than nothing...we just need to figure out what to do for 5 years.
  3. We are in the process of preparing all the fun paperwork for Yaya's parents to stay here permanently. The only big concern is health insurance for them. So, I was just wondering if anybody knew if they would be eligible for Medicare/Medicaid after this process (I think one is 68 and the other is 63)?
  4. The way I know of is that she can get certified by CGFNS (http://www.cgfns.org/). If she passes English & Skills test then she just needs to take the certification to the Nursing Board in her state and pass its test and she will be a nurse in the U.S. The best thing is to have her get the CGFNS certification taken care of over there before she comes to the U.S. My wife did not do this over in China and could not get all required docs once she was here. So, now, she is just a Nurse Aid (after being a nurse for over 7 years in China) and is trying to get a GED here so she can go to college.
  5. Yaya finally got her letter for the Oath Ceremony. Amongst other things, they are asking her to bring: 1) Reentry permit or Refugee Travel Document 2) Any Immigration documents you have Qs... 1) She has never left the country and was not a refugee, so I assume we don't need anything for this? Or are we still expected to bring something? 2) Which documents? All the paperwork for this process? Or, all paperwork work I have ever filed starting with I129? I wish they could be more specific. Any help is welcome
  6. Dunno which forum this should go in. But, my wife's parents are here on a visitor VISA which is good thru next April. However, the New York POE only gave them a 6 mth I-94 which expires Nov 10. We filed the paperwork (I-539) Sept 1st to extend their visit expecting not to have any problems like the last time they visited. But, the VSC is only processing I539 from May right now (UGH). Can her parents stay (legally) in the US until we get an answer on the extension? IF my wife chooses to have them stay anyway, would it cause problems later after she gets her citizenship (hopefully soon) and applies to bring her parents here permenantly?
  7. Thanks, I was afraid of that. Well, one more answer to her question "What to I get for becoming a Citizen other than Social Security and voting?". LOL...she could care less about voting.
  8. Hey folks...been a while since I visited. Yaya wants to bring her parents to the USA to live with us. What paperwork do we need to file (I-130 and what else)? And, can we even file it? I see on the I-130 it mentions a US cutizen bringing parents over. She only has her perm res card. Can a US Citizen (me) apply for her parents or does she need to go thru the process to be come a citizen 1st (If so, what are the steps for that)? I am sure there have been posts on this in the past...but my search skills have not dug them out. Any help is appeciated.
  9. The same here, she never carries her GC, just her state ID. Always thought it would be better to leave at home, now we know better Unfortunately, here in TN, Yaya's driver's license used to say "Not Vlid For ID" until she got her 10 year card. So, she did have to carry it around for a while.
  10. Congratulations Now tell us how is Mempho? Did you find a nice house in South Haven? LOL...yes, it seems lotsa people working in Memphis seem to live on the MS side of the border. Dunno why...TN has no state tax. I actually live in Codova (NE of Memphis). I like it out here. The drivers are somthing else (lotsa idiots)...but what big city isn't that way. Still not as bad as DC was. While my buddies are out shoveling thru the blizzard( hah hah) in IA, I could be riding my motorcyle down here. Just met the X back up in St Louis...DAMN it was cold up thar. Yup, we done bought us a house. I have pics posted at http://www.att.net/p/PWP-NealYaya. Take a peek. Yaya even clipped some of me dong tree climbing/cutting (4 more to go). I don't work from home any more (got caught in yet another "restructuring"). But, it only took 1 month to find a job this time. And, no more QA automation crap...QA always gets cut first. Now I will be doing .NET dev. But,that means I now have to learn to co-exist with these Memphis drivers...LOL. B)
  11. Yaya got her Permanent Resident Card and we did NOT have to do an interview. WOOHOO
  12. UGH!!! Ditch the Ford not the MOPAR dude!! LOL Unfortunately, MOPARs are just too damned expensive to play with these days (even the 6 banger swingers...thanks Barrett-Jackass ) or I would have one. Got a bike (Yamaha Roadstar) instead. At least it's paid for. That's exactly what happened to me last Dec. In Nov I was told how great I was doin and they even paid for training so I could convert/manage a new program. But, they were not going to make their EOY projections. So, of course, just cut some people in Dec and everything will be great...unfortunately that included me. We are doin OK these days. We still got some left over crap hangin on the credit cards. But, we are paying them slowly, then we can start throwing extra payments at the damned cars (NO, no big SUVs here), and hopefully build the savings back up. Yaya got a week-end CNA job so that will help. Hopefullly, someday, she will be able to take the tests and get her RN license transferred here.
  13. No SHIT! I just went through that spell for 3 months recently, and now have NO savings. If it happens again...the 401k would also disappear (damn near tapped it this time). And, should we talk about the massive salary adjustment (reduction) I had to take just to land something else?
  14. Dude, just keep her away from Memphis. My wife is already terrorizing the city.
  15. Depends where you live I guess. When I lived in IA, my Congressman was useless...but my Senator was quite helpful.
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