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Dan R

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Everything posted by Dan R

  1. Yup they decided they don't need your right ear to determine if you have a propensity for terrorism or not.
  2. Wow your timeline seems to be running fast. Congratulations! Did you have a chance to try Shenyang Duck? I think it is better than Peking Duck.
  3. We live in a country which has free speech without any requirement to be truthful or nonmalicious unless proven libelous in court or promoting specific violence within the U.S. Now if the broadcasts resulted in atttacks on mainland Chinese they could be stopped if it was proven in court that they had promoted such attacks. I am not making light of this. I do take it seriously. In many parts of the country cities and states require that libraries buy books that claim the holocaust never happened and is a Jewish play for sympathy. This supposedly balances the historical events for freedom of speech. It also brings great pain to the remaining holocaust survivors in this country. In the protection of freedom it is better to err on the side of excess.
  4. Don't you have a gas line in the kitchen to change your stove to a gas one? Most kitchens have a line. When I moved to this apartment I was glad they have a gas stove. A gas stove gives much more control and gets higher heat for stir fry. I don't like cooking on electric and the ovens are terrrible. If there is no gas line, there are beautiful outdoor propane/natural gas grills today that are as fancy as any stove. If you just want something simple on the counter (have a good exhaust fan) Coleman is the way to go http://www.centurycamping.com/stoves/camping/
  5. The crime in China today is reminiscent of the American NE rust belt of the 70's. Infrastructure was decaying. Industry was moving out, unemployment climbing and crime on the rise with police unprepared. China is going through similar changes today. The good news is everything changes, let's hope it is for the better.
  6. Well Dan I am not Mr. Language Person but it appears to me that the manual is in English, Japanese, Chinese and Korean. The buttons and readouts are only in English but of course those are translated in the manual. Thanks Roger.
  7. Roger I was just looking at them on line. They just say it comes with a multilanguage instruction manual. Was the display in different languages too? I'm surprised that Sanyo would be in Chinese rather than Japanese. It certainly is fancy. looks like you can make about anything that slow cooks or steams.
  8. J it is about time you showed up. Where have you been? Your threads have been dropping down on the forum. Were you out celebrating while there were those of us needing your solicitous support?
  9. For rice cookers around here I think Fry's Electronics has the best prices. $20 to $50 for the regular ones. I'm not sure a rice cooker is a problem. She is from the north and from what I saw there they eat little rice. Also I'm trying to slim down a little and watch my health so I don't eat my 2 cups a meal anymore either. Actually I am very curious to see what she considers necessities. She keeps saying cleaning things are important and that she doesn't expect a man to know what to get.
  10. $250.00 !!!!!1 she'd kill me for spending that on a pot replacement. I think I'll get stats' post laminated
  11. Roger where did you get the nifty rice cooker? I haven't had one since I went on my own. I do most of my cooking in a wok or pressure cooker. The microwave gets almost no use. It would be cool to have the rice cooker you describe. What is the brand? On second thought I wonder if i'd be risking a slap for thinking she doesn't know how to make rice. Yesterday on the phone I was telling her that if she doesn't get her driver's license in China then she can ride the bus here. I was immediately accused of not being worried about her safety. "You don't worry about me to be safe witth bad men on bus and what do if lost?". I tried to explain that it isn't so bad and we can see the bus route and boarding instructions on the internet. I think I better keep quiet on this until she is here. Then maybe she'll discover it on her own.
  12. Oh Wow!!!!! Does that mean she can have her visa tomorrow or in 15 days? I'm glad K-1 is non-immigrant. Oh wait but it says a non-immigrant does not intend to stay permanently in the U.S. (At GZ consulate) But sir we are getting married. That is why it requires almost as much time as an immigrant. Oh, so she is an immigrant but she is not. Exactly! So can we pick up the visa tomorrow? No you aren't listening, your applicant intends to stay in the country. So we must check very carefully to assure they are not terrorists as the risk is greater than the man I just approved for a tourist visa who had the funny candles tied around his waist with a long silly wick. He only wants to visit for a week and see all of our great monuments. But your applicant wants to marry an American, highly suspicious. Ok so after we wait for a year so you can be sure this is the real thing and check her out for security and the high risk of introducing a disease to the country, then we can live like ordinary Americans? Don't be silly, at that point she becomes a renewed risk and an actual immigrant so you must start all over again. So while we wait can she work? That is highly confidential information and depends on many many factors. Well thank you, you certainly have cleared things up for me and it is so reassuring that all the money spent on antiterrorism is being put to such good use.. (As walking away from the consulate) Pssst Senor, I have a way to have her at your house in a week. No advance pay, just have cash ready when she arrives. $3000 in small bills please. Hey Trigg you are still Da Man! GUZ isn't a member in CFL. But if they ever show up they will definitely threaten your jester standing.
  13. Groucho was a very wise man. He also said: Outside of a dog, man's best friend is a book. Inside a dog it is too dark to read. Very astute that man. One of America's great philosophers obviously. They may have Confucius but we have Marx.
  14. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! One more down can I move up in line? Wonderful News, Best Wishes.
  15. Someone sounds like a proud Papa. That's fantastic Trigg. Now how will you prevent her from Americanizing?
  16. In many cities unemployment has been on the rise as companies have been privatized. Feather bedding which was the norm to provide full employment has ended with companies trimming employees for efficiency. As the economy booms costs and expectations rise and government stipends for unemployment or retirement don't cover expenses. This was the main reason explained to me for high increase in crime. Opportunity is readily there with old structures not built with safety in mind and little lighting because it was thought better to save money. A friend's son was attacked by restaurant kitchen workers who said he stole a man's wallet as he walked past the restaurant. A policeman inside arrested him. He was taken to jail and held for two days before released in the father's custody. He was then taken for treatment of cuts bruises and lost teeth (they had attacked him with two baseball bats and a metal shovel. They have hired an attorney for the trial. The whole thing is very strange. This happened last week in a good part of L.A. Crime is everywhere to more or lesser degrees. If you worry too much about it you can't function. Always take reasonable precaution whereever you go.
  17. check out this previous threead on the subject http://candleforlove.com/forums/index....ac35d5f5c450b7f
  18. I wouldn't have offered if I minded. ..... Do you need a mind to mind? Will any level of function do? Oh I was answering you. Of course not anything for a friend!
  19. Thanks Trigg. When I find something that works I go all out with it.
  20. You've got the idea Trigg but consider a sliding scale. A= $1.00, B= $3.00, C= $9.00, D= $27.00 and F = $81.00. Now she will study to avoid being broke or indebted to you. By the time she finishes school you have increased retirement security. A win win situation. But play fair, no introducing a boy friend or hiding her books and homework so you can get rich off of this. After all this is simply teaching her the benefit of excelling. That other system usually is faulty because if the child doesn't want to work for the extra cash they will just slack off and mooch off Mom or friends. Only a hungry horse will run for the carrot, but any horse runs from a stick.
  21. I was giving this lots of thought through the night. It finally ocurred to me that perhaps it refers to the official who has the case rather than the case itself. Perhaps this is why it takes so long to complete. Consider that it keeps being passed around the consulate. Now these people work under a lot of pressure. Maybe this indicates that while working hard on your case the official finally couldn't take it anymore. Now they would hardly want to record "passed to another worker because of a nervous break down". They wouldn't get any applicants to replace the old. So they simply indicate that the person is "touched" in the head. Bahan I think I needed to be touched last night so that I didn't end up touched.
  22. Hey guys she is already getting A's. Why pay her and teach her to only excell when bribed. Ah I see she is failing Capitalist class.
  23. Is it time for us to help pick the photos? Really we don't mind helping out a fellow CFLer.
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