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Dan R

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Everything posted by Dan R

  1. http://uscis.gov/graphics/formsfee/forms/f...files/I-864.pdf THat's the form and instructions on USCIS's site. You do need it notarized so no the dates can not be added later. Just go over everything that is needed. Bring what you can back with you and the other things which you can fill out with your parents can be sent Fedex or DHL after notarizing. Good luck!
  2. Congratulations At least you are being calm about it. I find it amazing that they think nothing of giving such short notice. Now get back to work.
  3. Ok have fun with family and then come back to us. We will be here. Let's hope they give him first interview.
  4. Only 10 minutes and you still call it fun. What a patient guy and after that you are still going to Las Vegas. Gee it must be love.
  5. No she does not have to stop working. It is mostly up to employer's policy though. Do not bring it up unless the employer does. Most employers, myself included, do not keep close tract of expirations and review only annually if that. As long as the AOS is in progress the employer might face a wrongful termination law suit for terminating without a notice to terminate from the government. The temporary permit had the intent of her finding continual employment based on her applying for AOS. Unless there is a rejection of the AOS, termination would violate the intent of the permit which must be determined in court. Because the issue is so involved and can not be decided without a federal labor board hearing most employers just wait for additional paper work from the government rather than risk the liability.
  6. Thanks J, I'm not looking forward to that night. be gone for about an hour but will get back here as soon as I can. Tomorrow this is where I'll be.
  7. OMG.. so we're one day away !! Now David gets it. Now do you know what we will all be doing tomorrow evening? Gosh I hope he gets in early so I can get some sleep. I have a long day Monday.
  8. David haven't you got the time difference thing right yet? I wish Ping would. She doesn't seem to understand why I prefer to talk after her breakfast rather than in her afternoon or after her dinner when it is "more convenient"
  9. Until recently almost all land in Hawaii belonged to several families that supported the over throw of the Hawaiian Royalty by the United States and pushed for annexation. The land was leaseheld by the residents. It rarely meantany difference other than that you had no claim to the land as an asset. You owned only what was built on it. Families leased and renewed leases for over a hundred years before the State legislature began dismantling the system. In the United States there are many properties that are leasehold but they are mostly commercial. So yes lease hold exists in the U.S. In China the changes recently made to the constitution to protect private property give many more rights to the land owner than before. In answer, you still own the building and have the right to use the land. Even with landownership in the U.S. the right of eminent domain prevails and that is the same in both countries.
  10. And what about the one who comments on the comment?
  11. Boring ??? There is something more exciting than finding things? That got me my first trip to China.
  12. Go here and pick your city East is the only coast. http://education.yahoo.com/reference/factb...k/vm/index.html I wonder how Hong Gai or Haiphong would be. Maybe you should check them out.
  13. Is that the Atlantic City East Coast or the Shanghai East Coast?
  14. Interesting data site. I see they pretend Jews don't exist again even though the U.S. gov restored Jews to minority status under Reagan. Oh well maybe that means discrimination has ended I guess the data might help in finding cities with things oriented towards a particular group or to put together a mailing list to sell stickers that say "I'm _______ and I'm Proud!"
  15. Perhaps you mean the Arahats or disciples of Buddha. Did you ever do the thing of determining your character and yearly fortune by counting steps for the number you are old from entering the temple? The Arahat you end up in front of represents your character and how you will deal with this year of your life. The statues are both to the left and right of the entrance. Men walk to the left and women to the right. I ended up in front of a statue that looked so much like me it made the woman interpreting it laugh. Luckily he turned out to be a good disciple and like me was a teacher. The Arahats came from all walks of life and followed many paths. The display of the statutes represents all the characters of humanity and how each can improve through Buddhist study.
  16. It's the little old lady from pasadena It's the little old lady from pasadena Go granny, go granny, go granny go Got a pretty little flower bed of white gardenias Go granny, go granny, go granny go But parked in her rickety old garage Is a brand new shiny red super-stock dodge And everybody's saying there's nobody meaner Than the little old lady from pasadena She drives real fast and she drives real hard She's a terror out on colorado boulevard It's the little old lady from pasadena You can see her on the street just gettin' her kicks now Go granny, go granny, go granny go With her four speed stick and her four-twenty-six now Go granny, go granny, go granny go She�s gonna get a ticket now sooner or later �cause she can�t keep her foot off the accelerator And everybody�s saying there's nobody meaner Than the little old lady from pasadena She drives real fast and she drives real hard She�s a terror out on colorado boulevard And everybody's saying there's nobody meaner Than the little old lady from pasadena She drives real fast and she drives real hard She's a terror out on coloradooulevard It's the little old lady from pasadena If you see her on the street don't try to choose her Go granny, go granny, go granny go You may have a goer but you'll never lose her Go granny, go granny, go granny go The guys come to race her from miles around But she�ll them a length and she�ll shut �em down And everybody's saying there's nobody meaner Than the little old lady from pasadena She drives real fast and she drives real hard She�s a terror out on colorado boulevard It's the little old lady from pasadena Go granny, go granny, go granny go Granny go Go granny, go granny, go granny go Granny go Go granny, go granny, go granny go Granny go Go granny, go granny, go granny go Granny go
  17. Kim, don't they prefer black goats? "Now sheeps are a bit easier. If you have practiced enough, you can just talk 'em out of their skin and on to the barbie." Trigg isn't that the analyst's version of Davey Crockett's method of grinnin' them down?
  18. Are there places where you actually buy land? I thought most of China is lease hold. Haven't seen anywhere yet that wouldn't sell a building for the right price. Trigg personally I don't like the idea of needles being poked in my skin and prefer to do acupressure. "Do you want me to get a complex and spend years in needles therapy?? I thought you typed an extra "s" and fixed it
  19. Tony how'd you miss Little Manila along Temple Street near downtown. I use to buy roasted pigs there for parties and eat diniguan and fried patas. Hsi Lai Su Buddhist Temple is just like the ones in China. It is big and on a hillside. Many monks live and study there. Hey David are you interested? Homes are very high low end right now 400,000. Gas is among the highest in U.S. even though the refineries are here. However I do not use a heater or air conditioner and you need no winter change of clothes. Public transportation is poor. It also helps as you cross L.A. to be bilingual. Any two of the following would get you through the city. Spanish and English tied at first and then Korean, Armenian or Chinese (Putonghua passed Guangdonghua a few years ago for usage here).
  20. Congratulations!!!!!! Two days before ours. Is anyone at CFL going to get the 14th? Jim got the 16th. June is lining up as another big month of interview dates for CFL posters.
  21. First we will have to see the outcome of the rasslin match. Try practicing with the clever on rabbirs and squirrels. Once you get good at you shouldn't have a problem with hair on the meat. The catfish works well on a flat surface but try hanging the goats by the rear legs. It will be easier. Oh before I forget, did you try killing them first? If not this could be the reason for the wiggle as goats are fiesty critters that don't like being butchered. Unlike sheep that will ....... (decided not to say [ did I just use better judgement? I'm calling Dad he'll be proud] wouldn't want this kicked to the LL like so many posts recently. The LL is getting crowded. You have to watch what you say or someone might get the wrong idea and run with it.)
  22. "(there was a cougar warning posted last year on one local trail, but don't worry, they only feed at night --- sheep and goats mostly, so I hear...)" Ok well I'm willing to rassle a couger for a good sheep or goat BBQ if Trigg will do the butchering.
  23. Bet you can't wait to get back here Trigg. That Ontario truck stop makes great pancakes for breakfast.
  24. Wait only a rack? On a BBQ I'd suggest a couple of shoulders so there is some meat to pull off and serve. A rack only makes 10 small lamb chops. But as long as there is a beef/pork alternative I'll keep my mouth shut except to feed myself. After all beggars can't be choosers and we did crash the party.
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